Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4087: Beat the thief and beat the owner

"If the fee has not been implemented, then don't treat it," Chen Taizhong understood immediately. This is the typical case that Director Gao said. Thinking that these two were both thieves, they deserved it.

"Yeah..." Director Zhu pondered for a moment before he replied expectantly, "But one of them is the owner."

"The thieves are so rampant now?" Chen Taizhong was furious when he heard it, "Of course the owner must be saved. The branch office should put the money up first, and then ask for the owner's family. They will get compensation. "

"But this," Zhu Fen hesitated over and over again, and finally replied bitterly, "but the owner...was injured by the enthusiastic people in Beichong."

"You...what did you say?" Chen Taizhong felt his scalp numb. "You said that the people in Beichong have beaten the owner?"

"Yes," Director Zhu sighed, looking helpless.

The surname is Gao, your deputy director, this is the case in this life, Chen Taizhong's anger, really can't mention it-Nima, this is also a typical case? "Did the thief catch it?"

"I was caught, and I was injured. I had several broken ribs," Zhu Fenqi said with a bitter smile, "Aren't these two seriously injured? It's the thief and the owner."

"Tsk, wait for me to go back," Chen Taizhong hung up silently, really feeling exhausted...We are in Beichong District, not a mad dog district, and it's fine to hit the thief. How can we even call the owner?

At the same time, Yu Xiaomao lay on the ground, groaning hard, and spitting out **** saliva from time to time in her mouth. She really didn't understand how things developed like this—beichong, this place, really Is so weird.

Without blocking Chen Taizhong, reporter Yu asked while walking along the way. When she met someone who was willing to talk in detail, she took out the DV and filmed it, which can be regarded as precious audiovisual materials.

In fact, the scenery in Beichong is still good... Yu Xiaomao thinks so, but she is frustrated with hatred in her heart, so she will no longer admire this place, just take a picture of the garbage on the roadside and the children peeing anywhere.

Just as she was shooting up, a person suddenly jumped over and ran away after snatching her DV. As the DV lace was hung on her hand, she staggered for two steps before shouting. "Someone robbed,"

After yelling, she felt a hot pain in her arm, almost pulling the human arm off.

Following her shouting, a dozen people came out around him, kicking the thief directly, and then there was a loud noise, and some people shouted in Mandarin, "Dare to steal things in Beichong, kill you. It's cheaper for you..."

This is not stealing, this is stealing, and Yu Xiaomao feels a little powerless to complain.

"Jǐngcha, jǐngcha," two jǐngchas appeared after the crowd surrounded and beaten for three to five minutes, "that...what happened?"

When the crowd heard this, they flashed aside, but no one fled, they just watched coldly.

However, the one lying on the ground was already covered with blood, and the guy who was holding him scratched his face a few times, and he couldn't tell whether it was alive or dead.

"What's the matter?" The investigators were collecting evidence from the people next to them, knowing that they had robbed a camera.

Yu Xiaomao stepped forward to retrieve the camera, but she was not sure whether the person lying on the ground was alive or dead. She hesitated for a moment, thinking about the inconvenience of her identity...I'd better slip away sooner.

So she turned around without hesitation. People who have lived in big cities do not lack such decisiveness.

Ordinarily, no one cared about her on this chaotic occasion, but there happened to be a child next to her. He looked at her camera and was curious. When she saw her turn around and left, the child shouted, " haven't thanked Jǐngcha uncle yet."

When he shouted this, someone noticed it, especially the few who had beaten people cruelly, and yelled, "That stop!"

They must stop the suffering master, otherwise they will be beaten like this, which is not easy to explain.

"I'm in a hurry," Yu Xiaomao replied without looking back, speeding up his pace.

"Fuck me, a foreigner," someone yelled at once, and they heard her standard Mandarin accent, so they yelled, "It's really shameless, that is, you outsiders can do such a shameless thing. Come."

If you scold you, those few people should be brave and don't care about me. Yu Xiaomao lowered his boss and didn't squint, speeding up again.

"This girl, stand up for a moment." An elderly woman of about fifty years old walked obliquely in front of her. She spoke with a strong local accent. She reached out and grabbed Xiao Mao. The boss said dissatisfiedly, "You just Not grateful?"

"I really have something to do," Yu Xiaomao shook his arm, didn't shake the other person, and slapped it lifelessly. With a clatter, the old woman was dumped by her - this is also the old woman who didn't watch out, otherwise she was It's really not enough to look at it a little bit.

"Oh, sorry madam," she squatted down quickly to help the old woman-she didn't expect it to be like this.

