Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4421: Interest exchange

Those who stare at Beichong coal know that although there is a lot of coal there, it is ultimately limited.

At first, everyone was still talking about it, and suddenly heard that the coal was bought by the blue sky people at a time of 500,000 tons. This really couldn't sit still--if you didn't do it, it would be gone.

The pressure from the Provincial Electricity Bureau increased sharply. After intensive consultations, Director Zhang went to Yangzhou again. This time, she did not know what she had done, and unexpectedly attracted Li Qiang, secretary of the municipal party committee.

Chen Taizhong received instructions from the leadership and rushed to the city party committee at 2:30 in the afternoon. Seeing these two sitting together smiling and unconscious, "What are the instructions of Secretary Li?"

"Beichong has started to sell coal, so let's sell it everywhere," Li Qiang instructed with a smile, "make money if you make money, and other places are waiting for rice to be cooked."

Where... What seems to be wrong? Chen Taizhong glanced at Zhang Liqin obliquely, and after pondering for a while, he directly asked, "Then the line from Beichong to Yangzhou is leased, have you negotiated?"

He shouldn't have asked this. Secretary Chen has always avoided intervening in this kind of thing, but the situation is strange right now, so he just asks directly—sometimes, things have to be open for discussion.

"The monthly rent is one million," Li Qiang replied with a beaming smile. "The provincial bureau is very supportive of our work. This rent also includes part of the urban power grid."

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong became more confused. Borrowing the power grid is a good thing, but...what happened?

"The Liyang Power Plant is in urgent need of coal. You can send 100,000 tons of coal to Liyang," Zhang Liqin replied with a smile, "Our provincial bureau will help you with the transportation. You don't need to pay."

Understood, Chen Taizhong understood in an instant, it turned out to be an exchange of benefits.

The Provincial Electricity Bureau is afraid of being held accountable. The rent of 1 million a month is absolutely unwilling to reduce or exempt. The power grid in Beichong can talk about 300,000 because of the five-month blackout, which is not comparable. .

But this one million rent is unacceptable in Yangzhou, so the Provincial Electricity Bureau asked for a piece of money to subsidize Yangzhou. We will not reduce the rent for the power grid, but other things can take care of you.

This is the so-called compensation for losses inside the dike, and the provincial bureau must have made such a decision because of the situation and had to do it.

But looking at it from another perspective, the provincial bureau’s delivery of freight for Beichong is not without its name. The country lacks electricity, and Hengbei is a major power shortage. In this case, in order to increase the power generation in the province, the provincial bureau is in the middle. It is very normal to match up, and even help the power plant buy coal at any cost.

In this way, the provincial bureau adhered to the principle, and there was a source for spending money. Everyone was rejoicing in seriousness. To put it bluntly, to a provincial electric power bureau, millions are really nothing. The key is not to make mistakes.

Of course, the Hengbei Electric Power Bureau was cruel to make such a decision. If there was no other pressure, and if the blue sky had not bought half a million tons of coal, they would not be so easy to talk.

After thinking about this, Chen Taizhong completely understood that sentence, the official school examination is indeed the art of compromise.

Anyway, relying on Secretary Li's face, Bei Chong made a lot of money, but the money must be returned to the city.

So, how much can you earn more? Chen Taizhong began to calculate that for 100,000 tons of coal, the ton-kilometer would be calculated at 25 cents-tolls or other things can be waived by the Electric Power Bureau. That is the skill of others. From Liyang to Beichong, one hundred twenty thirty kilometers, one ton. The freight for the goods is 30 yuan.

After 100,000 tons of coal were transported, Bei Chong could earn an extra 3 million yuan, which is the same number, and there will be no major mistakes.

Calculating this way, the leased line for five months is 5 million, minus these 3 million is 2 million, an average of 400,000 a month, this figure is acceptable.

But he was still a little unwilling, so he asked, "It's only 100,000 tons, can it be more?"

"You have to talk to Liyang's power plant. We don't care," Zhang Liqin replied with a smile. She didn't care about the freight at all. "But I think they should be needed."

"Do you find the truck for transporting coal, or do we introduce it?" Chen Taizhong thought of his logistics center. There is plenty of water, so why should it flow to outsiders?

"We can find it, and you also have inherent conveniences," Zhang Liqin said. This is not a problem at all, but "if you find a car, you cannot exceed our budget."

"I have no problem," Chen Taizhong nodded, and a long tangled matter finally came to an end.

The news came out. Within two days, people from Dibei, Haijiao and Liyang flocked and signed a contract of 800,000 tons, plus the 500,000 tons sold to Tiannan. The amount of coal was reduced by more than half in an instant.

Even so, many people still think that Beichong sells too little. Among them, Liyang asked for 150,000 tons of coal. They actually wanted 200,000 tons or more, but the Provincial Electricity Bureau quit—you Give me about the same amount, and buy it again and there will be no subsidy.

One ton of coal subsidizes 30 yuan, and 150,000 tons is 4.5 million yuan. If all of Liyang's electricity is left in Hengbei, the Electric Power Bureau will not be so cruel.

