Official Immortal

Chapter 555: Not even in Huxi

On New Year's Eve of 1998, it was really unforgettable for most people in the Phoenix Electric Factory. Guo Guangliang, who was arrogant and domineering in the factory, was handcuffed away by the police, and the Guo family was smashed, inside and outside the illegal restaurant. It was smashed so badly that even the walls were knocked down twice. [m]

Quit your breath, the guy from the Chen family is really unambiguous. Countless people stood by the window and witnessed this grand occasion. They made the electric machinery factory here to count the ratings after the year, and unexpectedly found that the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala have been large for a period of time. Decline...

     During this period, taxis continued to arrive on the road, and the cars continued to jump off in groups of gangsters. The scene gradually became popular, and in the end it seemed that the number of people was over 200.

     When everyone was worried about whether the situation would get out of control, after a few shouts, the gangsters climbed into the car in the blink of an eye, and walked away in full view.

No matter if anyone called the police, the two guys from the Guo family were almost silly looking at this scene. The second child reacted quickly. He pulled the boss, "Go, wait until they find here, we will be miserable. "

Of course, they don’t think that Old Xu’s house is a safe place. Even if Old Xu promises again, these two brothers can’t believe it. The outside scene is too big. You and the Chen’s are good. However, Chen Taizhong It’s normal if you don’t sell your account for this kind of big money?

\"Mom, I must kill the Chen family a few mouthfuls when I look back," the brothers are almost walking to the back door, the boss is really holding his breath in his heart, he must say a few words hard, \" Or else, I really swallow I can’t go down.\"Haha, I’m so brave, I really admire it.” After a few applause, a few people slowly walked out in the dark. The first ones were two unusually handsome men. One of them turned his head and looked at the other. One, \"Brother Monk, these two, give us the four little justices? "

     is naturally Xiao Muyu, the younger brother of Seventeen, and the other must be Dong Yi. The monk is a direct line of Seventeen, and it doesn’t show any timidity to say anything to Crazy Horse. In front of Dong Yi, of course, it is necessary to make a big difference.

While they were talking, there were crowds of people behind them, afraid that there would not be 20 or 30, the monk laughed, \"Ha. You four little righteous people helped Chen Ke with things, so why is it my turn this time? No, don't grab it."

    \"Big big...Big brother, let's just talk about it," Guo Lao Er hates his own boss for being too big, and he has to stammer and explain, and then pulls his boss. The two of them turned around together. He flew to everywhere: Uncle Xu must save us this time. www..

     To tell the truth, Guo Lao Er knew in his heart that the boss was really talking casually, but just to vent his anger. Who would have thought that the other party would ambush someone at the back door?

     But the monks didn't know, these two talked casually. Seeing the two of them running away, they hurriedly followed. Legs and feet slowly, early throwing the guy in the hand over, for a while, iron bars, bricks, wrenches, hammers and the like flew around, and the Guo brothers were knocked to the ground in the blink of an eye...

     after the gangsters evacuated the scene. Twenty minutes passed. A police car rushed over with the siren, but perhaps the battery was dead. The police siren sounded weak.

     There were only two policemen in the car. After getting off the car, I looked around. It seemed boring. Turning to the car and leaving, the wife of the second son had already ran downstairs. \"Are you from the Hengshan branch?"

\"Oh, we are in Sanqiao," a policeman replied casually. Sanqiao Police Station belongs to the Huxi Sub-bureau, and it is exactly this one. \"What happened here? The police said that someone was making trouble. person?"

\"There is a gangster trouble," the second son’s wife was a bit bolder when it heard that he was from the Huxi branch.\"The door of my house was smashed, and a restaurant on the roadside was also smashed, Comrade Police Go and see first..."

\"What did you do? How come you were smashed?" The two policemen leaned against the car with their hands in their pockets, and didn't even have the thought of going to see them.\"This is a great New Year's Day...say, what did you do? ?"

    \"We didn't do anything," Guo Guangliang's wife limped over with the eldest son, while the second son was holding his head with blood on his face, \"Look, they still beat people."

\"I’m not honest, you didn’t do anything. People came to beat people on New Year’s Eve? Isn’t this sick?" A policeman turned around and walked to the cab.\"We can’t mediate this thing, blind Delayed effort... I don’t know if Zhao Benshan’s sketch was missed..."

     The other was also unambiguous, opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in directly, still chattering, \"What's so good about Zhao Benshan's sketch? It's far worse than Chen Peisi's bald head..."

