Official Immortal

Chapter 550: Should not go home

In the end, Wang Hongwei did not answer Chen Taizhong's question. Although Qin Xiaofang also wanted to know, Director Wang just shook his head with a smile and refused to spit.

     Seeing that these three are all there, and there is still life on their hands, Chen Taizhong sat for a while, really feeling meaningless, stood up and left. (network)

     Before he got out of the 39th, the phone in his hand rang, but the call came from home. He walked two steps and went out before picking it up.

    \"Too loyal, didn't your China Merchants Office send something?" It was my mom who called, \"Why did someone send something again today? Quite a lot..."

Dare to love, it was Zhang Zhihui’s Phoenix Hotel that brought Chen Taizhong's half a car to Chen Taizhong's house, but it was not too expensive. The most expensive is probably a Feitian Maotai and two Chinese, but it can't hold much, and it's not very good. Cheap.

It's nothing more than fish, poultry, meat and eggs, plus some vegetables, condiments, and dried seafood, which add up to half a mini-van. My mother was frightened, and it was only her son who took Corey's things. I took it all back, for fear that he would make a mistake, \"The chicken, fish, beef and meatballs and other meats add up to more than two hundred catties, but they are all done..."

     That doesn't add up to much. Chen Taizhong is a bit funny, but when I think about it, it is a bit regrettable. My parents have lived in the factory for most of their lives. Where have you seen such a rich new year?

    \"These are all gifts from others, you can just put them down," he can't explain too much, \"If the refrigerator is not big enough, I will buy a freezer, right?"

    \"Freezers are very expensive, and I don’t usually need them," Mom is used to economy. \"We can put some on the balcony, and hang some outside the window. The rest... give some to the neighbor?"

    \"Why should I give them?" Chen Taizhong quit. Several neighbors were doing fine, but since they moved into the factory dormitory. There is also less communication between each other, \"If you have no place to put it, I will take it away, just in time to send someone off."

     Liu Wangnan does not go back during the Spring Festival, and Ding Xiaoning is also alone. The house in Sunshine Community is also big, let alone two hundred catties, even two thousand catties can be put down.

     is the Yuhuayuan where Meng Xiaoyan and Ren Jiao live. A lot of Lunar New Year goods have been prepared, and some people often come to visit the principal of Xinzha, so there is no need to think about it.

    \"This year's 30th is always in our house, right?" Mom stopped talking about this topic, anyway, my son was not at home. ==Net==m Hide a little and send it to neighbors in the old neighborhood. I'm not afraid that he knows, \"You can't have a person all year round, right?"

    \"I have stayed at home since the afternoon of the [zhetian] noon, okay?" Chen Taizhong made up his mind, \"I will buy some firecrackers now, and I will go back the next morning..."

     However, two days later, he regretted making this decision.

     It is said that on the New Year’s Eve, everyone should stay in each house. However, his neighbours already knew that the Chen family's boy had a good future, not only working in government departments. Also drove a good car.

     Everyone has no excuses for contact. But when Mother Chen sent the things out, it was normal for people to return gifts. What's so dying is that everyone heard that the Taizhong Section Chief, who is too busy to see anyone on weekdays, will be back in the afternoon. Now you can see how the Chen family's boys are doing.

     So, in the 40-square-meter home, seven or eight outsiders squeezed in in the afternoon. The originally small home was almost no place to turn around. The room was full of smoke and mist.

     Chen Taizhong couldn't stand the dirty air the most. He opened the window deliberately, but saw that Chu Hansheng, the chairman of the labor union in the factory, was also there, and finally gritted his teeth to hold back. He had to think for his father.

     The factory where Chen Taizhong’s parents are located is the Phoenix Electric Factory, a vice-county-level enterprise. The efficiency of the factory has been very poor in the past two years, and the wages cannot be paid in full. Currently, reform is being planned.

     When I heard that Chen Taizhong is now at the regular school level, Chairman Chu was so surprised that he almost stared his eyes out, "Isn't it? Xiao Chen, you are...19 this year?"

    \"Twenty," Chen Taizhong deliberately said that he was a bit bigger. In fact, his 19th birthday was spent in front of the booth in Birmingham, and it has not been a few days.

\"Awesome!" Chairman Chu stretched his thumbs up, he knew deeply what it means to be a 20-year-old Zhengke. He has worked hard all his life, and now he enjoys only the deputy director level treatment. He said that the level is still the Zhengke, but he did not expect The guy from the Chen family is so brilliant.

    \"Good luck," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile. This topic made him feel a little proud. He could not turn around and walked onto the balcony. He took two boxes of soft Chinese and asked everyone to smoke. \"Smooth, I don't smoke."

