Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4401: Many ideas

"Internal...funding?" Mu Hua frowned.

"Yes, don't look at the provincial Science and Technology Commission. Raise funds. It's really not poor." Chen Taizhong understands this. When Jianfu started to engage in small hydropower, it raised funds within the Tiannan Water Conservancy Department. There is a ceiling and don't spend much money.

"This... is not allowed now," Yuan Tao interjected at this time, "it will easily lead to the industry."

"What do you think of the Science and Technology Committee, do you have a way?" Chen Taizhong asked unceremoniously. His current state is really like a consultant. "It's a project to raise funds, first buy shares, then pay dividends, and finally pay back... …I’m surprised, you would rather let outsiders buy shares than let your own people make money?"

"Isn't this policy not allowed?" Yuan Tao answered with a smile.

"The policy does not allow the development of real estate without a license, so we did it too," Chen Taizhong scolded him mercilessly. "The Science and Technology Commission has difficulties. If we can't get the money, we can only tap the potential internally... You are afraid that no one will raise funds internally. , I bought 100 million."

In what he said, he was really grieving, but both Mu Hua and Yuan Tao knew that the Science and Technology Committee really did not do this matter properly—of course, they had difficulties, but Secretary Chen’s approach was really kind. First make suggestions, and finally Take money to support the bottom.

"If you buy shares internally, you can save a lot of trouble," Mu Hua deserves to say everything to others. In fact, he has a headache for the various veteran qualifications of the Science and Technology Commission. This phenomenon, other industries. Rare, but common in the Science and Technology Commission.

If people from the Science and Technology Commission can buy shares in a real estate company, whoever wants to take a back leg will have to consider public anger.

"Cross the river by feeling the stones, this is the chief designer's words," Chen Taizhong nodded, and now he just plays the role of a consultant-a little bit of petty profit, can it keep up with the Ministry of Science and Technology's funding for oil shale?

"Break the boat and sink the boat. That's it," Yuan Tao gritted his teeth and nodded. Recently, the Science and Technology Commission has suffered too much humiliation. "I suggest raising 50 million yuan internally."

"Fifty million, isn't it a bit too much?" Mu Hua frowned. The Provincial Science and Technology Commission was full of three hundred people, plus all the messy establishment, it was less than eight hundred. On average, one person pays more than 60,000 yuan. Who has so much spare money to raise funds?

"People who don't want to come out. Can you not come out?" Yuan Tao is in a state of confusion. "We don't force fundraising, but I am really optimistic about this project. It's not difficult to get an 800,000 yuan out of it?"

"This is the same," Mu Hua nodded, "There are believers, and those who don't, it should be like this."

"Actually. It is enough for you to raise 30 million internal funds," Chen Taizhong said softly and stood up. "Too much fundraising is not necessarily a good thing... After eating, is there anything else?"

"There is too much fund-raising, why is it bad?" Mu Hua asked, really shamelessly.

"A very profitable business. Everyone likes dividends, no one likes to pay back the principal." Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, "When paying back the principal, there will be trouble... Our current business is very profitable."

"That's the truth," Mu Hua had some guesses when he asked, so he nodded with deep feeling, "The heart is endless."

The current project of the Science and Technology Commission is short of money and requires internal fund-raising. It is said that the principal should be returned when the project is over, but the Science and Technology Commission Real Estate Company cannot only develop this project.

When developing other projects, the company has money. In the face of the upcoming large-scale profit, the people of the Science and Technology Commission may not be willing to let go-when the unit has no money, let us raise funds, and if we have money, we will not let us pay dividends?

The three talked until eleven, Chen Taizhong stood up and said goodbye, Mu Hua and Yuan Tao personally escorted him into the car.

Seeing him driving away, Yuan Tao turned to look at Boss Mu, "How much do we raise funds?"

Chen Taizhong is just a consultant, and the real decision is made by Mr. Mu.

"It's only 30 million. If everyone strongly asks to invest the principal in other projects, the ratio of 30 million is not large." Mu Hua nodded slightly, or else he was assertive. Consultant Chen thought the project was over. , It's time to withdraw the principal, but what he thinks is that it doesn't matter if everyone can continue to benefit-everyone will support the unit at a critical moment.

However, he also appreciated Chen Taizhong's suggestion, "Xiaoyuan, you have to learn more. Look at Xiao Chen, one shot of his head is an idea, no wonder the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission has developed so well."

"I have this idea too," Yuan Tao replied unconvincingly. "It's just that he is courageous, so I don't dare to think like that."

"It's not that we can't think of it, but we don't dare to think over there." Mu Hua glanced at him deeply. "The Science and Technology Commission is not what it used to be. You have to be brave and I should be brave... But, It must be carefully verified."

