Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4499: Admit it wrong

See what kind of basket you stabbed me! Chen Taizhong glared at the young man.

People in Wushui Township were greedy for profit, and they did some tricks in private. This is not difficult to understand, but when the district wanted to ban it, the patient's family came forward and wanted to tell the district.

This is really dilemma, especially since the family members of the patients really feel the benefits and feel that they can live here if they live here-this is a matter of life.

Chen Taizhong was so angry that he wanted to hit someone. Wu Shui and these guys gave him too much passivity, and the patient already felt the benefits. If he wanted to rush, it would be a bit too inhumane.

However, it is even more impossible to condone such behavior. There are no rules and no radius. Such a beautiful sanatorium is still a part of the landscape of Beichong University. It cannot sit and watch other people destroy it at will, and become a private tool for collecting money.

He took a deep breath and controlled his emotions, "The expenses can be fully refunded, and we will treat them as our guests these days."

"People are gone, what do you want money for?" The woman saw his attitude improve, her voice also lowered, but her tone was still not very good.

"The rainy season is coming soon. You can take a look at how dangerous the place you live is." Chen Taizhong pointed to the surrounding area. In order to emphasize the concealment, the tent was set up at the root of the steep hillside. "You are for your own life. Irresponsible."

The woman curled her lips and looked a little disapproving, "The downside is flat. Let's live, do you agree?"

Chen Taizhong glanced at her and was too lazy to continue arguing. He turned to look at Liu Haifang, "Place these people away, stay away from the nursing home, and don't influence each other... It's just these people present, not many of them!"

"Or set up a tent?" District Mayor Liu asked for instructions.

"Tent first, build a batch of simple brick houses as soon as possible. The rainy season is about to come, and the second phase is about to start anyway," Chen Taizhong sighed, and he finally decided to swallow the "bitter fruit".

No way, this is the trouble caused by Beichong people. As a parent official, he has to pay for the mistakes of his people.

After speaking, he glanced at the young man, "Call me the guy who came up with this wicked idea, and...Haifang, let their township chief and secretary come over."

"Secretary Chen, please forgive us," the young man repeated his hands.

"I didn't plan on how to clean up you," Chen Taizhong gritted his teeth. Although his heart was raging, he still had to try to control his emotions. "You have exploited the loopholes in the district because the district system is not perfect. I don't blame you. "

The young man was happy when he heard this. Who is Secretary Chen? He spit on a nail, so he turned his head and ran to the foot of the mountain, while running, he found the phone.

Half an hour later, a sturdy man rushed over. He was twenty-seven or eighteen years old with a full face. He bowed as soon as he saw Chen Taizhong, "Secretary Chen, I was wrong. Please criticize."

"What's wrong with you? Are you brave enough?" Chen Taizhong waved his hand with a look of indifference, "I don't care how much you earn, these people are not allowed to increase anymore, and you show me this mountain. Live, as long as there is one more person... I make you regret being born, have you heard?"

"Yes," the strong man nodded again and again. He was so scared to run away when he heard that Secretary Chen had been arrested. That is to say, the young man said that Secretary Chen didn't care about it, so he had the courage to come.

However, when Secretary Chen asked him to see the whole mountain, he was still a little embarrassed, "Such a big mountain..."

"At least one year, as far as expenses are concerned," Chen Taizhong pointed to those who live in tents. "You can still charge these people...I don't care."

"How long do they want to live?" There was joy on the strong man's face, which meant that there was still income.

"People line up and can live in the nursing home sooner or later. These people can only be reduced but not increased," Chen Taizhong narrowed his eyes and looked at each other coldly. "You are taking a big advantage this time. If there is a flash flood...I It’s not necessarily bad luck, you are dead."

"That's that," the strong man nodded repeatedly.

"Go and burn high incense, pray that I will commit a crime next time and don't let me catch it," Chen Taizhong glared at him, turned and walked down the mountain.

He was actually very uncomfortable to deal with this matter, but he couldn't help it. On the way down the mountain, Liu Haifang sighed with emotion, "Boss, you are really parental."

District Mayor Liu is a person with children, so he can appreciate his resentment and helplessness.

"Haha," Chen Taizhong gave a wry smile, and then he remembered the person who prompted him, "Fortunately, I found it earlier. Thank you Boss Shen for me... You can grab the second phase of the project, and the money will not be given to you."

This is also the reason that Liu Haifang is active in the second phase. The nursing home has been clearly under her management. For the second phase of the project outside of the plan, she will be responsible for the second phase of the project. Chang Yuling, who is in charge of the Construction Committee, can only take care of her. Pick up here.

As for the district’s non-payment, it really doesn’t matter. The current profit of the sanatorium is enough to support the second phase of the project, and today I went with Secretary Chen and met a master who was willing to pay.

