Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3945: Compliment

What Wang Yuanyuan brought was not only a copy of the fax, but also a translated article. The article was often attached to the original text and obscured some other reports. This is a pity, but it’s not important, it’s important. Yes, everyone expressed unanimous approval and surprise for this kind of clothing fabric, and they did not hesitate to praise.

"God testifies that this is the most shocking material I have come into contact with in the past ten years. I knew it when I saw it. My next work must be made of this material. It makes me addicted. To be honest, I am Those chemical products are simply annoying. Fragrance can't conceal the strong smell of petroleum or rubber"-famous designer David? Boschlet said.

"In fact, I think this should be an industrial product. Maybe they just put a concept of natural fiber"-the famous talk show host Pierre joked.

"There is no doubt that Laura shines four times today, but I think it is the effect of her dress, the mysterious fabric from the East, the design of Master Babs, I really want to say something to her, take off that one Skirts, let me...I will make the skirts a hundred times more gorgeous"-a bitter model, the evaluation of another model.

"Is it a more shocking discovery than silk?"-The identity of the person who said this is unknown, maybe... it will be a historian?

Among them, the most are French newspapers and magazines, but newspapers in Italy and other places are also collected. Obviously, this is not what Liu Haifang and others can do. The Phoenix European Office provided considerable support.

Zhuang Bifan looked at the information, and he was extremely shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes. After reading it for a while, he asked, "This is in French...who translated it?"

Director Zhuang is a worker, peasant and soldier student, but English and French can still be distinguished.

"I translated... I got the help of District Chief Chen," Wang Yuanyuan still sat in the corner, and she answered aloud after hearing these words, "I promise that the literal meaning is basically accurate, and I am willing to take responsibility for it."

"Ha, that's what I asked," Director Zhuang laughed as he heard it, and then looked at her up and down, "In Beichong, you are a rare talent. What are you responsible for?"

Otherwise, in this official-based society, the senior officials really crushed people. Director Wang was still the main negotiator last time. The leadership level that came this time was raised, and she didn't even have the qualifications to be concerned.

I said, don't you want to die like this? When Director Liu came last time, he heard some rumors, and when he saw it, he answered hurriedly, "She is Wang Yuanyuan, director of the Planning Commission, a very motivated young cadre...the key target for training."

The key training target...that is, there are people at the top. Director Zhuang knows this very well. As for whether there are people in her body or at her house, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that it is Director Liu who issued the report. It is really not suitable to provoke.

In fact, Zhuang Bifan had no other thoughts about Wang Yuanyuan. He just felt that it is really rare to have a French-speaking person in a small county like Beichong, especially such a young and beautiful girl.

"Really young and promising," Director Zhuang nodded with a smile, "Director of the Planning Commission...Well, it's rare. Can you tell me how these materials were obtained?"

"District Mayor Liu and Mayor Bai went to the Paris Fashion Festival. They sent it back," Wang Yuanyuan was not afraid to say this. "Then they will go to the New York Fashion Festival, where there are also Beichong ramie costumes."

"There is also the New York Fashion Festival?" Director Zhuang looked at her with interest.

"A lot," Wang Yuanyuan uttered three words faintly, without saying more.

"It's just a fashion festival," Section Chief Noda finally reacted from the shock. After all, he had been leaving Asia and entering Europe for many years. This kind of scene would surprise him, but it was not shocking, but in his words, it was somewhat A little sour, "This is just an exhibition, not an order, Mayor Xu... You provide me with the answer, it seems not so appropriate."

"Have I promised to provide you with an order?" Xu Ruilin was originally looking down at the translated text. He raised his head when he heard the words, and replied unsatisfactorily, "I'm talking about trade secrets, which cannot be easily disclosed."

"Actually, I read all the articles." Section Chief Noda spread his hands. He was deeply influenced by Chinese culture. Although he did not understand French, he read the translation quickly. "There is no evidence that this raw material comes from North Chong, it’s just that it’s from China... If so, please show me, okay?"

"We are only participating in the exhibition and did not deliberately go to public relations," Wang Yuanyuan said coldly when she saw District Mayor Xu silent, "We have already explained it, believe it or not."

"But this was indeed a bit unexpected," Noda Jiro was not angry. In fact, he had too many questions to ask and couldn't be angry. "Maybe it is rude, but it seems that there are a few pictures to see. It looks like a high-count yarn."

"Ramie can produce high-count yarn, but it is not convenient for promotion at the moment," Wang Yuanyuan replied blankly. In fact, even District Mayor Xu knew that the high-count yarn fabrics used in this exhibition were made with the help of Catherine. amazing.

