Official Immortal

Chapter 39: Who is the laity

"How can I learn well?" The young woman refused to let Chen Taizhong go, and grabbed him with one hand. Her eyes were crazy, "You talk about the conditions, but if you don't tell me, how do you know I can't learn?"

   Alas, Chen Taizhong is so angry and funny, how can you, an ordinary person, learn the kung fu of this fairy family? However, this woman's obsession with gambling on jade made him feel good out of thin air.

  Think about it, didn’t the buddies set records one after another because of persistence?

   "Unless..." Unless you're practicing, he swallowed back halfway through his words, which is unrealistic, and finally shook his head, "There is no unless, you are just a temporary hobby, why should it be so serious?"

"What do you want, say it, just say it," the young woman refused to take a break, the madness in her eyes continued to increase, "Ask for money and power? Want a house and land? Just talk, things I can't do in Phoenix ……not much!"

   I shouldn’t have a Phoenix accent when I speak! Chen Taizhong scratched his head a bit, now it's alright, people can understand it, and it's no good to pretend to be a foreigner. It is really important to learn Mandarin well.

   Seeing him stunned there, Xiao Pan's boss was also anxious. He really wanted Chen Taizhong to get Sister Tang away right away. If she made Sister Tang happy, he might still get a blessing in disguise, but he also persuaded him.

   "Young man, Sister Tang has spoken, are you stupid? Don't do it for nothing!"

   You say I'm stupid? Chen Taizhong became mad immediately. Few immortals who dared to speak this way survived. He chuckled, "Okay, I want the power. Give me the mayor of Phoenix to do it. I will definitely teach you how to know. jade!"

   "Mayor Phoenix?" Sister Tang was dumbfounded, and repeated it subconsciously, before looking at him in amazement, "Are you serious, are you kidding?"

   "I'm serious," Chen Taizhong nodded, his face solemnly, "I Chen...I am a dignified man, it is a spit and a pit."

   The young woman suddenly became alert, turned to look at Xiao Pan, her eyes were full of doubts, "Xiao Pan, you two...Is this the one that sang?"

   "It's fair and honest, Sister Tang, I really don't know him!" Xiao Pan immediately raised his hands, his face was full of panic, "Besides, I really don't know your origin..."

   He only knew that Sister Tang once bought a big stone. After a phone call, a car with the municipal party committee's brand came in and the armed police accompanied the car to help move the stone.

"I can't do this request." The madness in Sister Tang's eyes finally disappeared. It was replaced by a shrewd and profound look. "Did you just say that I absolutely can't learn it? How can you Is there a way to teach me as the mayor?"

"There must be a way, but I have to consider it, it's not worth it," Chen Taizhong replied faintly, shaking the black plastic bag in his hand by the way, "I said you know if this thing is heavy? What else? Are you?"

"It turns out that you are also a layman," Sister Tang showed a smile on her face, which was a self-deprecating smile, and then she sighed again, and the two crescent eyebrows frowned. "Alas, I thought, I met some superior person. It."

   In this world, I am afraid that I am the only one who is not a layman, right? Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, are you good? If you are not vulgar, you have long learned to know jade! "Okay, I'm vulgar, I'm vulgar, are you okay?"

   The young woman's eyes were filled with loss, and she watched him leave without saying a word.

"Sister Tang, this young man is not a simple character," Xiao Pan said to one side. Of course, his main purpose is to distract her from her resentment, "Did you notice that he used his sword to break the stone? I read it right..."

"This woman, it seems to have a background," Chen Taizhong thought as he walked, but it would be really troublesome to teach her to know jade. She must be able to survive if the spirit of the fairy is injected into her body. what.

Ordinary people’s physique can’t hold the celestial aura at all, just like using a bamboo basket to draw water, unless they have been modified, such as Ren Jiao, who has been invisibly modified a little to enjoy the celestial aura. Moisturizing.

   I wanted Ren Jiao, Ren Jiao arrived. As soon as Chen Taizhong came to the door of the house, Ren Jiao jumped out from one side and grabbed him, "Too loyal, why don't you sue me when you come back?"

   Chen Taizhong raised the plastic bag in his hand, "I went out to buy things, um, I have to give you a Sumi Jie in the future. By the way, did the principal of your **** ghost trouble you?"

   "He dare?" Ren Jiao first opened her eyes severely, expressing anger and disdain, then she narrowed her eyes and smiled like a flower, "By the way, why didn't you ask me, how did you know you came back?"

"I don't know, anyway, I know that when you look for me, there is no good thing," Chen Taizhong thought of the last time, when Ren Jiao pretended to match the beauties to know him, but aroused Meng Xiaoyan's face, something in her heart. Resentful.

   "You fellow, I haven't asked you why you came back without telling me!" Ren Jiao opened her eyes and pinched Chen Taizhong's arm severely, "You are getting angry with Yin and Yang!"

   Who do you count I have to tell you? Chen Taizhong was a little depressed. The previous things were just exchanges, exchanges. With concern, how can you make me cultivate immortals again?

   But, anyway, he has been raging on her for many days, and he may continue to raging in the future. Even if Chen Taizhong **** again, he can't say such a thing to the former Jiao.

Seeing him not speaking, Ren Jiao was delighted in her heart. It seems that the day when the west wind overwhelms the east wind is coming. "It's really a good thing to find you this time." She looked at him with a beaming smile, "I A relative opened a new restaurant and asked me to join in, so I will come to find you and see if you are back!"

   "I'm asking you to eat rice," Ren Jiao choked again lifelessly, "Well, you won't sue me when you come back!"

   This is the method of Teacher Ren. In the days when Chen Taizhong was away, she carefully pondered it and found that the relationship between the two was completely unclear at all, and it was a mess!

   If it is just a purely mutual use and exchange relationship, then, after the exam, the two continue to be tired of being together, and Chen Taizhong also bought **** underwear for her. What kind of stuff?

   It seems improper to say that the two are boyfriends and girlfriends. At least, the two parties did not identify the relationship, and Ren Jiao not only was four years older than Chen Taizhong, but also promised to "guard himself like jade" for him!

   Because of this, she came to invite Chen Taizhong to go with him. There is no doubt that Teacher Ren intends to pull him into her own life circle and set the tone for the relationship between the two parties.

   "Not far away, right in the development zone," she saw Chen Taizhongmu in a daze, stretched out her hand and pushed again, "tomorrow noon, remember to turn on the phone, I'll call you."

   Where did Chen Taizhong guess her mind? He nodded vaguely, development zone? Dude is the deputy director there!


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