Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4480: Reika

Chen Taizhong hesitated, or picked up the phone and walked to the door of the car—so that he could get off at any time and whispered, "Hi Minister Yue, may I have any instructions?"

"No instructions, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jingde County, we are going to move," Minister Yue said softly, "Do you have any recommendation?"

"I... you really look up to me," Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly. Jingde is an ally of Beichong. There is no problem with this. Even if Xi Yu is gone, there are too many threads below. Respectful cadres have vested interests in Beichong.

But Chen Taizhong, the county party secretary who controls Jingde, is not so arrogant. He is just a district party secretary. Where can he reach out to intervene in other county party committee candidates?

If Xiaobai is currently waiting for the top position in Jingde, he can still win, but if it doesn't matter, why bother to join in the excitement? "It depends on the organization's meaning... What mistake did Xi Yu make?"

"Cholecystitis, as well as gallstones, surgery is necessary," Yue Huanghe replied lightly, "it happens that someone said he has financial problems, so it's good to get back."

Hey, Xi Yu, you are really sick at the wrong time. Chen Taizhong is also a bit speechless. For gallstone surgery, he has to take a break for two months. For general leadership positions, then take a break, but it is normal for someone to top up in important positions.

As for the economic problem-Xi Yu is called Xiyu, there is indeed an economic problem, but at this moment, it probably means adding a few more feathers to the back of the camel.

"Yes, it's good," Chen Taizhong sighed. "Would you like to airborne the county party secretary?"

The county party secretary is supposed to be made by the city, but in fact it is not. Such top-level appointments must be approved by the province. Of course, many times the province will respect the opinions of the city. It would be difficult to tell the truth in the province.

The development of Jingde is actually very general, but because it is close to Beichong, in the counties of Yangzhou, if Beichong develops first, Jingde is second.

According to conscience, Chen Taizhong doesn’t want the airborne cadres to come down. The airborne cadres will always be inconsistent with the locals. The cadres in Yangzhou basically already know how strong he is, even if he changes the secretary. , He is also good at work.

"It's not necessarily airborne," Yue Huanghe groaned and asked, "How about the county chief's ability? Can it be supplemented?"

"Ability... average," Chen Tai said honestly. In fact, he has a good relationship with Xi Yu and Lian Xiao, and the cooperation is quite pleasant, but at this time, he will never help Lian Xiao intercede. .

Especially Lao Lian has a very bad preference. He doesn't want to endorse this kind of person. If something goes wrong in the future, it would be ashamed. "Mainly this guy... can't control his crotch."

"That's it," Minister Yue pondered again before speaking slowly, "You can remind him, it's a rare opportunity."

This is another person above. Chen Taizhong understood it immediately. After putting down the phone, he sighed inwardly: As expected, the problem of style is not a problem at all, even Yue Huanghe thinks so.

The next moment, he came to Zhu Tao again and started chatting with a smile.

At half past four, the designated bus in the district came back, and a dozen new cars were placed in the parking lot, which looked very good.

At this time, all the cadres who had nothing to do came, looking at their cars one by one, and were overjoyed, especially the Minister of Organization Huo Xingwang, and even took a test drive directly in the parking lot.

Secretary Zhu was also infected by the warm atmosphere. After watching for a long time, he found Chen Taizhong and continued to talk about business: Mingxiao City intends to send an inspection team to conduct a week-long inspection in Beichong.

Secretary Chen thought about it and said that there were so many things at the end of the year that our cadres might not be able to accompany the whole process.

Without your company, Zhu Tao said with a smile, we will take care of our own board and lodging, as long as we can allow us to look around, and if we don’t understand anything, we won’t be too late.

Okay, well, Chen Taizhong nodded. People are investigating at their own expense. What else can he care about?

Zhu Tao finalized the matter, so he drove away from Beichong. Before leaving, he once again invited Luo Yaping to visit Mingxiao at a suitable time—this time he also added Xu Ruilin, the previous one. The mayor of Xu is in charge of agriculture, forestry and water.

After Chen Taizhong sent him away, he walked to the side to find out the phone and dialed Lian Xiao's number, "Lian County Magistrate, forgot to ask you, why didn't Secretary Xi come to Beichong?"

"Secretary Xi is unwell. I went to Yangzhou to see a doctor," the county magistrate replied lightly. At the same time, a faint chuckle came from the microphone, a female voice.

"I said, you will die if you don't touch a woman for a day?" Chen Taizhong became angry. "Let that woman get out and tell you something serious."

"Secretary Chen, what do you say?" Lian Xiao laughed dryly when he heard it. He was so rude to say that his face was a bit uncontrollable--everyone was a cadre at the department level, a county head, How much is one shoulder of the district committee district zhèngfǔ?

But he really didn't dare to get angry. Jingde is relying on Beichong to develop, and Secretary Chen is a famous and powerful master, and his methods are also fierce. No matter how unrestrained he is, he can only endure it, so he I can only explain in a whisper, "I am after the ceremony, and I will come to Yangzhou to see my old friends."