However, these costs are all caused by the bad girls of the Kennedy family. She does not think this is a serious matter-she even hopes that in the future, Beichong's high-count yarn will be produced by her, which will be a top luxury Fabrics.

But... China is not the only country in Beichong that has ramie. District Mayor Chen persuaded her for a while and made her realize that the fashion-leading cháo flow is far more beautiful than running a brand-especially this brand, which may face many counterfeit products. In China, this is almost impossible to ban.

Noda Jiro was completely speechless. At first, he thought that Bei Chong was a bargaining calculation, taking some specious things to fake the truth, but through various trials, he found that things might not be the case.

He was irritable, so he was a bit uncomfortable when he said, "Well, they can choose Beichong fabrics, which shows that our Sansong vision is right... In Europe and America sales, our channels are more mature. I am very optimistic about the prospects of cooperation. ."

"I think you already understand our competitiveness," Xu Ruilin finally read the information, and raised his head when he heard the words, "Then your cooperation conditions must be changed."

"Not a lot can be changed," Noda Jiro thought about it seriously, then shook his head, "It's just a fashion festival, and it doesn't prove anything."

"We won't show you the order you want," Xu Ruilin smiled slightly. Who said Guangrì would scare him by falsehood? People in Beichong will also, "If we cannot change, then we can only say sorry."

"There may be other workarounds," Noda Jiro smiled slightly and looked at Director Zhuang, "Director Zhuang, we are very interested in investing, and you should trust our sincerity."

"Of course I believe in your sincerity," Director Zhuang nodded decisively, "but we also believe that Bei Chong has enough creativity to realize their dreams. I personally think...your sincerity is not enough."

"Is there not enough sincerity?" Section Chief Noda only felt that his throat was dry. I allowed you half a million dollars, and there are future stocks. You said my sincerity was not enough?

Zhuang Bifan wouldn't pay attention to him. First-class foreigners and second-class officials are not fake, but if there is strong resistance below, he conforms to public opinion, and if he is a foreigner, he will be a good one.

The key point is that Bei Chong himself has set out a way to sell to the outside world. It is not as good as Rì himself. For Director Zhuang, the results of investment promotion may be poor, but the list of foreign trade is solid.

People do not punish the earth for themselves. Zhuang Bifan is the director of the Provincial Bureau of Industry and Commerce, not the director of the China Merchants Bureau. If he walks all the way to the dark and insists on supporting the enterprise, then Bei Chong's other achievements will have nothing to do with him.

If he supports the ramie industry in Bei Chong, he can share what good things have happened to Bei Chong. This time, Bei Chong’s products shine in Paris, and the road to foreign trade seems to be flat. He wants to support Heng Bei. Local industry.

In fact, anyone with a bit of a brain knows what kind of ability it means to be able to send products to Paris for the exhibition. Hengbei hasn't had such a person for a long time. If the flash gold six-frame bag can go to the Paris Fashion Festival, I am afraid that it is out of stock now, and now the six-frame bags of flash gold can only be seen occasionally at the small commodity market in Stormwind Town of Chaotian.

Hengbei has no shortage of goods. What he lacks is such a capable person. Zhuang Bifan knows this very well. So after reading the information, he made a decisive decision to change the object of support. As the director of the Provincial Bureau of Industry and Commerce, he does not lack such a decision. Ability.

As for the contradiction between him and Chen, it is a contradiction among the people. It is common for comrades to have some disputes in their work, so they can express their own opinions, so he smiled and said, "Taizhong, Bei Chong is hiding deeply. I think the ramie here is very interesting. Fortunately, this time it came down exclusively. You gave the province a big surprise."

What... Am I familiar with you? District Mayor Chen glanced around and found that this product was indeed talking to himself, so he coughed and cleared his throat, "The order is confidential, I'm sorry, Director Zhuang."

"What you said, if there is no order, the province should support it," Director Zhuang replied with a smile, "Being able to send fabrics to the Paris Fashion Festival has already proven your ability and what support the province needs to do. Just talk."

"Cough cough," Section Chief Noda can't bear it, and coughs fiercely. Please, this time I am here to discuss cooperation with Bei Chong, okay? You all give in, "Our Sansong Company also has the sincerity to support it."

"What kind of support do you Sansong use?" Xu Ruilin said coldly, "Is it biological degumming?"

To say that this cultural person is really mean when he speaks this bitter thing, but Noda class has been tempered for a long time, and his face is also very thick. He smiled and replied, "We really have the sincerity of cooperation, and the conditions are for negotiation. ,Is not it?"

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