Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4410: Say it all

You borrow a woolen thread. Li Qiang knows this very well. Chen can borrow it this time and the next time. Isn't that the same as his own? "The Provincial Electricity Bureau will sue you."

"Whatever, I can't watch my people have no electricity," Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, and replied ignorantly, "Stop my electricity in Beichong for five months... This is the 21st century. My people light oil lamps?"

Secretary Li sighed as he heard the guys from the Electric Power Bureau, what was the way his head was squeezed by the door to make such a decision?

However, he has to remind Chen Taizhong, "The power grid is a national asset. If you take it away, the consequences will be serious."

"I didn't think about taking it, I just borrowed it," Chen Taizhong said nonsense with his eyes open. He has taken the power grid. The Electricity Bureau wants to come back. It is really not easy—at least there will be lawsuits in the future.

"It's really boring for you to say this to me," Li Qiang and Chen Taizhong have dealt with, not a day or two. "This is the asset of the State Grid. If you want to do it like this... I really can't protect you."

"State Grid? It's really nonsense," Chen Taizhong sneered. Chen has always served people with morals. He dared to do so for his own reasons. "The construction of Beichong Power Grid, the district has paid for it. With effort...why is it his family that we can't borrow?"

This question is not clear. There was no tax-sharing system in the past. Electricity construction must rely on local zhèngfǔ. Not to mention, only the power grid of Beichong County Committee and County zhèngfǔ was built by the Electric Power Bureau and was once responsible for maintenance. Most of the money comes from the city and county.

And even in the 1990s, a tax-sharing system was implemented, but the district was paid for the electricity project, so why does the power grid belong to your electricity bureau?

If the Electric Power Bureau can take ownership to disgust Beichong, Beichong will naturally fight back.

"It's really young and vigorous," Li Qiang said softly. After thinking about it, he asked again, "How about the stability of your single unit generating electricity? I heard that there is an annual inspection and overhaul."

"The annual inspection and overhaul are all required, but if there is no accident, it will be no problem after these five months," Chen Taizhong replied in a deep voice, "This is also the reason why I want to go to the second unit. With the second unit, it is double Insured."

"Then what if this No. 1 machine fails?" Li Qiang asked again. In fact, what he wanted to say was that you shouldn't make the relationship with the Electric Power Bureau so stale.

"If something goes wrong, then the power will be cut off for a few days," Chen Taizhong chuckled, and replied disapprovingly, "We are all used to power outages, and there are also a lot of generators... I used to squeeze our electricity, and the card went smoothly. Once we can generate electricity, we must consider it for us?"

"Can you not speak so mean?" Li Qiang really couldn't stand it. Xiao Chen was telling the truth, there any district party secretary who talks to the city party secretary like this?

"He doesn't give me electricity. I build a power plant by myself. I can't use my electricity. He collected my electricity for a period of two cents. Who is more mean?" Chen Taizhong sneered, "I will not only build the second and third units." The fourth unit is also under construction."

"Tsk," Li Qiang slapped his mouth, completely speechless, and asked after a long time, "When will the second unit be able to generate electricity?"

"The fastest is the end of this year," Chen Taizhong replied in a deep voice, "it can't be any sooner."

It's really impossible to get any sooner. The first machine was working from the middle of the previous year to April this year. I thought it might be handed over before the chūn holiday, but the facts proved that this was unrealistic.

Unit 2 does not require a lot of civil engineering, and learned the lessons of Unit 1, and it started construction before the completion of Unit 1, but there are some natural laws that cannot be shaken off. Power generation at the end of the year is an optimistic estimate. .

"In other words, after December, can Bei Chong completely get rid of the Electric Power Bureau?" Li Qiang asked clearly.

"If they don't plan to support Bei Chong, we can indeed get rid of them," Chen Taizhong replied slowly, "I am preparing for the third and fourth units. The development of Bei Chong is not made by others. "

Unit 1 and Unit 2 are 50,000 kilowatts, and Unit 3 and Unit 4 are both 100,000 kilowatts.

Then, it's up to you. After hanging up the phone, Li Qiang felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart-Bei Chong's development seems to have exceeded my control?

He actually had some ideas when he made this call. Many places in Yangzhou were short of electricity. He wanted to know if he could get enough electricity from Beichong-Beichong's rich electricity.

But once electricity is required, the response of the Electricity Bureau must always be considered. This is a problem.

However, the development of the situation does not depend on people's will. Just when Beichong and the Electric Power Bureau were in trouble, in mid-May, Yangzhou City stopped water for two days-the water company went out of power.

This summer, Yangzhou City is extremely hot. Although the rainy season is coming as usual, once it doesn't rain, people feel like entering a steamer, too hot to breathe.