After thinking about it, he asked again, "Chen Taizhong borrowed 50 million. Let's raise another 30 million. Is it enough?"

"It should be enough," Yuan Tao nodded affirmatively. "We raised more than 100 million yuan by ourselves, and there are other bank loans, I think, ICBC has to get it back... the bank is such a virtue. "

"I don't need to find it again. The big deal is that I will pay the Education Committee a few days later," Mu Hua grumbled. Once he gets angry, he is quite persistent.

"Then we have the next project," Yuan Tao immediately persuaded the boss when he heard this, "how can a real estate agent be angry with the bank?"

"My tone is not going well," Mu Hua snorted. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's a big deal to start everyone to raise funds."

"This fundraising itself is illegal," Yuan Tao was taken aback when he heard it. Boss Mu, do you want to go all the way to the dark?

So he tried to persuade him, "The cadres and their families are not allowed to do business. This time there is no money. You can do this. If you do it again in the future, if someone tells you, the trouble will be big...I'm not being timid, but cautiously seeking confirmation."

"Do you think I'm willing?" Mu Hua sighed heavily, "It's... I'm sorry to go to Chen Taizhong again. We have troubled people a lot."

"Yeah," Yuan Tao sighed and nodded. A small Beichong district party secretary, not only dared to think and dare to do it, but also had a lot of money in his hand. Even a department-level cadre like Boss Mu would sigh. I don't know where he can go in the future."

"If you don't want to offend a big man, at least a landlord didn't run away," Mu Hua also commented on this person, and he would not say anything that might be unlucky.

In fact, the son of a certain big man is cursing Chen Taizhong through gritted teeth, "That **** must have done...ah, I'm going to kill him."

Naturally, it was Lu Yongxin, who was the sheep farmer. He got in the car after sending the girl home last night, and then his body shook and he didn't feel anymore.

After he woke up, he was already in the police station. He was vaguely impressed by what had happened, but he was sure that he didn't drink much alcohol that night... The person monitoring Chen Taizhong was discovered by Huang Hanxiang. Are you in the mood to drink?

As for skating, it's even more impossible. He never plays with those crooked things.

Thinking of what he was doing with sheep in front of so many people, he even had the heart to die. You know, Lu Gongzi himself is a bit clean.

Now he has gone home, but his father was angry with his son and ignored him at all. On the contrary, his mother did not dislike his son and did work for him, asking him to relax.

However, Lu Yongxin became angry and rejected his mother's care. He stayed in the room alone, smashing things with anger, and then... he fell ill, both with anger and a cold last night.

In the room now, besides him, there are two brothers, and his uncle, who is a mother who can't subdue his son, so he called his brother over.

Lu Yongxin’s uncle started a company that was engaged in import and export, and there were a few people under him, but his main purpose was to persuade him. “It’s not necessarily the hand of that guy. You’re just guessing...get up first.”

"I'm not guessing!" Lu Yongxin was so angry that he walked around the house, "Yīn Jinghua, the old dog called me...Don't let me move Ma Xiaoya, saying that it is Huang Hanxiang's goddaughter, you say no Who can Chen Taizhong be?"

"Then I'll deal with her?" Uncle narrowed his eyes.

"It's boring to deal with her," Lu Yongxin shook his head. Ma Xiaoya had never been the target he wanted to deal with-hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, moving that kind of lousy woman, was stunning the snake, and it might lead to even more vengeance from Chen Taizhong.

And Yin Jinghua also said that if you dare to move Ma Xiaoya, Huang Hanxiang can't forgive him-you must know that the second child of the Huang family didn't learn well when he was young, and he often beat and killed him.

So what he wanted to retaliate was against Chen Taizhong himself, but right now he didn't have any good means. He just watched in the community and suffered such consequences, so if he didn't do it in the next step, he would just die.

In fact, there is no evidence that Chen Taizhong must have done this, but Lu Yongxin has this judgment, which is an intuition and cannot be wrong.

"Then how did he do it?" The uncle felt that his nephew was a bit dazed, maybe just like the villagers said, he was crushed by the ghost, "Chen Taizhong is not from the capital...Do you have any evidence?"

"If I have evidence, I will just arrest the person," Lu Yongxin replied with a calm face, his eyes were crazy and vicious, "Chen Taizhong, you dare to fool me like this, I will never end with you!"

He was so crazy that he forgot that he was the one who provoked things, but this is also normal. The mentality of a privileged teenager is always a bit different from ordinary people.

My nephew is really accustomed to his mother. He sighed as an uncle. Just now he said that he would take revenge on Ma Xiaoya. He spoke in the tone of his nephew. In fact, he was here to put out the fire and transfer Xiao Lu. attention.

Therefore, he now suggests, "You still think about it, in case He Yumeng knows, how do you say it."

PS: I have something, upload it in advance, summon a monthly pass.

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