But this moment, it completely angered the people of Beichong. We helped you to chase the camera back. If you didn't say a word, you would drive away. Now that an old man is blocking the road to persuade you, would you still dare to push people down?

So the two lads rushed over and slapped her. The few who had just hit her exchanged their eyes, and an older one yelled, "This kind of **** should be hit to clean up the social atmosphere."

Since someone incited it, there were more people doing it. After waiting for a while, the investigators shouted, "You are not allowed to fight...Anyone who dares to fish in troubled waters should be brought back to the police station."

They are also angry with this woman's actions. They are really cheap. If they are like you, will anyone do what is right in the future? So I pretended not to see it, and in the end I was worried that the camera that came back would be touched by some guy before coming forward to stop it.

Yu Xiaomao finally woke up. She lay on the ground, staring blankly at the jǐngcha in front of her, and then a voice came dimly, "Get up if nothing is wrong."

"I'm okay? I'm okay!" She laughed miserably, and lay still on the ground, "Why hit me?"

"Because of your lack of virtue," a jǐngcha replied with a sneer, thinking of the camera that didn't know where it was hidden, he righteously accused the other party, "It's all like you do, who will dare to do justice in the future? The social atmosphere is just like you. The scum is corrupt."

"Yes," someone on the side echoed, "Er Gazi in our village jumped out of the lake to save people in Chaotian. When he came back, he discovered that more than 200 yuan in his clothes pocket had been stolen. Fortunately, he was rescued. People have admitted...what kind of world is this Nima."

"There are those who don't admit it. The baby was saved, the savior died, and the family didn't admit it." Someone sneered next to him. "The more people in the big city, the less stuff... Isn't this woman the same? "

Even if my reaction is not good, you don't have to hit someone, right? Yu Xiaomao felt that he was wronged, lying on the ground and couldn’t get up... Chen Taizhong learned the details on the way. After hearing that, he was a little bit ridiculous. , The owner also fights-but there is nothing wrong with the fight.

It was an anecdote, so he said that he could not go to the branch office. Then he thought again, since it was an anecdote, it could be in the newspaper, so he raised his hand to call Niu Xiaorui and told her that Bei Chong had such a case.

When Editor Niu heard this, he let out a smile like a silver bell, "It's really fun. We mainly report economic and hot news, but this kind of thing is really interesting... I'm in Haizhou, send someone It’s okay if someone else goes?"

"It's fine if someone comes." Chen Taizhong doesn't mind who it is. What he cares is, "In fact, the reason for this owner's beating is that there is a certain degree of social commonality. The honesty of the people in Beichong, you have to promote it."

After hanging up the phone, he discovered that there was light rain in the sky and some water droplets on the car windows. The Beichong branch was not far in front, so he didn't bother to use the wiper.

When he entered the yard and stopped the car, he saw four or five people in the yard, sitting or standing, and greeted him when he got off the car.

"It's raining, don't you find a place to hide from the rain?" Chen Taizhong looked at them strangely.

"When we saw the righteousness, we started a bit heavy, and the branch was not allowed to go, saying that we were going to have a meeting to study it," a young man chuckled dryly.

"Then go under the eaves," Chen Taizhong waved his hand and walked into the building.

Zhu Fenqi was in the office, chatting with several deputy directors, and seeing the Lord Mayor enter the door, everyone stood up together, "Mayor Chen is here?"

"Sit down," District Chief Chen waved his hand. "What's the matter?"

"Director Gao, please tell me, you know it better," Zhu Fen said in a dull voice. He is not a stingy master-in fact he has a very stable position in the heart of District Chief Chen. Moreover, who has completed the leadership's entrustment so quickly, who would think that he has no credit for this top leader?

"Actually, this was an accident." Director Gao pushed his glasses and explained the process concisely.

District Mayor Chen knew about the cause, but only then did he hear that the thief was a drug addict in Mingxin District, so he came out to look for the target-the woman’s costume, just look at it. I know, not a local.

He wanted to steal it, but the woman was always very jealous, and he followed for almost a street before he robbed him. He didn't expect to be captured on the spot. The injury was not too serious. There were a few strokes on his face and both arms were beaten. There was a fracture and a concussion.

He has been sent to the hospital for treatment and his family members have been notified.

Outside the door, these brave and righteous masters who refused to let go were all on the periphery. The ruthless masters had no idea where they went.

When people do what is right, what can be wrong? Chen Taizhong was about to speak, and a jǐngcha knocked on the door and came in, "That woman spoke, and her name is Yu Xiaomao, a reporter from Eastern Fortune."

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