Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3887: Futian Santana

"Hey, look at this trouble," Chen Taizhong shook his head dubiously. He did say that Xinxin had fifty generators and he had to make the decision.

In this way, Liu Haifang can’t be wrong. For ordinary cadres, the implementation of organizational intentions—in fact, leadership intentions—is the first priority consideration. In particular, his district chief is extremely strong.

But the situation is already like this. She persisted so much that she didn't even ask her own district chief. Chen Taizhong was a little speechless. Of course, he could think that district chief Liu didn't ask for instructions. "Intervention" impression.

To be a human being in advance is not a matter of fact. It can be seen everywhere. District Mayor Chen smiled and walked into the office to call Liu Haifang, "Haifang, the generator that has arrived, you can help me distribute a batch , Mainly for agricultural exports."

"I have an idea. The fifty generators are for rent only. Don't allocate them for use," District Mayor Liu replied on the phone. "It is necessary for the district to have the right amount of generators to deal with emergencies... …The idea didn’t have time to report to you."

"Mobility?" Chen Taizhong pondered and found that what she said was really reasonable. Now that the generators in the district are allocated, only 20% of the purchase cost is charged to the applicants, even if the generators are given to the bureau or township. , The district can be supervised and used-after all, the big head is from the district, but it cannot be requisitioned and arranged at will.

"You make sense," District Mayor Chen didn't expect that Mayor Liu had this idea. "But you can distribute it first. After the last 50 units, we will discuss this issue."

After dealing with the matter, Chen Taizhong dealt with the matter at hand again. It was four o'clock in the blink of an eye. He stood up and went out, "Go, go to Dongchazi."

"Dong Chazi?" Liao Dabao hesitated and stood up, "Should I drive Santana?"

"If you don't drive Santana, can there be other cars?" Chen Taizhong gave him a strange look. "What do you want to say?"

"It's nothing," Director Liao hesitated again, and then smiled and said, "It was when you were away two days ago, everyone heard that the second car was parked in the district zhèngfǔ, and they all breathed out, saying that you don't need to worry about you suddenly Appeared, like these three or four o'clock, the weather is the hottest, your car is missing... No one in the district dared to rest, not as good as construction workers."

"Then let them change with construction workers, who would I think?" Chen Taizhong snorted dissatisfiedly. "As a cadre, you can't lead by example. There are a lot of strange things... Well, forget it, there is a problem with the power supply these two days. Too lazy to care about them."

After speaking, he turned back to his office again. It was Futian now, the hottest time of the year. The leading cadres must take the lead, but once his car disappears, all cadres in the district will be panicked. It's too much.

In fact, staying in the office, time flies quickly, and the cool air conditioner is blowing. District Chief Chen casually looks at the documents, writes something, meets two more people, and it's off work.

However, he did not return to the courtyard today. Instead, carrying a bag of rice and two barrels of oil, he went to the family of a military martyred to give condolences. This family was the only son who died in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. At this time every year, the district Will organize condolences.

The old couple were not very enthusiastic about the arrival of the district chief. District Chief Chen personally cooked, fried an egg, fried a plate of peanuts, and mixed a tomato, and sat down and had a drink with the old man.

At this time, the old man had a little interest in talking and asked District Chief Chen whether he could recruit the son of the martyr's cousin into the army-the grandson of his wife's brother. "The Ministry of Armed Forces said this is not an immediate family member. ."

"It's really not an immediate family member," Chen Taizhong nodded. He doesn't mind helping this, but the army and the locality are basically two different things. It is bad rules to intervene in other people's business casually.

The old couple was silent for a moment. Although the weather was hot, the two were really old and weren't afraid of the heat. The old lady grabbed a handful of fried peanuts and chewed it chuckle, as if to vent some anger.

"Looking back, I will ask the military division. Don't expect it too much." Chen Taizhong couldn't stand the repressive atmosphere, and muttered softly. He was inconvenient to learn about this from Minister Hong, but asked Zong Baoguo. It's okay for a moment.

But the next moment, thinking of the blind auto soldiers mentioned by the staff of Zong, he added another sentence, "But I first declare that all conditions must meet the standards... Don't answer me right away and talk about it later."

"What did you say back?" The old lady finally said, "No disaster or disease, a sturdy boy."

"If it really meets the conditions, then I'll open my mouth," Chen Taizhong nodded, but ultimately refused to give the other party an affirmative answer-in an unfamiliar field, don't just make promises, you can't make people laugh.

On the way back to the courtyard, he asked Liao Dabao, "Is it difficult to move soldiers in Beichong?"

"I don't know this very well," Director Liao shook his head, and he added after hesitating. "But if it doesn't matter, it will cost 10,000 least the market in Yangzhou City."