But Beichong, under Yangzhou, lives very well. Many people know that Beichong now generates electricity by itself and has robbed the power grid of the Electric Power Bureau. There are also people in counties outside that are very envious, but this thing... Coming.

The ground power grid has not been installed in the whole city, and it is very inconvenient to connect to the electricity. In some places, such as Jingde, the electricity is connected. In fact, if you want to connect to the electricity of Beichong, you must take risks.

Beichong’s electricity is indeed convenient, but you have to think about it. When you connect to Beichong’s electricity, the Electric Power Bureau will give you a stumbling block. This is inevitable. Even the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee and City zhèngfǔ dare not risk this. risk.

The more critical issue to make Xiaozhanzi not matter is how long Beichong's strength can last, and whether Beichong's electricity can really meet the demand.

These two points are the key to deciding everyone's behavior. Of course, if you want to get Bei Chong's electricity to land, it will also cost a good amount of money.

Therefore, many merchants, even if they can connect to Beichong’s electricity, dare not take any risks. The current months are difficult. It is better to use generators when the power goes out. It is more expensive, and it will be better after this period of time.

Therefore, after more than a dozen days, the power generation of Unit 1 is basically controlled at about 28 thousand, of which Jingde has digested almost 6,000, and the power grids of Yunzhong, Beiguo and Wushan are still under construction.

However, the Electric Power Bureau will not swallow this breath. The lawsuits are all filed with the province. Once the province asks, Beichong has something to say-if you stop my electricity for five months, the people must use electricity. ?

Noisy and noisy, the provincial leaders decided: Negotiation!

Zhang Liqin, deputy director of the Provincial Electric Power Bureau, brought people to Yangzhou-the chief director could not come. Once he came, there would be no room for change. Moreover, Beichong people were notorious for being unreasonable.

It was just right to let Director Zhang, a woman, come to negotiate, and the city also attached great importance to this dispute. The city zhèngfǔ sent people, and the city party committee also sent people to watch.

Li Qiang made a special call to tell Chen Taizhong that he should speak well and don't be unreasonable. If a result can be negotiated and the city can borrow the lines of the Electric Power Bureau, Yangzhou will gain a lot.

Surely speak well, I don't care about negotiations. Chen Taizhong decided that the king would not see the king. The boss of the Electric Power Bureau should not be dispatched, nor can I be the boss of Beichong.

So Bei Chong was dispatched here, Chang Yuling and Wang Yuanyuan, and then borrowed another person-Wushan County's executive deputy county magistrate Bai Fengming, the deputy county magistrate is Lao Bei Chong, in charge of the construction committee, the power cable The construction process is also quite clear.

Just borrow this person, you can see Chen Taizhong's abacus, yes, he just wants to make a fuss about the ownership of the power grid.

So as soon as the two families sat down, the topic of ownership became the focus. The two sides gave facts and reasoned, and they both refused to give up. Of course, Beichong is justified, and the Electric Power Bureau is not incapable-national policy, power grid ownership is early It is allocated to us.

This killer is a bit big, and Bei Chong is here to shoot the case: Then you go and collect it, I see if you can take it back.

If you have something to say, the people next to the municipal party committee and city zhèngfǔ hurriedly talked with each other. Let's sit and negotiate together to solve the problem, not to cause trouble.

After talking for about three or four days, it is said that the Electric Power Bureau found a leader from Mizuki University—the power system Mizuki also had a lot of people. They greeted Chang Yuling’s father and entered the normal negotiation stage.

People from the Electric Power Bureau said, let’s put aside the dispute first. You cut off the network. The meter always counts, right? Five months later, if we re-energize the electricity, the number of the meter will increase so much, I will collect the money according to that number. Do you plan to let the people pay twice?

Electricity meters are a big expense. At present, if the electric meters of Beichong are used alone, the households mainly pay 400 yuan for installation fees-this price is very outrageous, but from the side, every household An electric meter, the investment will not be small.

This is simple District Mayor Chang said directly: You can give it to me after you collect the money.

Why? Director Zhang sneered and asked: It's not a joke, do you have our meter readings last month?

We are reading the meter to do the data. Chang Yuling proudly replied that the two hundred defenders in Beichong were not paid by white-collar workers. Secretary Chen held a mobilization meeting on May 1st and asked everyone to do so within five days. Copy the number of the electric meter and keep it.

In order to prevent malpractices, the co-defense officers read the meters in pairs, one from the township and the other from another town.

As for the electricity bills incurred during this period cannot be collected, it doesn't matter. The first thing Beichong needs to protect is the electricity consumption of the people. The charging is the second thing. It should be posted in the district.

With a headache, Zhang Liqin had only these two words in his mind.

But since they are willing to talk, this is a good thing. The two sides talked for three more days. At this time, news came from other places that small power grids rob users of large power grids-the lack of power is really too serious. (To be continued.)

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