Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3918: Investors

When Chen Taizhong heard this answer, he was stunned, "Then Chaotian reported on Yangzhou, what's the situation?"

"Ran Wen," Li Shilu replied disapprovingly, "This is too common, do you want me to write an article? Let me just emphasize that the oil shale in Yangzhou is as good as Beichong, just like the one written by Niu Xiaorui."

"No, the newspaper and the evening paper can still pinch each other?" Chen Taizhong laughed as he heard it, saying that it was authoritative. The Chaotian newspaper was still above the guide, but the guide was issued by the province, not a message to the leaders of the province. The Herald was enough, so he didn't ask reporter Li to write this article-he was not targeting provincial leaders.

"It will be reported first. I will write a follow-up report in two days. I will dig deeper," Li Shilu replied with a smile, "I'm not right. It's serious because you want me to write it, which is a bit of provocation to your city."

"Then be provocative," Chen Taizhong smiled and pressed the phone.

He was wondering whether it was the soft article written by Jingde in the cloud or by Jingde. Why didn't he focus on promoting his own county, but to promote the oil shale in Yangzhou. Now he realized that the city might be out of business. Very big—in fact, this is the norm. It’s really rare that a small county like Beichong will publish soft articles in provincial newspapers or provincial newspapers.

As for who in the city instructed and where the money was paid, he doesn’t care at all. Let’s play our own way. The well water does not violate the river water. Who dares to trouble Bei Chong for this matter, he doesn’t mind fighting back fiercely. .

In fact, he had the intention to ask Liu Xiaoli to help Bei Chong brag in the "Tiannan Business Daily", but considering that the person who had just rejected the project two days ago, and Tiannan is the base camp of the Huang family, in order to prevent being caught Misunderstanding, he decided to follow Huang Erbo's suggestion: at very moments, let's not toss.

He didn't toss, and it didn't mean that others were thinking the same way. When approaching the end of get off work at noon the next day, Wang Yuanyuan pushed in and said, "Boss, there are newspapers outside the province that have reported on our Yangzhou oil shale...Most of them are reprinted."

"Which newspapers are they?" Chen Taizhong didn't take it seriously. The newspapers of this year often used some novel news as gimmicks for the sake of sales. If they were reprinted, they would even save the cost. However, in general, official newspapers are unlikely. In this way, comprehensive urban newspapers like this.

"It seems that there is more than one family. I only know that "Ufa Evening News" and "Wenren Evening News" have been published." Wang Yuanyuan's expression is a bit nervous. "Wenren Evening News does not mention Yangzhou's name, but only refers to a certain place in Hengbei Province. ."

"Wenren Evening News?" Chen Taizhong frowned. Although this is a local newspaper, it is distributed nationwide and its influence cannot be underestimated. The same quality "Ufa Evening News" cannot be compared with it. .

In particular, the one who just rejected the oil shale project, was the top leader of the "Wenren Evening News". At this time, the young district chief didn’t understand at all, what happened, "You How did you know?"

"An equipment manufacturer called to learn about the scale of the Beichong oil shale project and the order status... These people have a really good nose," Wang Yuanyuan replied with a wry smile, "I can only tell them that the responsible leader has gone abroad."

"The taste is a bit wrong," Chen Taizhong muttered expressionlessly, and took out a cigarette - the newspaper was so bullish, where did you get Yangzhou?

Did someone in the city act, or did someone from the Zi family start it again? District Mayor Chen prefers the latter. No matter how good the city is, it is not easy to buy the "Wenren Evening News", and there is no reason for public relations in the city.

On the contrary, the Zi family has forces everywhere, even the Zi family's own people, and few can figure out how many forces they have-because their own family is still divided into factions.

In short, "Wenren Evening News" published such a piece of news. Firstly, it was unreasonable. Secondly, it was not helpful to Yangzhou. Only the people of the Zi family would be bored and engage in it.

Can't you wait for the conference to start? District Chief Chen looked at the green smoke rising from his fingers, his mind seemed empty and full, and all kinds of emotions were undulating in his heart. You Ruo Qian, Tang witnessed the big cháo, and Chibi memorial Yesteryear.

Oh, this mentality is a bit wrong. The next moment, Chen Taizhong found that he was almost in a state of cultivation, and his **** was almost floating away from the chair, so he calmed down and said, "Is there anything else?"

"Minister Chen Wenxuan called me too," Wang Yuanyuan was distressed. "He wants me to talk less... Listen, it shouldn't be his own intention."

Chen Wenxuan didn't call me. Chen Taizhong hummed inwardly, but Minister Chen was always very cooperative with the work of zhèngfǔ. Because of the beating Chen Zhengkui, he decisively leaned against District Chief Chen. The basic camp was fine.

So now Minister Chen only calls Director Wang, because the situation is not serious enough to communicate with the district head. This means that the person who is confused is not only Chen Taizhong.

