Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4152: All thoughts

"Why am I arrogant?" The young district mayor shook his head, resolutely not accepting the accusation from the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Fang Boqiang was also blushed by this statement. He also wanted to get more from Beichong-not just ramie.

Seeing that he forced Chen Taizhong to open his door wide, he had to say, "District Mayor Taizhong, you have misunderstood. I was just thinking about my three-acre land. The person who happened to run into you today was numb... Other people’s affairs have nothing to do with me."

Chen Taizhong was silent, but Qi Zhiwen saw it and couldn't sit still anymore, "District Taizhong, we only talk about things in the cloud, and Secretary Li didn't say to take care of other counties."

"It's not just to take care of other counties and districts, and open it up. I will collect the hemp that comes in from other cities and provinces." Chen Taizhong touched a cigarette and lit it. "Since we need to take care of it, the bowl of water will be leveled. Jingde is a friendly county, and Ciqing signed the agreement. There is no special care in other places. Beichong is still very weak and cannot afford it."

"I didn't say anything about it," Li Qiang pointed at him speechlessly, but in the face of the little guy's uproarious mood, he didn't have a good way. Secretary Li was still waiting for 100 million yuan to sell land to the field.

In fact, today he is handling this matter with a mediation mentality. First, he hopes that Bei Chong can take care of the local hemp farmers. Secondly, this will be the New Year soon, and stability is still needed.

Again, this Fang Boqiang is not only Li Qiang's person, but is also a person who can do things in essence. The development of Yunzhong over the past few years has contributed to County Chief Fang.

County Magistrate Fang’s ability, even Liao Dabao knows, just like Liu Li brought someone to commit fraud, Bei Chong and Jing De escaped, Yunzhong County was unfortunately recruited, and Director Liao stood in front of District Magistrate Chen for the people of his hometown. When pleading, I emphasized that the county magistrate in Yunzhong is also very close to the people and very capable.

What Li Qiang thought was that it would be best to bring the two parties together today, so he even informed Qi Zhiwen, who was born in Yunzhong, what everyone thoughts, and put the words on the table clearly.

Even if Xiao Chen refused himself in front of those two people in the end, he would not feel that his face was damaged. The relationship between the two people no longer needs to care too much about this, and-the local power faction faces the loss of interests. The top leader is also topped.

If he is rejected, he will sell three favors at once. Of course, Qi Zhiwen and Fang Boqiang will be grateful to Secretary Li, and Xiao Chen will also feel that they owe some leadership.

Unexpectedly, Chen Taizhong would directly put in a big move-yes, I opened it up and closed it. This reaction really made Secretary Li angry.

"I'm really not arrogant," District Mayor Chen didn't bother to explain too much. "I suggest that the TV station can broadcast it in the evening. After coordination by the municipal party committee, the Beichong Ramie Factory will openly purchase ramie during the Chūn Festival. The priority is to take care of our Yangzhou Ma Nong. Tomorrow I will post an advertisement in the Hengbei newspaper."

Li Qiang glanced at him, then at the wall watch on the wall, "Okay, it's twelve o'clock soon, let's continue talking, or find a place to worship the five internal organs temple first?"

"I know a place that is newly opened. The braised mutton is very well done. It is still the sheep raised by the family," Fang Boqiang said with a smile, "This kind of cold weather makes it really comfortable to make a lamb pot... Well, we can talk while eating."

"Mayor Fang, wait a minute," Qi Zhiwen interrupted him with a solemn face, "District Taizhong, where will the money come from?"

"The ramie project itself has liquid funds," Chen Taizhong replied quietly, "the money is not enough, I will look for it again."

He said lightly, but the three of them were heavy in their hearts. Even Secretary Li couldn't help but feel jealous: I had two rounds of thinner legs to run the 100 million yuan. With a sigh of relief, one hundred million can be spent without even thinking about it.

Anyway, the four people have four kinds of minds. They drove downstairs to the hotel that County Magistrate Fang said. The grade of the hotel is very average, it is a two-story building, but there is a cave behind the building, and there is a small courtyard. There are five in the small courtyard. The six bungalows are private rooms.

The bungalow is a private room, which is very elegant. Fang Boqiang is also familiar with this place. He directly finds a private room and walks in as soon as the curtain is raised. "First, let's get a two-pound pot and ask for local mutton."

"Mr. Fang, don't worry, we are all mutton here," a woman hurried over when she saw a car coming.

"The little girl looks good," Chen Taizhong said with a smile, "When I finish eating, follow me... OK?"

"Okay," the woman nodded with a smile.

Qi Zhiwen was dumbfounded when he heard it, Chen Taizhong, you are too...too much damage to the image of cadres, right? There are Secretary Li and County Magistrate Fang next to them. Even at the grassroots level, they shouldn’t be so foolish.

"Xiao Ni'er, you really...never walked with the county magistrate once," Fang Boqiang's face sank, and he said half-jokingly, "Why, seeing a handsome guy, there is no county magistrate in your eyes?"

"After dinner, I'll take you out, isn't this just walking with you?" The woman replied with a smile, "Major Fang, I have walked with you several times."

"Ha," Li Qiang laughed as he heard it, "Xiao Fang, I didn't expect you to be so polite, and thought you were honest."

