Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4514: Security negligence

When the convoy arrived at the cadre training center, the sky began to patter again.

A big welcome banner has been hung up in the training center, and some children lined up to welcome them, but everyone was surprised to find that the children were holding flowers in one hand and umbrella in the other.

Regarding this point, Chen Taizhong specially emphasized that some people in the district objected that children should not be so squeamish. Secretary Chen said that it was OK. As long as the leaders did not wear the umbrellas, the children would withdraw their umbrellas.

Leaders do not use umbrellas-is this possible? So the topic stopped there.

However, as Meng Yi said, Du Yi is a person who doesn't like trouble. He took the flowers from two children and walked into the training center on his own.

Secretary Du's stay has improved the security of the entire Beichong to a considerable extent, especially in the cadre training center. The security has even been transferred to the jǐng guards accompanying Secretary Du.

Chen Taizhong also guessed that it must be like this, so the district sent four jǐng inspectors and two jǐng vehicles over.

After Du Yi moved in, the first thing was to listen to Beichong's progress report on the oil shale project, and then to learn about Beichong's construction plan. He asked very carefully. He didn't go to dinner until 6:40.

In the face of Du Yi, Chen Taizhong was able to talk freely about work. After all, he did it himself, and the data was also stored in his mind. However, he respected the honor of having dinner with the zhōngyāng committee member.

He didn’t try his best to get up, and he certainly didn’t have a meal with Secretary Du. He was at the table with Secretary Du. Except for the vice governor of Ouyanggui, Chen Zhengkui could only sit at the bottom of the hall. .

I was wrong. There was still a deputy department-level cadre, but this deputy department was sent by the National Development and Reform Commission-Li Qiang faxed the invitation to the ministry.

Chen Taizhong settled the dinner in ten minutes. He ran out of the hall to smoke. He really didn't want to get too close to Du Yi. Anyway, he cared about the security of the provincial party committee secretary. This is what he, the landlord should do.

In the training center, the Beichong cadre who followed Du Yi's service was Han Shihua from the county party committee. If ordinary people get such an errand, can they still die? However, Director Han said with sincerity: Secretary. I can't do this job.

If you can't do it, you have to do it! Chen Taizhong spoke very simply, this is the requirement of the district committee of you, to serve the leadership well-good old Han, is this an opportunity for you?

Whether it is true or not, Han Shihua is on the job. Secretary Chen stood under the eaves, with a cigarette in his mouth, and looked at the courtyard gate idly.

After standing for a while, Zhu Fenqi also leaned over, and the secretary of the provincial party committee arrived, not to mention him as the director of the branch, the director of the city bureau had to follow, of course, at the level of director Zhu. It is impossible to get to Secretary Du.

The two of them stood here without talking. There was a waiter with sharp eyes and a chair. Secretary Chen waved his hand impatiently. What kind of hospitality are you offering at this time?

After standing for almost half an hour, the sky was pattering and raining again. Director Zhu sighed, "Tomorrow the foundation will be laid... I hope it doesn't rain."

"It's not a big move. It doesn't matter." Chen Taizhong replied lightly.

At this moment, beside the road outside the courtyard. Someone quarreled, and the more noisy they got, the more fierce they got. Within a minute, they crackled and started their hands. At the same time, it was mixed with screams and women's screams—beichong people are just this kind of virtue. , There will be big fights, and the quarrel process is very short.

Hearing the lively playing, two jokers in the courtyard ran out, but the sound was not too small. Chen Taizhong stepped out, and Zhu Fenqi followed him out-standing under the eaves all night. bored.

When the two of them walked past, the two sides of the conflict were still fighting. There were three or four people on each side, and the two jǐngchat couldn't stop them.

"Stop it all, I will beat anyone who is not obedient," Chen Taizhong shouted, "I am Chen Taizhong!"

The last sentence was so useful. When both sides heard it, they stopped immediately.

Then when I understood the reason for the fight, it was a bit dumbfounding. It turned out that when an agricultural vehicle passed a puddle, it was a bit fast, and the water splashed wet the clothes of passersby.

What's not dead is that the puddle is at the gate of a construction site. The water is particularly muddy. Passers-by yelled at the driver's mother and identified that the other person was blind.

The driver got angry too, poked his head out and cursed, to the effect that he accused the other party's excretory organs for the wrong position, and then drove away.

Unexpectedly, the passer-by was a person on the construction site. He hurriedly greeted him, called three workers, drove a van and chased him up, pinned the farm vehicle to the side of the road, and after a few quarrels, the two parties started directly.

There are many passers-by, but there are three people who drank alcohol. There are three men and one woman on the farm truck, and the two sides are just evenly matched.

"The big thing is all from Beichong, can't you apologize?" Chen Taizhong put his hands behind his back and spoke coldly. On the side of passers-by, there are two people from Beichong and outsiders. On the farm vehicle side, the driver is From Beichong, the other three are respectful.

