Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4453: Xu Qi

In mid-November, the urban transformation of Beichong began slowly.

The hallmark of this action was the opening ceremony, which was the foundation laying of the Beichong Administrative Hall. Bailihou Chen Taizhong from Beichong presided over the foundation laying ceremony.

The entire administrative hall, covering an area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters, has eight floors, and provides one-stop services. The offices of inspection, urban construction, industry and commerce, taxation, and civil affairs must be located here. Beichong’s slogan is— —If you want to work, just come to the administrative hall.

That's the case. Some people also argued that this administrative hall is too large. There are only a few people in Beichong. This is a waste. It takes several minutes to walk from side to side from one floor to the other.

It is necessary to look at the problem from a development perspective. At this time, Chen Taizhong has shown his strength. Beichong is now connected to the migrant worker population, which has reached 300,000, of which the permanent population has reached 250,000. The explosion is growing. Two years ago, we might have thought that Beichong, which has 180,000 people, would accept a temporary population of 120,000?

But this is impossible, and it happened. In my opinion, in two years, the permanent population of Beichong can reach 500,000 or more.

Therefore, it is not wrong to prepare adequately now, and save the administration hall after two years.

Chen Taizhong said a very famous sentence, which was widely circulated in Beichong, "No matter how large the administrative hall is, it is prepared for the people who work on affairs. This is not for the cadres to build an office. I have a clear conscience!"

At the beginning of the foundation laying of the administrative hall, the entire Beichong was completely moved. Before, everyone said that Beichong is like a large construction site, but now it is a real construction site. For a time, there are roaring machinery everywhere. Sounds, the entire city was dug up in a mess, and even Chen Taizhong himself had to buy an electric car instead of a car.

With such a big move, there are too many problems. Of course, the most important thing is that such a big piece of cake has fallen into someone's pocket.

There were many people who took the job. The provincial construction took part, the city construction took part, and the locals took a large part. Ding Xiaoning and Gao Yunfeng also took a lot. Li Qiang, Kang Xiaoan and Zhuang Bifan also took a lot. Some friends took over the project, and Chang Yuling also contracted out many friends to do it. Even Liu Haifang, Zhu Jiehua, and Wang Yuanyuan also had various relationships to undertake.

Anyway, this piece of cake is really too big. There are only a few large packages, but there are too many subcontracts. The 1.2 billion urban reconstruction project has completely moved the entire Beichong.

The trouble is not only that, but the project management is also very troublesome. It involves too many things, and the construction site of Beichong is a bit too big. The district even hired a project management team from the capital to coordinate. Construction in the district.

Even so, there were a lot of mismatches between the construction teams.

The biggest problem is the sudden appearance of construction, which will affect the daily life of the people. The impact of night construction is not a big problem. The biggest problem is the warning to passers-by before and during construction. .

Chen Taizhong repeatedly asked to pay attention to the signs and the isolation network. He talked about it on the TV at the meeting. After the talk, he put up a big sign at the gate of the district zhèngfǔ to inform the people of Beichong that the city was under construction recently and everyone was riding a bicycle. Pay attention to signs when you walk.

But even so, there were people who had an accident. A four or five-year-old kid went to play far away from home. He saw a puddle of muddy water. He wanted to step on it, but he fell into it with a thump.

Fortunately, someone passed by and saw the child falling into the water, and immediately rushed forward to rescue them-the two who were rescuing were still outsiders, one was responsible for holding one's hand, and the other leaned half of his body to save the person.

Now in Beichong, let alone the locals, the outsiders are all rushing to see righteousness, let alone the sense of honor, and you can make money by seizing the opportunity. If you hesitate a little bit, if someone else starts, the money will not be yours.

After hearing about it, the construction unit rushed to the scene and paid them 10,000 yuan-the reward for similar situations in the district will not exceed 5,000 yuan. I will give you 10,000 yuan. Please leave the two, are you okay? ?

If this kind of thing reaches Secretary Chen’s ears, the construction unit will definitely not be able to go around. In fact, their protective measures have been done very well. There are signs and isolation ropes, so they only need to send someone to look after them. Now, you said that this little baby doesn't know good or bad, and he has to come and play, who can stop it?

But it is a pity that Chen Taizhong will not tell you these truths. He looks at the protective measures and the results.

A while ago, a person from Beichong came back from Chaotian. He wanted to take a shortcut on the way home. He overturned the short wall and fell directly into the newly dug ditch over there. He had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

This person felt quite unlucky, but he was not walking the way normal people walked, and it was not worth it to be wronged. He got up and planned to go to the hospital to treat the wound.

Unexpectedly, he didn't go far. He was so embarrassed that he was seen by the patrolling helper, so he called him to stop-what's the matter with your face?

