Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4509: Person's name

Director Gao heard this and was stunned for ten seconds before taking a breath, "Are you... Secretary Zhou Ruizhou?"

Mr. Huang is a character he can hear and cannot reach, but he can still recognize Mr. Huang’s appearance anyway, but Mr. Huang’s secretary is limited to rumors and looks, which he can’t see on TV. And this person is called Zhou Rui.

"Uh," At the same time, someone else took a breath, but it was Secretary Li Qiang and Li. His legs were soft and he sat back on the sofa heavily—Fuck, it turned out to be such a strong man.

Minister Zhou and Director Zhou are all fake. What's really terrible is that this is Elder Huang's personal secretary. As the secretary of the municipal party committee, Li Qiang understands the difference most.

Huang Hanxiang's supernatural horse is certainly Huang Lao's son, but the person who can really embody Huang Lao's own wishes is the personal secretary.

"I just came out and walked casually," Zhou Rui did not deny that he was the rumored Secretary Zhou.

"Since you are here, Brother Zhou, sit down with our boss," Zhang Yonghong smiled and sent out an invitation. "These people are not sensible. If you have anything to say, just talk to the boss."

"I won't tell him," Zhou Rui shook his head faintly, "just take a look below, he is not doing well, someone will tell him."

This is what the National Development and Reform Commission’s strong point is. After all, it’s called the small government council. The plan is based on the small government council. The transportation construction and other zhèngfǔ departments are very powerful in the province, but in the government council. Compared with the Development and Reform Commission, they are nothing.

With Zhou Rui's position, he didn't want to meet the boss of the Development and Reform Commission because he didn't have the ability to squeeze the other party.

Therefore, his positioning of himself is to give full play to his ability at the level of the NDRC. This is not a pretense, but a real lack of power. If he wants to deal with the NDRC boss, he must invite the deity of Huang Lao.

However, like the current project, which involves national security, the Development and Reform Commission really has to be obsessed with it. Hearing those rumors, Huang Lao came over in person, and that was a slap in the face.

But at the same time, he was able to follow Chen Taizhong to run the process, which was enough to make too many people contemplate - if there are those who don't know anything, the crush will be crushed.

Director Gao also faintly felt this. He had no excuse to go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom, and call his backstage-what should I do?

Zhou Rui has come forward, what do you want to do? When I heard that this kind of people came to support the project, I could only smile wryly—we approved it, and expressed support for...opposition, let the leaders of the Development and Reform Commission take care of it.

Therefore, in the next moment, the two sides cherish each other's thoughts, and then they disperse, and there is no hospitality for lunch-this level of confrontation does not require any pretentiousness.

And Chen Taizhong was particularly decisive. He directly told Li Qiang that this matter is no longer something we can do at this level. Let's go back together?

I can't afford this matter a long time ago, Secretary Li lamented in his heart, still showing a calm look on his face: just go back like this... okay?

The rainy season is coming soon, Secretary Li and Chen Taizhong said with a wry smile: We can't just run the project and forget about our own affairs.

So the two went back.

The rainy season in Hengbei generally starts from mid-to-late April, but this year's rainy season comes a little earlier. At the end of the first ten days of April, yīn clouds cover the whole Hengbei.

In mid-April, news came from Beijing that the Ministry of Science and Technology had decided to support this project. The first phase of funding of 100 million yuan will be allocated within one month.

Immediately afterwards, the National Development and Reform Commission also heard the news that the Yangzhou oil shale project was about to be reviewed and approved. This time Li Qiang had to follow the past to see the situation and greet Chen Taizhong to go with him.

Chen Taizhong really didn't want to go, but this was Beichong's project. It was always not the case for Lao Li to go to the capital alone, so he bit the bullet and followed along.

Before the meeting, the relevant people refused to meet with people from other places in order to avoid suspicion. After the project was passed calmly at the meeting, the relevant people in the ministry accepted the dinner invited by the people from Yangzhou.

At this wine table, Chen Taizhong not only respected the last seat, but also kept a low profile, but no one in the room knew that it was this young man who initiated this project.

The next day, Secretary Li came to complete the formalities. Someone asked why he didn't see Secretary Chen. Li Qiang answered with a smile, saying that Taizhong had already returned to Chaotian on the plane this morning.

It was a little snobbery to act in this way, but Chen Taizhong did just that. Of course, the more important point is that he did not return alone, and Huang Hanxiang and some of Huang's friends were also with him.

These people went to the Beichong Sanatorium to play, hunting and fishing by the way, and the group of people was mighty, there were more than 30 numbers-Mr. Huang himself has an attendant, and his friends basically have nothing simple.

After getting off the plane, the Jinlong bus in Beichong was ready. There was a jǐng car in front of the road, a Jinbei van in the back, and finally there was a desert king with a military brand—this was a car sent by the Hengbei Military Region.