"Be careful, but don't be timid," he said decisively after taking a sip of a cigarette. "We must be engaged in oil shale. Don't be afraid to say this. If you don't know the details, you can just worry about it all day long. Worry about that and do things without fear of offending people."

However, the power of this newspaper reprint is indeed not small. Then there were a lot of calls to Beichong to understand the situation-the previous activities of Chen Taizhong and the Zijia's plan to establish projects were only activities in a small area and people who knew the situation. Not many, but after such a publication in the newspaper, so many people have seen it.

District Mayor Chen didn't expect that once the news was released, it would attract so much attention-even people from Sinopec and Sinopec would call to learn about the Beichong oil shale.

Regarding oil shale, Beichong has also promoted a lot in the past, but it is mainly the news of the power plant. Since this is against the Electric Power Bureau, Beichong intends to keep a low profile and the power system is also deliberately suppressed. It really has not been spread to other provinces. .

Now major newspapers have confirmed that oil shale can produce shale gas and shale oil, and is even a guarantee of national energy security-national energy security. This gimmick really stimulates everyone's adrenal glands.

However, the person who called from Sinopec had a little bit of attitude, so he asked directly whether the oil shale in Beichong reached 14%, and how many reserves are there.

"Who the **** do you think you are?" Chen Taizhong was tossed with all kinds of calls. He said that when he heard the call, he cursed directly, "Finding a capital number is awesome? In order to guard against the enemy's specials... I went to Beichong to see myself, and brought my ID and letter of introduction.

"You..." The other side just waited to say something, District Chief Chen pressed the phone without even thinking about it.

It's no wonder that he is so hot. Zhi Guangming called over half an hour ago and said that he had a friend and wanted to think about the development of oil shale. He wanted to take a look at Bei Chong.

District Mayor Chen refused without hesitation, saying that this thing can only be done by the state, we should not make this idea as a private person, and it is too much to please-my brother, there is nothing to say about the friendship between our brothers, there is a business that can make money, I I must be thinking about you, but this is not suitable.

Why did he refuse so simply? There is a saying here. Since the news that Beichong has high-quality oil shale, many people have called and said that our company wants to invest in this oil shale development. What policy does Beichong have?

This policy does not require Beichong to provide financial and taxation support, but a real policy-environmental protection and sales policies.

As mentioned in the previous article, when Chen Taizhong first discovered oil shale, he had consulted with an expert, and the answer was very straightforward. It is not difficult for you to make a small mess, and it is not difficult to get rich. If you really want to develop the oil shale, the cost is too high and I am afraid of you. Can not afford.

Why is it not difficult to get rich in a small fight? Because there is no need to consider waste and pollution issues.

For example, if oil shale with 14% content can produce half of the oil, 100 tons of stone can produce 7 tons of oil, which may require 100 tons of coal, but if 3 tons of oil is produced, it may be more Thirty tons of coal cannot be used.

To make a rough calculation, take a barrel of crude oil for fifty dollars as an example, a ton of oil is almost seven barrels, which is three hundred and fifty dollars. At the exchange rate at the time, it is about two thousand eight hundred yuan, and seven tons is two. Ten thousand yuan.

And one hundred tons of coal is counted as one hundred and five per ton of coal—in fact, when Beichong buys coal, every ton of coal is over two hundred, which is fifteen thousand, plus transportation, equipment, labor, and electricity. Just lose money.

But for three tons of oil, it’s worth almost 9,000 yuan, and 30 tons of coal is only worth 6,000 in Beichong. No matter how crude the equipment is, the labor is lower—this can make money.

The above conversion relationship is just a simple metaphor. The data is not accurate. If the equipment and facilities need to be used to, the money will be spent. In short, it means that the higher the oil yield of oil shale, The higher the energy consumption, the higher the processing requirements.

This has created a situation where rough processing can make money, while jīng processing has to lose money. Of course, if the ultimate jīng processing is done, it will not lose much. This is also the reason why Bitao's coal tar deep processing plant can live very well. The fine chemical industry burns money and also makes money.

If you are still an expert, you can make money in small troubles, and you will not make money if you are big, unless you can invest more than 10 billion yuan-this may also make money, but it is not a certain thing.

What Chen Taizhong has been thinking about is to engage in large-scale oil shale development. What he thinks is that after the project is completed, the production may lose money, but there is an energy security issue. Costs should not be valued too much, and during the construction process, Beichong will Great benefit.

He has never thought about small oil shale processing, and Bai Fengming has not reminded him on this point. Therefore, he has always felt that the oil shale project can only be undertaken by the state, and there is a hope of making money. Slim.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Yangzhou oil shale news was reported, many people called to ask if they could invest in this in Yangzhou. District Chief Chen was surprised at first: I want to personally engage in oil shale development. I dare not say this.

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