As a result, this hidden danger was exposed.

In fact, the house that dug the ditch was called wrong. The ditch was dug for a long time, and most people knew it. In order to prevent others from taking shortcuts, there was not only a sign but also an electric light.

What's not dead is that the light bulb broke yesterday and I don't know who did it. The construction party neglected and didn't replace the light bulb in time. As a result, the owner who had been away from home for a long time became a tragedy.

After the helpers learned about it, they naturally wanted to report it. After Chang Yuling heard about it, she called the person in charge over her head and covered her face. She was ordered to make a deep inspection and impose a fine of two thousand yuan—this overturned the wall. He's a young man, young and fine, what if he is an old man?

This is all lucky. It is said that Secretary Chen heard about the incident the next day, so he would stop work for rectification and thoroughly investigate the hidden dangers. Only when he heard that District Mayor Chang had already dealt with it, he hummed angrily-next time. Don't let me run into it.

Anyway, during construction, let alone the injustice, if you run into it, you deserve to be unlucky, and Chen Taizhong is extraordinarily tough and does not consider any accidental explanation at all-most of the casualties during construction are accidental factors. This cannot be a reason.

In view of this understanding, the construction party simply lost money and accepted bad luck.

The two rescuers hesitated for a moment. They didn't want the title, but the reward was too much. After the two discussed it, it was better to charge the benefits.

But this matter let Chen Taizhong know again. He took the company and, after scolding it, imposed a fine of 10,000 yuan-it is good for you to deal with it actively, but you are wrong first and try to cover the lid.

The child's parents were also called over. For a four or five-year-old child, you let him run around like this? Okay, don't say anything, a fine of two thousand.

The child of this family was almost drowned and was rescued right now. The family is very thankful, but it is difficult to be a parent when I heard about the fine. Secretary Chen, we came to the district from the village, and the children lived tightly. Yes, I really have no money.

If you don’t have money, you’ll pay for your work. Chen Taizhong is not a soft-hearted person. Parental supervision is unfavorable, and the possible impact on the child is too great—this time someone saved it. If no one is saved, a small life will be lost.

Because Beichong has an almost pathological obsession with security issues. At night, there are xenon lamps and iodine tungsten lamps that are as bright as a small sun. Beichong at the end of 2004 is truly a city that never sleeps.

Fortunately, at this moment, Bei Chong uses its own electricity, and apart from a line failure, there is no risk of a power outage.

Some people are puzzled by Chen Taizhong's high attention to safety, saying that the cost is a bit too high and that safety should be paid attention to, but it is not necessary to the extent that everything is fine.

For such questions, the young Bailihou tends to disdain to answer, and occasionally he is interested, only to say, "Because some people think it is not worth it, it is more necessary to persist."

The scale of Beichong's urban renewal was so grand that Secretary Chen didn't even have enough time to run around in the capital, and the money was rushed out like running water.

Some people think that the shop is too open. At this time, someone will remind everyone: Secretary Chen has been in Beichong for three years, and if we do not speed up the work of urban reconstruction...I don't know when this work will be completed.

This is also true or incorrect. In fact, even if the chūn starts next year, Chen Taizhong is confident that the urban reconstruction will be completed within a year. He is now hurriedly starting the construction in order to spend the money he earned as soon as possible to reduce the attention of others. .

After the renovation of the city is completed, he still has one year to make money, leaving behind a brand new and super profitable Beichong for his successor-if he can work in Beichong for six The loan can be paid off.

At the moment, it seems that he will have no problem in Beichong for a full term. The development here is too rapid. According to this momentum, he will definitely be able to rush into the top 100 counties and districts in the country in the next year. Who can guarantee that there will be another person. Such ability?

And as for the present gang of arrogant soldiers in Bei Chong, apart from Chen Taizhong, I am afraid that no one can convince them. Xu Ruilin, Jin Yuning, Ge Baoling, Luo Yaping, and Chang Yuling all have their own roots and respect. In the four counties, Beiguo, Wushan and Yunzhong, once Beichong takes the helm, the alliance of the five counties will definitely fall apart.

The response of the local people in Beichong should not be underestimated. Chen Taizhong has been recognized by everyone. If he changes his leadership, it may not be necessary.

Therefore, he was initially determined that he would not be adjusted during his tenure, and others could not afford this important task—just seeing that he has been working on one shoulder for a year now, and no one is fighting for the position of district chief, just guess. Get the above idea.

Recently, there has been good news. In the four major international fashion weeks, ramie products have amazing performances. The orders of ramie factories have surged, but there are also negative news. Now Beichong, many ramie manufacturers have settled in and competed with Beichong. List. (To be continued.)

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