In the cold wind, the four people watched the police car leave dumbfounded. It took a long time for the wife of the two sons to turn around and look at the three of Guo's family, \"This...this is a mediation? Now, should we go to court? "

\"What kind of lawsuit?" Guo Lao Er clutched his head and spoke. It is not the first day for his father to fight fiercely with others. Of course, he knows that if no one is tough, this kind of thing can only be ignored, and Still have to stuff a lot of black money-if you don't stuff money, it's hard to guarantee that you will get into trouble.

     Haven't seen the plaintiff caught? That's rare and weird, \"The big brimmed hat is turned up, and the defendant eats the plaintiff", how did this come about? Guo Lao Er smiled wryly, \"You really fought a lawsuit, have you ever fought the Chen family? Acknowledge it."

He can't deny it, and the two brothers are not good guys. They mess around with the robbers and thieves all day long. They are very familiar with the heroes. Don't say anything else, the "four little justices" are like good guys in the ears of the brothers. Who wants to stop people only at the back door, even if they are blocking people, they are not the boss of them, the one called the monk is obviously a bit bigger.

     What kind of masters those at the front door are, there is no way to guess, and the two brothers dare not guess anymore-maybe seventeen are here.

    \"Then...Is this a smashed house?" Erzidi's wife couldn't accept this fact a bit.

The three of the Guo family were silent. For a long time, Guo Guangliang’s wife sighed, "Forget it, I have to go to see Lao Guo, and bring him a military coat... God, how do you spend this year? "

    \"Okay," the old man in the reception room at the door, I don't know what got out of it. Hearing her complaints, I can't help it, \"If your old Guo doesn't smash the Chen's car, what will happen?"

    \"You fart!" Guo Guangliang's wife stopped doing it, turned her head and pointed at Old Headache and cursed, \"Do you want to do it? Which one of your eyes saw my old Guo smashed the car?"

    \"I saw it," the old man was scolded by her, so he turned and left, \"I will tell the Chen family boy now, I am a witness!"

\"Fine, uncle Zhang, count me wrong..." Lao Guo’s wife was in a hurry, and the two of Chen Jiaye finally went back. If they toss it out, the trouble will be serious.\" I said nonsense, I was wrong, No? But... my old Guo really didn't break the car."

     Chen Taizhong’s Lincoln car, really wasn’t Guo Guangliang smashed, it was the second son.

I haven't stayed in the branch for one night. The two sons just pour beans in a bamboo tube. They honestly confessed. There is no way. It is okay when watching the Spring Festival Gala. The police just give them two shots from time to time-sketches or When cross talk is more cute, the start is harder.

    \", it’s you, the crap, that makes me even look down on the Spring Festival Gala."

But after the Spring Festival Gala, it will be more difficult. On duty during the Spring Festival, the police are most likely to be investigated. The police dare not sleep. They are idle when they are idle. If they can’t say it, they will come out with various meals to entertain the two, such as \"Little Something like "Chicken Crossing the River"\"fire at me"...

     Since the interrogation was conducted separately, the two sons didn't know what happened to Guo Guangliang. When they couldn't bear it, they naturally admitted that he had smashed the car-a piece of car glass would not cost much, right? Isn't it sick to die?

Of course, he wanted to say that this matter was instructed by Guo Guangliang, and even he reported another person, the second boy of the Guo family, who had taken on the heavy responsibility of lookout at the Guangliang’s mouth was better than the second son. Be harder, but the police are not interested in using the confession of the second son to put pressure on it. The long night is also the Spring Festival. Finally, there is a toy. How can it be easily damaged?

     Until dawn, Guo Guangliang said hesitantly that many people in the defense of Corey had a good relationship with him. Maybe he saw Chen Taizhong hit someone, and someone shot it out of righteous indignation.

The two interrogators yawned and saw that they were about to get off work, so they didn't have the mind to talk nonsense, \"Haha, you guys in Corey only dare to look out for the wind, right? I heard that your second son is quite courageous... "

     Guo Guangliang is anxious this time, how can this two son be such a bastard? For the Chinese New Year, we can’t come in from the Guo family, right?

    \"Nothing, how can my son have such great ability? Okay, I confess, it was the second son who heard me say that Chen Taizhong had beaten me, and volunteered to smash the car. I didn't agree..."

     At this point, the case has come to an end. It is reasonable to say that the big thing is not the big thing, but the small thing is not the small thing. What's more, the Guo family's home and shop have also been smashed. Everyone has basically the same loss?

But these years, there are ways and no way. That is different. The second child of the Guo family was also taken into the branch on the first day of the new year. As for the illegal building with two walls down, the Huxi branch heard, It's the **** of plague, who wants to take care of it? Who dares to take care of it?

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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