The same is true in Dibei and Haijiao. The three power plants are divided into 650,000 tons, which seems to be a lot. They are divided into power plants, which means three months of coal storage, so they want to buy more.

After a while, the supply of thermal coal may be better, but it’s hard to say what it will rise by that time... And because of the shortage of thermal coal, the power supply gap is getting bigger and bigger. They buy coal now, the place is zhèngfǔ More or less there will be a bit of subsidy, this kind of cheapness, does not account for nothing.

Of course, there are various subsidies. For example, the subsidy for the Cape is free of tolls, while in the north, except for the highway, the tolls are free, and each ton of coal also subsidizes 20 yuan in the factory. Money-this is to encourage them to go to the market to grab coal.

Beichong has been selling coal for almost ten days. The small meetings of the conference continued. At the last calculation, in addition to selling 1.3 million tons of thermal coal, Beichong also sold 200,000 tons of coking coal to Songfeng. Although the contract has not been executed for 1.5 million tons of coal, the profit has already come out, which is about 310 million.

Even the existing coal in Beichong is less than one million tons. Among them, electricity coal and coking coal are half and half. Kang Xiaoan is a little uneasy, and he specifically finds Chen Taizhong, "Too loyal, this coal... can't be sold casually. "

"There are still 400,000 tons, what are you afraid of?" Chen Taizhong replied disapprovingly. Even if the second plane was launched, the 400,000 tons would be enough for Beichong for two to three hundred days.

"My Haizhou Power Plant also counts on you... There is a coal bunker here," Kang Xiaoan said with a smile.

"It's so beautiful," Chen Taizhong snorted. Haizhou doesn't produce coal, but there are also several coal mines around, and Yangzhou to Haizhou is farther than Chaotian. It doesn't make sense to find coal from Beichong. "Pay your own coal. , I can lend you the space for storage and storage fees. You just need to look at it."

"You are too stingy," Mr. Kang exaggeratedly sighed. "This time you are making a lot of money in Bei Chong, I originally wanted to borrow money from you Bei Chong."

This is true. Beichong's transaction has made a lot of money. Not only does it make money in the district, but many people who help to talk about it make a lot of money.

As a result, the logistics center in Beichong has become popular again. The power plant not only organizes coal trucks by itself, but also finds return trucks at the logistics center. It can save a little, why not?

Even the logistics center has a few large trucks, and they don't stay in the center. They just ran to the coal yard and went to work-paying a parking fee of five yuan.

What's interesting is that those who work in power plants are more aware of distribution in logistics centers. But think about it, it’s the same reason. A car with 30 to 50 tons of coal is worth tens of thousands of dollars. If no one is with the car, the wild road is not very safe, let alone the big event of pulling coal and running, even if By replacing 35 tons of coal with gangue, the power plant also lost a lot.

Just when the coal was almost sold, Wang Yuanyuan found Secretary Chen again and quietly reported, "Boss, there are two coking plants in Cape, and I want to buy some coking coal with us."

"Then sell it," Chen Taizhong has been numb to selling recently, and Bei Chong can't digest the coking coal. "As long as the price is right...Huh? Cape buy our coking coal?"

"Yes," Wang Yuanyuan gave a wry smile, "I don't want to talk about it, but the price they give is really good."

The recent coal sales were handled solely by Director Wang. The pressure was not unusually high. First of all, the amount was large, with more than 1 million tons of coal, 780 million yuan...It was a young section chief who was in charge.

Secondly, there is a lot of pressure on human relations, so there is no need to say more. Chen Taizhong is a bit unable to handle it, let alone her?

Therefore, recently there have been many rumors about her in officialdom. Some people say that she is a senior misstep woman. She just shook her legs at a certain young leader. She is so proud of her officialdom. Others say that she has made a lot of money in this sale. benefit.

Director Xiao Wang's image in the eyes of Beichong people is still relatively positive. This rumors are mainly from outside, but there are too many rumors, and Beichong people will inevitably have to guess in their hearts.

Wang Yuanyuan's grievance is quite big, has she benefited? It must be accepted, if not, it will be worse than it is now.

But whoever she received ~ ~ how much she received, she had to report to Secretary Chen exactly-if he felt wrong, she would not hesitate to tear her face and would not reach out.

Rao is so, she still feels very tired.

"Haejiao Coke Factory, can you give a good price?" Chen Taizhong thinks this statement is a bit unbelievable. The coke factories in Haijiao generally have a fixed source of goods, especially Beichong is far away from those coke factories, and the cost is only Uneconomical.

"I also asked, they said that the coking coal is not guaranteed recently," Wang Yuanyuan thought about it, and said in a low voice, "They also quietly told can use the electric coal green channel."

What a mess? Chen Taizhong was in a daze. For a while, he seemed to understand Lao Meng's feelings-this was simply a mess. The boss of Meng was from the Ministry of Energy. As a person who had been in charge of coal during the planning period, he must have been in a mood to witness such a phenomenon.

Lao Meng asked me to buy coal, and that was also to save me face. Secretary Chen came to realize one thing again, they don't lack family.

However, there is one more question, he is quite puzzled, "Is the green channel so easy to walk?" (To be continued.)

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