    \"Soft Zhonghua, more than seventy boxes," Chu Hansheng turned his head to look at Father Chen, \"This kid in your family is really amazing. Is this someone giving the land?"

    \"Several business units gave it at the end of the year," Chen Taizhong did not want everyone to associate him with corrupt officials. Although he has no prejudice against corrupt officials, he is not always a good reputation.\"Moreover, our investment promotion agency is also good."

     At this moment, he realized how important his mother's "low-key" is.

     chatted for a while, and Chairman Chu slapped his thigh.\"By the way, Xiao Chen, can you bring in some funds for the motor factory? Or the next step will be more troublesome."

\"Isn't it going to be restructured?" Chen Taizhong is not enthusiastic about this. The electrical machinery factory is a municipal enterprise. There are not many people and there are five or six hundred. In addition, there are almost 1,000 retired people. He is only the chief of the section, not the mayor. ,\"Full shareholding system?"

    \"A person is five thousand, not counting the resignation, how much money can you have?" Chairman Chu smiled bitterly, \"Two million yuan, the factory owes more than five million to the bank now, and the loan is not enough."

    \"Oh," Chen Taizhong nodded, but didn't answer the conversation. What kind of electrical machinery factory is like, does he still know? There are a lot of foreign debts, and a lot of people owe them. Even if there is a capable person who can solve the triangular debt, the factory still loses money.

     To put it bluntly, the factory does not introduce funds to improve the production line, the leadership does not change blood, the sales department and the supply department do not catch a group of people, and there is no rescue at all.

     Now Chen Taizhong’s parents are both second-line workers. They have been working for a lifetime, but they only cost about 3,000 yuan per person per year. With the addition of winter and summer, holiday benefits and labor insurance supplies, they will not reach three thousand five, and the life is tight.

But the sales department and the supply department are so fat and oily. As long as they have been working for three to five years, it is normal to have one hundred and eighty thousand dollars in money every year. As for the section chiefs and deputy section chiefs, they have a car— —I'm really not afraid of swagger.

In fact, the current Phoenix Electric Factory has fallen far behind the market, and the production cost is very high - not only the burden of retirees, but the cost of procurement is also high, which is generally higher than the market price. In the words of the supply department, that is It is necessary to ensure the quality of raw materials and the reputation of state-owned enterprise products.

Nowadays, private small factories make a lot of motors. In terms of materials, they can save or save. Only copper wire, the same type of motor, the copper for people's household is less than two-thirds of the motor factory, the cost is low, and the price is naturally Down.

     Things are still weird here, saying that they are shoddy? The motors from the motor factory are silly, thick and real, but they really need to be used. They are not as solid as those of the copycat version.

     So, this production process must be considered outdated. Of course, no one cares about it strictly. Those small private factories, in terms of infrastructure and production equipment, really may not be able to catch up with the electrical plant.

     In short, motors from other places have a great impact on the Phoenix market. The price determines everything. If the quality is the same, there are 1,000 motors that you don’t want to buy for 1800. Isn’t it a disease?

Fortunately, there is a local policy in the city. In order to support local enterprises, all enterprises and institutions have to buy electric motors if they want to buy electric motors. Otherwise, you will not be able to pass the financial audit. However, a small Phoenix City cannot feed. Such a motor factory.

Phoenix Electric was considered a famous brand ten years ago. The price is a bit more expensive, but it can also be sold partially. Some places really recognize this brand, but after it is sold, the payment is still a problem~www.mtlnovel. com~ The sales department complained every day when they talked about the payment-we were scolded for not selling, and we were scolded for not selling. Do you know how bad the triangle debt is now?

     But in fact, every employee in the electrical machinery factory knows that many of the current accounts receivable have become bad debts. It is said that they owe more than 8 million yuan outside, and it is not bad to recover half of it.

However, you can't just kill everyone with a stick. Sales Cory, there are really some selling motors to get the money back, and rely on sales commissions to make money. There are more than one or two such people-it is gold, and it will be everywhere. Glow.

     Such a factory wants to attract investment. Isn't it a cheating? Chen Taizhong will definitely not take this remark. Anyway, his father and mother have him to provide, so he will definitely not worry about food and clothing. I care about you so much?

     Seeing that he didn't express his opinion, Chu Hansheng sighed. Although he was dealing with state-owned enterprises and not institutions, he had been in contact with many leaders for decades. He knew that the Chen family had no intention of talking.

However, he is really unwilling, and everyone is idle now, and you have to whisper again, no matter how well your Xiao Chen develops, we are also people of your uncle generation. In front of you, you can still jump your feet. ?

    \"If it doesn’t happen this time, maybe the bankruptcy will happen this year. Too loyal, you can’t watch these uncles and aunts starve to death, right? We watched you grow up."

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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