"Tsk," Chen Taizhong grumbled his teeth and said nothing more. To him, 10,000 yuan is really not a thing, but for the people of Beichong, the amount is not small. It's - Liao Dabao couldn't save this amount in a year before he became Director Liao.

But even if the money is not much, he can't give it to him. There are many people worthy of sympathy, but some heads can't be messed up-there is always no friendship to that point.

Due to the delay on the way to and from the courtyard, even the weather forecast of CTV was finished. As District Chief Chen was not at home today and there were no other people walking around, he sent Liao Dabao away and planned to go upstairs to rest.

Unexpectedly, when someone knocked on the door, Chen Taizhong sighed helplessly, walked over to open the door and found that it was Liu Haifang and Wang Yuanyuan, so he turned and walked back, "I have eaten, have you two eaten?"

"We ate it at the Bureau of Agriculture," District Chief Liu replied with a smile. "Ten generators were delivered to them in the afternoon. Alas...Speaking of which, the food is our own, and the wool comes out of the sheep."

"In terms of agriculture, electricity consumption is really tight," Chen Taizhong nodded, "I can't support it for these two days, Xiao Wang, I heard that Xiao Zhao and Zhuoshui's fish farms have killed a lot of fish?"

"Xiao Zhao's place is like this," Wang Yuanyuan nodded, "It is not clear whether someone poisoned or died due to lack of oxygen, but there are more than one dead fish in the village. Zhu Jiehua said...the possibility of hypoxia is very high. ."

"Zhu Jiehua said it," Chen Taizhong mused. Zhu Jiehua almost jumped the vote at the beginning of the year to become the deputy head of Xiaozhao Township. It was Sui Biao who ran over to do the work and suppressed this unhealthy trend. Later Secretary Sui fulfilled his promise. Promoted to Deputy Director of the Transportation Bureau.

This Zhu Jiehua’s understanding of fish farming is not a general understanding. Zhu’s family is Xiao Zhao’s surname. There are many fish farmers. His father is a fish farmer. Since the fish farmers were exploited by fishmongers and suppressed the price of fish when they bought them, he came forward. Formed a fish farming alliance, relying on the power of the Zhu family, actually unified Xiao Zhao's fish price, and benefited the villagers.

It seems a pity that Zhu Jiehua is engaged in transportation. Chen Taizhong had such an idea in his mind, but the next moment he nodded, "It seems that the agricultural port is indeed short of electricity."

"We both came so late, and I also asked the leader for instructions." Liu Haifang was not polite, and walked into the room on the first floor-the weather was so hot, even if it was close to eight o'clock, the outside was still like a steamer. Only when you enter a room with air conditioning can you feel cool.

"Xiao Wang, go to the refrigerator to get iced mineral water and beer," Chen Taizhong ordered. Wang Yuanyuan had lived here for several months and was very clear about the furnishings in the room. He said that he did not use the director of the Planning Commission as an outsider. .

Liu Haifang did not speak. After Wang Yuanyuan brought the mineral water, he drank two sips and wiped his sweat before speaking, "Except for the twenty generators that Xinxin hasn’t arrived, there are still a gap of 113. , I plan to hand over the list to Wellington. I don’t know if it’s time to discuss it?"

"What else is there to discuss? The matter is urgent and right," Chen Taizhong took a sip of beer and said impatiently, "The goods will arrive within two days, not to mention that the fish can't wait, people can't wait. There are already heatstroke in the kang smoke. There are four, and one of them is just a thirteen-year-old boy."

"I told Boss Ye," Liu Haifang looked at him faintly, "He said the goods arrive slowly, it is better to sign directly with the manufacturer quickly...This is the situation. ."

"Signed with the manufacturer, two days, just enough time to complete the procedures," Chen Taizhong heard this screaming, he was about to speak, the doorbell rang, Wang Yuanyuan came forward to pick it up, hummed dullly, then she turned her head and looked towards District Mayor Chen had a strange expression in his eyes, "It's Ye Xiaohui. She is here to watch TV."

"Her family is so poor that she can't even afford a TV? Or does she have no generator?" District Chief Chen shook his head dumbfoundedly. For two thousand yuan, he lost if he said he lost. This is also the little rich woman in Beichong. Level, "Let her... well, let her in."

As soon as the door opened, Ye Xiaohui fluttered in, "Ha, my interview will be broadcast right away, District Chief Chen, quickly adjust the station...Uh, I mean I think the signal in the store is not very good."

In recent days, she and Chen Taizhong have really become familiar with each other. Under the influence of the girls in the capital, she also molested the leader from time to time, but as soon as she walked in and saw Wang Yuanyuan and Liu Haifang, she immediately followed the rules.

When Chen Taizhong looked at the three women, he felt that his mind was a little confused. The positions and meanings of the three of them were completely different. There was no comparison between them, but... how could you both be? What about women?

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