"Then look at my old friend, just treat me as troublesome," Chen Taizhong unceremoniously pressed the phone, and he was really kind and funny in his heart, Xi Yu was about to have an operation, and Lian Xiao, you actually went to Yangzhou to play—— Even if you don't care about the seat of the county party committee secretary, you should always look after your family, right?

These two gadgets are really a pair of tricks. When Secretary Chen thought of other people's comments, he really felt the same.

However, Lian Xiao turned ridiculous to ridiculous, and his sensitivity was not bad. The next moment, he called over and said with a smile, "Secretary Chen, I'm out, what are your instructions?"

"You can go on playing," Chen Taizhong hung up angrily. He didn't want to contact such a strange cadre anymore, even if Yue Huanghe had some intentions, he was not interested in cooperating.

I have been working with Jingde for two years. Why didn’t I find out that Lian Xiao is so unreliable in doing things?

Facts proved that Lian Xiao was not as unreliable as he thought. At six o'clock in the evening, Chen Taizhong got off work on time and went back to the small courtyard for dinner. As a result, he saw Lian Xiao's car at the gate of the courtyard.

"Secretary Chen," the county magistrate saw him coming back and immediately got out of the car and greeted him with a smile, "I have come to check on the leader, and my attitude in the afternoon is very bad."

Chen Taizhong glanced at him and didn't say a word. Next to him, Liao Dabao had already opened the gate of the courtyard, and several people walked into the courtyard.

With Secretary Chen, there are Han Shihua, Cui Chongshan, and Zhu Jiehua. Director Han has been following Secretary Chen closely recently. Although Director Cui of the Finance Bureau is a member of Secretary Chen, he still visits the small courtyard relatively few times. The roots are gone, and there is too much money to spend financially, and he has to ask the leader for instructions.

Chen Taizhong ignored Lian Xiao, but the county magistrate had a correct attitude and approached him to talk to him. When others saw it, they knew they had something important to discuss, so they took the initiative to avoid it.

The two sat down on the main sofa in the living room on the first floor. Liao Dabao brought tea and stepped back. Lian the county magistrate smiled and nodded to express his gratitude. Then he glanced around and asked in a low voice, "Boss Chen... please instruct ."

"You are here, do you still need me to say it?" Chen Taizhong glanced at him, took out a pack of cigarettes, gave one to Lian Xiao, and took another one by himself.

The county magistrate hurriedly took out a lighter, lit Secretary Chen with both hands before lighting his own. After taking a cigarette, he whispered, "Secretary Xi... in serious condition?"

To be honest, Lian Xiao was really annoyed by the call in the afternoon, but after Chen Taizhong hung up, after he thought about it, he was immediately excited-what serious thing does this guy want to tell me?

What's serious? It's easy to guess. The first sentence Secretary Chen asked why Xi Yu didn't come, and then he thought about Secretary Xi's recent health problems. Even if the county magistrate was stupid, he figured out something.

Thinking that Chen Taizhong was calling himself about this matter, and that not only was he not in Jingde, but there was a woman's voice beside him, Lian Xiao could not wait to raise his hand to give himself a slap in the face—Fuck, how could I ignore such an obvious sign? What?

At this time, he fully understood Secretary Chen's disappointment with him. He immediately made a call to show that his attitude was correct, but the other party simply ignored it.

Come on, go to Bei Chong, even the county magistrate didn't say anything, and ran to Bei Chong after leaving the woman in the car. After he came, he didn't dare to take the initiative to call, just waiting at the gate of the courtyard.

Chen Taizhong was a little surprised when he heard this question, but after another thought, this is normal too—Xi Yu must also know At this time, the position for surgery and surgery would be a bit dangerous, so I tried to keep a low profile. As for the county magistrate, he didn't even know.

So he just sighed, "You guys don't know enough about each other."

"Secretary Xi can keep things in his heart, I don't know what his illness is," even the county magistrate smiled bitterly. "Secretary Taizhong laughed. Actually, I also care about his health."

"Gallstones, surgery is going to be done," Chen Taizhong said lightly. He was originally very angry with Lian Xiao's attitude, but this guy's reaction was not too slow, he was remedied in time, and his attitude was correct, so he didn't care for himself. .

"Fortunately, it's not a major operation," the county magistrate heard the words, nodded "with satisfaction", and then he hesitated, "but even so, does the county party committee's work have to be presided over temporarily?"

"Not a temporary host," Chen Taizhong took a puff of cigarette fiercely. In this puff, he had smoked half of a cigarette, and the red line of the cigarette **** burned faster than the firecrackers, accompanied by the squeaking sound.

Immediately afterwards, he spit out a heavy puff of smoke. After the thick smoke, his expression was not clear, his voice was low, but it was very clear, "It's the Great King Banner of Changing the City."

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