Anyway, the two people who caused the incident were both from Bei Chong, and Secretary Chen planned to focus on persuasion and education.

This is not a big deal in itself. The two parties in the fight did not take the guy. The guy who was splashed with mud was a bit unconvinced. He accused the driver of being ethical. He listened to it and said directly, "I don't agree with the settlement? Let's send it out."

A jǐngcha got into the van and directed the two cars to leave-in the eyes of Secretary Chen, those few didn't even have the guts to resist.

After dealing with this trivial matter, Chen Taizhong's shoulders were also wet by the rain. He and Zhu Fen got up and walked back to the compound, and ordered the waiter, "Bring out a table and get some tea and a kettle."

In a short while, the waiter made arrangements. They stood there for a cup of tea and drank a cup of tea. Someone next to him saw that there was hot tea here and came over for a drink.

At this moment, a man came over and said with a calm face, "What happened outside just now?"

Chen Taizhong was a little impressed with this person, as if it was someone beside Du Yi, but this tone really made him a little dissatisfied, so he replied indifferently, "The car splashed water on the person, and he started fighting. ."

"This kind of trivial matter has to be dealt with for so long?" The man said unceremoniously, "Do you take Secretary Du's security issue to heart?"

"Little bastard... will you try it with me again?" Chen Taizhong grinned, showing a sneer.

The man froze for a moment, and then became furious. Secretary Du was a member of the zhōngyāng committee. When he went to the place, he put a lot of emphasis on security.

Apart from other things, only the vicinity of the accommodation not only has strict access control, but also has a lot of manpower deployed within a certain distance. If there is any dispute, it must be settled immediately, and absolute quietness must be emphasized when resting.

Not far from the place where Secretary Du was staying, a gang fight took place, and it took a long time to calm down. In his opinion, Bei Chong had done too badly in security.

The young man in front of him was too arrogant, so he rolled his sleeves, "Are you going to do something with me?"

"Look at you beautifully," Chen Taizhong chuckled. It was a very disdainful smile-he deliberately stimulated the other party to do it first, then he would be reasonable, "Do it with me, you are worthy of you? You are a person? Meat sand buns... used to be beaten."

"Too loyal, too loyal, don't say a few words." A person came by, but it was Kang Zhuo, secretary of the Yangzhou Municipal Legal Committee. He smiled and separated the two sides. "Everyone is doing good work... Zhu Fenqi, stopped Your boss Chen!"

"Even if your kid's fate is big, don't look at Secretary Kang's face, I will pee you out!" Chen Taizhong raised his hand and pointed at the other party. He respectfully received Du Yi for a long time, and he had already held back his stomach-buddy. To Du Yi, I need to talk about the rules of the officialdom. To you... do I need to talk about it? It just made me vent my anger.

He believed that according to the rules of the officialdom, he could only hold his breath in his stomach, and the fight caused by the dispute of tongue could not care about it—the buddies were almost suffocating internal injuries, old man. Du you also hold back, it is best to spray two more blood.

But seeing him so fiercely, he didn't have any interest in doing it. He just snorted, "What happened just now, if someone turns the tiger away from the mountain, and Secretary Du has a problem, can you bear the responsibility?"

"You fart, you have a problem, your whole family has problems, is there a curse like you?" Chen Taizhong laughed, "Is it because Secretary Du has been unpleasant for a long time? I especially hope he has a problem?"

"You..." This man was really speechless and choked. Has he ever seen such a difficult guy?

At this time, someone walked over to drag him away, but it was Chen Zhengkui, the mayor of Yangzhou, who also persuaded him by the way, "It's all a matter of work, but the secretary of Taizhong, only four security guards , It’s a bit some helpers."

Chen Zhengkui hasn’t dealt with Beichong for two But he has a deep root in Yangzhou, and he has some eyes and ears in Beichong, so he knows that Beichong Cadre Training Center is here, although It looks like there are more than a dozen security guards, but most of them are hired security guards, and there are only four real security guards.

"Thanks to Mayor Chen for your concern," Chen Taizhong replied lazily, then took out a cigarette and lit it on his own, without bringing the mayor's cigarette, he took a comfortable sip before speaking again.

"The respect for leaders does not need to be embodied in form. The cadres and the masses in Beichong actively support the existing system and love the party and the country. If Secretary Du is here, in addition to the jǐngwei, he also needs defenders to guard. Jokes."

Chen Zhengkui was speechless at the time, and nothing else, Chen Taizhong caught Bei Chong's people too dead, and the people of Bei Chong were also famous for their bravery. Secretary Du was actually very safe without formality.

He originally wanted to instigate a bit, but he didn't expect Chen Taizhong's answer to be so stiff.

Ten minutes later, Du Yi also knew what was happening outside. He slapped his mouth and hummed, "Hey." (To be continued. Welcome to m. to read.)

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