The car didn't stop at Beichong, and went straight to the Wushui Sanatorium. After reaching the place, many attendants helped to take the luggage inside. In order to welcome this group of people, Secretary Chen used the privilege to open two adjacent small villas. A villa is a bit too crowded.

Huang Hanxiang and the others were pretty good. They wandered around after getting out of the car. It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was bright, but Beichong had just rained and the air was also very good.

Looking at the tower crane on the mountain not far away, Huang Hanxiang smiled and asked, "Is this an expansion?"

"Well, demand exceeds supply," Chen Taizhong also nodded with a smile, "the response from the masses is good, so it can only be expanded...but no construction at midday and night can guarantee rest."

"That's going to be a good stay," Huang Hanxiang said, "By the way, take a look at your construction in Beichong. There are constructions everywhere. It will cost a lot of money."

"Welcome Mr. Huang to come and give guidance," Chen Taizhong smiled and pointed at the welcome banner hanging in the distance. "It is best to live in Beichong."

"It's impossible to live permanently," Huang Hanxiang shook his head, "It's still okay for ten days...that matter, please do it quickly."

President Huang came to Beichong, not just for fun, in fact, he was also declaring sovereignty for the oil shale project-when the project is down, someone from Huang's family will come over immediately. This is to warn some people who are careful: you have a long eye.

"No problem," Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile, "Ten days is enough, start the foundation laying ceremony of oil shale."

The location of the oil shale project has long been determined. It is in Linyun Township. Although it is in the mountains, it is close to the road. This involves the demolition of a village of more than 30 households.

Because the project has been delayed, the village has not been relocated, but Chen Taizhong is confident that the entire village will be demolished within ten days.

Confidence comes from the establishment of the system. The people in that village have also heard that the district plans to demolish the entire village and relocate to make room for oil shale. The district plans to compensate very well.

The people in Beichong are relatively kind, and with Chen Taizhong, a strong secretary, people who want to make trouble are not brave. He believes that he will publicize it, listen to everyone’s opinions and suggestions, and then-within two days the village will be able to After the relocation.

"This is the best way," Huang Hanxiang nodded with a smile. He was not interested in caring about these details. Xiao Chen said that if he could do it, he would definitely be able to do it. "Come and see how your sanatorium facilities are."

The facilities of Beichong Sanatorium are luxurious in Yangzhou, but in the eyes of President Huang, they are not enough. "Except that the place is seems to be nothing, it is at least ten years behind the capital."

"It's for recuperation," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, "It's not bad that it can be done like this in a small place."

"I'm busy with you. After a day's journey, I have to take a break," Huang Hanxiang waved his hand. "There is a gym? This is not bad."

Chen Taizhong was not polite to President Huang, raised his hand to call Ma Yuanyuan, and emphasized that he must serve the distinguished guests and ensure that he is on call 24 hours a day before turning and leaving, "Second Uncle, you rest, I will come back early tomorrow morning. "

The next day, Secretary Chen arrived on time at eight o’clock, but Mr. Huang had already exercised. He smiled and said, “Don’t tell me, you are in a nursing home. It’s really comfortable to live in. Not only I feel that way, Lao Liu’s wife. I have been with tonic spondylitis for several years, but it didn’t hurt much all night."

Among the people who came with him, in addition to friends and attendants, there are also relatives or friends who are not in good health. I heard that the Beichong Nursing Home had miraculous effects, so I came to feel it.

"The main thing is to relax," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile.

Huang Hanxiang was not in a hurry to go hunting either. He and his friends went to the district first to feel the construction of Beichong. Although it is still a large construction site, some buildings have initially appeared.

Most of the buildings are antique. Even the six-story administrative hall under construction is designed with overhangs. Coupled with the planned city wall around, Huang Hanxiang’s friends can’t help but sigh, good guys, this is going to be rebuilt. A new city.

This group of elderly people belong to the higher class and they have seen many scenes, and they are all venomous.

Huang Hanxiang was quite proud of his face in front of his friends. He smiled and said, "Xiao Chen is still a child, don't faint him...too loyal, take me to the bulletin board."

Beichong's bulletin board was a lot bigger, and it was almost turning into a bulletin wall. A group of idlers stood there and talked with arms folded. When they saw a group of people getting on and off the Golden Dragon Bus, all of them were very imposing and rushed to clear the way.

"Why is it still paper?" In order to show that he is a kind of mentor and friend, Mr. Huang picked up the problem first when he got out of the car, "What about some electronic display screens."

"We have considered the electronic display screen. The investment is relatively large, and this step is not considered temporarily. Some people think that the content can be modified in the background, which is not reassuring," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile.

"What the people recognize most are the black and white letters and the big red badge. This is also the current situation in the district."

"Hey, are these your relocation conditions?" The next moment, Huang Hanxiang noticed an announcement. (To be continued.)

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