Of course, once the second phase of the project is completed, the benefits will be even greater, which is why she is actively striving for it.

When the three of them walked to the parking lot, just when the secretary and the mayor of Wushui Township came together, Chen Taizhong's face sank, "You two have done a good thing. If this happens again, don't blame me for being polite."

After speaking, he turned his head and got in the car and left. Wushui's secretary and the mayor looked at each other. Finally, the secretary stepped forward and asked courageously, "Mayor Liu, this is... what happened?"

"Near the sanatorium, you from Wushui Township, renting tents at high prices, are still at the foot of a dangerous mountain," Liu Haifang explained the incident in one sentence.

"I'm fucking," Wu Shui's party and government leaders yelled together after hearing this. They understood this very high quality. The head of the township was so angry that he rolled his sleeves, as if looking for someone to fight, gritted his teeth. Say, "Damn, who did it?"

The style of township cadres may not necessarily be so rude to this point. This kind of expression at this moment is more of a gesture.

"Secretary Chen has forgiven them this time, persuading and educating them is the main thing," Liu Haifang didn't care about the other party's attitude, but said lightly, "but you should also pay attention, don't have similar things happen again, otherwise... Temper, don't I need to talk to you two?"

"That is," the secretary of Wushui Township smiled and nodded. Boss Chen took the two of him from the village, said a word and turned around and left, which in itself explained the problem.

That evening, the leaders of Wushui Township came to Secretary Chen's courtyard to make a deep review, but Secretary Chen had already left Bei Chong-he was temporarily notified that he would rush to Chaotian for a meeting.

This is a meeting on the avian flu in the chūn season. At the beginning of the year, the avian flu began to spread from the south, and it also occurred in Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and other places. The World Health Organization attached great importance to this and sent observation teams to various countries.

People from the World Health Organization arrived at Chaotian this evening to listen to Hengbei’s prevention and treatment opinions. In fact, Hengbei has not seen similar cases. Everyone was a little caught off guard by the observation team's arrival, so they worked together to discuss countermeasures.

Some people say that we don't have a case, just give an emergency plan, and then some people say coldly-you say no, others will believe it, and forget the previous year?

If we don’t say this early wrong response, the impact is really profound.

At this moment, Ouyang Gui, the deputy governor in charge of science, education, culture, and health, made a decision: Okay, I will solve this matter. You should improve the response plan as soon as possible.

At 8:30 the next day, the symposium was held in the small conference room of Hengbei Medical University. It was said to be a small conference room, which was actually 100 square meters in size. The wide and long round table in the middle was large enough to accommodate 17 or eight leaders. There is a circle of sofas against the wall, and people sitting in the 40s and 50s have no problem at all.

Ouyang Gui did not attend the meeting. He received the visiting guests yesterday, and there is no need to come forward today-professional matters should be handled by professional people.

The observation team of the World Health Organization consists of four people, two men and two women. One of the women is an interpreter and the other is a younger man named Neil, who appears to be an assistant to the old man Hassmann.

At the beginning of the discussion, the two sides had a lively exchange, especially Jin Shengnan, a respiratory expert at Hengbei Medical University. She could even communicate with each other directly in English, and she had a good grasp of remote medical terminology, which greatly accelerated the second coming. The speed of communication.

But this is the case, many things cannot be clearly stated in one sentence, especially in this exchange, Chinese medicine accounted for a considerable part-none of the observers had researched Chinese medicine.

Palimpova, from the Czech Republic, seems to have a strong resistance to Chinese often comes up with some impatient words. Fortunately, the translator will not translate it according to the facts, and often ignore it. .

In fact, Palimpova's impression of China is extremely bad. As a Czech who has experienced Prague's chūn, she hates all socialist countries, even Yugoslavia.

The interpreter didn’t translate her words into Chinese, and she didn’t care. Some of them were her prisoners. When she saw someone on the sofa listening to the audience picking up their mobile phones, standing up and walking outside, she couldn’t help muttering in Czech. In one sentence, "Isn't the cell phone supposed to be turned off at this time? Really an uncivilized barbarian."

The young man’s mobile phone was set to vibrate, and it did not affect everyone, but she had a prejudice against China, and she felt that it was not pleasing to the eye. Anyway, she did not use English but Czech, and she was not worried about who would understand it.

"Huh?" Unexpectedly, the tall young man who was about to walk out of the conference room stopped and turned his head to look at her.

"Czech, old bitch, did the disharmony in your life cause your endocrine disorders?" The young man cursed viciously in Czech, but he still smiled, "I have a husband dog in my family, maybe it can satisfy you, listen. Here comes the good news... Has your underside already started to swell?"

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