"Yes, Taizhong District Chief," County Mayor Fang gave a thumbs up to Chen Taizhong, "I learned another trick."

"It's just such a trick to molest the waiter," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile.

However, Qi Zhiwen heard it secretly and contemptuously: The cadres at the grass-roots level have this quality.

There was a joke, and the atmosphere was not so embarrassing. So everyone drank and ate. Since there was still work in the afternoon, they didn't drink much. After eating and drinking for about 20 minutes, it was almost done.

The yellow braised mutton is a bit spicy. Li Qiang took the wet wipes and wiped the sweat from his forehead. While instructing the waiter to serve the staple food, he asked, "Taizhong, you really want to be on TV news?"

"Really," Chen Taizhong nodded, "If it doesn't work tomorrow, it will be the day after tomorrow... I will advertise in Hengbei newspaper."

"I'm against it," Qi Zhiwen said resolutely, "just solve the problem in the cloud... there is no need to put money on this."

In fact, he really wanted to say that it doesn't matter if the problem in the cloud cannot be solved, but the county magistrate in the cloud is sitting beside him, which is really hard to say.

In fact, Qi Xiaozhe doesn’t have a good impression of his hometown. It’s true that the Yangzhou people have a strong clan concept, but when you think about Major General Yue from Liutiaozigou Village in Beichong, you know that there are many people outside the clan—Yue Liuzi You can return to the county seat, but never return to the village.

The same is true for Secretary Qi, who came out at a young age, and his growth has nothing to do with Yangzhou, so Qi Zhiwen's feelings for Yunzhong are even weaker.

"The reserve of raw materials is also very important," Chen Taizhong replied faintly. "The price of ramie is not controlled by the state. Today it may be three yuan a catty, everyone is rushing to sell it, tomorrow it may be four yuan a catty, you want to buy it. I can't buy it."

"Then why didn't you buy it earlier?" Li Qiang had the urge to hit someone when he heard this.

"I have never had any money," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, "That is, Secretary Li gave instructions today, so I made up my mind."

"Bei Chong said that he has no money?" County Magistrate Fang laughed. "If you want to have no money, don't we become beggars?"

"Well, tonight, the news is limited to Yangzhou Manong," Qi Zhiwen said after thinking about it. "I will discuss with Taizhong again whether it should be released to the whole province."

"Let go, let go," Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, "What is there to discuss?"

"Why am I also the secretary of the district party committee?" Qi Zhiwen couldn't stand it anymore, and threw out such a sentence, "District zhèngfǔ's decision, I have a little objection, discuss it with you... is it too much?"

You are really looking for abuse, Chen Taizhong glanced at him lightly, "You and I are both responsible for our words and deeds."

While talking, the staple food came up. After eating the staple food, the county magistrate greeted and paid the bill. Secretary Qi and District Mayor Chen wanted to send Secretary Li to go first. Li Qiang shook his head, "I have eaten too much. I will walk twice in the yard. , You go back first."

Seeing the two cars leaving one after the other, County Magistrate Fang smiled, "I don't know what result they can discuss."

"Chen Taizhong still has something to say," Li Qiangman replied casually, then looked up at the sky, "it's raining...what do you want from Beichong, it's more appropriate to ask Chen Taizhong directly."

"It's the same with you," County Magistrate Fang replied with a smile. He was following Secretary Li, so how could he find people randomly.

"It's not the same, Xiao Chen, I can't help it either," Li Qiang shook his head and sighed softly, "Tomorrow is the Standing Committee of Beichong, I am afraid there will be fun... Qi Zhiwen, this guy, doesn't take care of Yunzhong. what."

"His family has always been like this," County Magistrate Fang smiled.

Chen Taizhong drove the Audi A6 in Tiannan, and Qi Zhiwen’s car was the Audi A4 left by Sui Biao. However, after driving, A4 still pinned A6 to the side of the road. Secretary Qi got out of the car and came to the A6. "Mayor Taizhong, shall I take your car? It's raining."

"Sit down," Chen Taizhong unlocked the central control lock, "The insurance factor of A4 is a bit close."

After Secretary Qi got in the car, it took a long time to speak, "I wanted to chat with you."

"Oh," Chen Taizhong nodded and didn't say much. The deputy hall where I want to talk to me is gone, and the main hall has to see if I am interested in meeting. If you want to talk, this is normal.

"Before I came, I started a project, the meat and poultry breeding base, and the Department of Agriculture intends to allocate 15 million yuan." Qi Zhiwen showed his blueprint. "If the project is successful, the annual output can reach 100 million yuan in the initial stage. about."

"A good project...Is it necessary for local facilities to be provided?" Chen Taizhong nodded casually. He knew this kind of thing as soon as he heard it, "have you implemented the matching fee?"

"There is no problem with implementation," Qi Zhiwen replied proudly, "Gu zhèngfǔ guarantee it, is it okay?"

"I don't guarantee it," Chen Taizhong replied unceremoniously. "You can do the project yourself... and you can't lose money."

For him, guaranteeing a small project is really not a big problem, and this project is not bad, but he is not used to people's problems, the new secretary has a history of worrying about the district's funds, so he must be vigilant.

Besides, the projects carried out by the party committee are guaranteed by zhèngfǔ is easy to spend money uncontrollably there.

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