Official Immortal

Chapter 582: Quell the aftermath

Are you nonsense? Chen Taizhong squinted at the policeman, and a sense of superiority in IQ emerged spontaneously. The buddies had all said things like this. It would be strange if the case didn't progress. Net m

     Xiao Tao looked at Chen Taizhong blankly, and did not speak for a while. His heart was full of envy.

As the secretary of the police chief,      has a broad vision and strong ability to think in relation to each other. Of course, he knows what Chen Taizhong said just now and what it means.

     Chen Taizhong... It's really awesome, no wonder Wang Ju would not dare to provoke him even if he didn't wait to see him.

     What Mr. Chen said when he put pressure on him, Xiao Tao could also say it, but only the eloquence of Chen Taizhong is useful. People recognize this strength! He Xiaotao said that there is only one possibility of making laughter and generous.

     Even his boss, Police Chief Wang Hongwei, said something similar, but the effect was several blocks worse. Does your Wang Hongwei have the power to influence the decision-making level of Linhe Aluminum? Can you Wang Hongwei influence the decision on the issuance of mining licenses?

     Wang Hongwei cannot, and even Zhang Yaodong dare not say that he can do the former, but Chen Taizhong dare to say!

    \"There is progress, okay," Xiao Tao took back his own random thoughts, smiled and nodded, \"Wang Ju went to the toilet, what is the situation now?"

Within a few minutes, the city bureau received three reports from Du Yunsheng's crimes and rampages in the village, especially the third call. It turned out to be a real-name report. What is even more shocking is that these three people claim to There is enough evidence to prove the authenticity of what they said.

    \"Especially Du Hongbing, the eldest son of Du Yunsheng, not only raised thugs, set up private casinos, and loaned usury, but also involved a fatal case and two crippling cases..."

    \"Scum!" Wang Hongwei didn't know when he got out. Hearing this, his face turned pale. \"There are people like this who want to scream for injustice? They even encourage people who don't know the truth to besiege the district committee and district government?"

\"Those masses, it may not be that the truth is unknown," Chen Taizhong sneered and turned to look at Wang Hongwei, \"Pharaoh, those troublemakers. Bacheng is a vested interest, right? Your armed police are all set to eat and eat. ?"

     Pharaoh? Wang Hongwei's facial muscles jumped a few times by this name. When he heard what he said, he glared at him fiercely and didn't speak. He just grabbed the phone on the table, \"Did you eat dry food? I saw..."

     Yinping District Government Gate. [m] The two or three hundred people surrounded the gate, and the sentiment was enthusiastic, \"Release the old secretary, let the old secretary out, don't let Secretary Du, we Xia Ma villagers firmly do not agree..."

    The big iron gate of the district government was tightly closed, and there were more than 20 police officers standing in the gate. There are more than a dozen people wearing security clothing, and they just stared at the iron gate without saying a word. Unless someone tried to climb over, they would ignore it.

     Not far away, there are seven or eight hundred idlers with their hands in their pockets, watching the scene idly, and many others are talking, laughing, and muttering.

    \"Damn, it's represented again," an idle man in his thirties. With a cigarette in his mouth, his face was indifferent, \"I am also a native of Xia Ma, why do I think Du Yunsheng has a good grasp?"

    \"Be quiet," a woman next to him whispered in a low voice. By the way, she stabbed him and tilted her mouth to the southwest.\"Have you seen?"

     There, four or five men are sending money to the onlookers, holding thick banknotes in their hands. \"Ten yuan for three hours, if you want to make money, go block the door!"

     There was a lot of noise here. Suddenly, police sirens blared and armed police cars appeared on both sides of the street. The jeep cleared the way. Behind is a big truck with water.

     The restless crowd was immediately surprised. Many people see that the situation is not good and want to retreat a little bit, but it is too late. There is a block at both ends, it is difficult to fly with wings.

     Those who paid the money were stunned, \"Isn't it, they dare to attack so many people?"

     But the next thing shows, people don't just dare to start? It's still hot.

The armed police who got out of the car first had submachine guns in their hands. The two heads, one with a horn in his hand, and one drew out a small pistol, raised his hand to the sky and shot two shots, \"Gathering crowds to disrupt social order, are present None of the people are allowed to move, otherwise the consequences are at your own risk!"

     Don’t move? The one who doesn't move is the fool. Looking at the green ocean on both sides of the street, someone ran away, \"The police shot, the police shot."

    \"Boom" there was a gunshot, and the sniper on the truck hit the man's calf with a shot, \"Hmph, you run away, or I wouldn't dare to shoot..."

     But, since someone has taken the lead, the people next to him will naturally follow suit, rushing to the shops and alleys on both sides of the street, and it was a mess for a while.

    \"The main police force is placed on the escaping person, and you can shoot if necessary," the speaker with the horn shouted loudly, \"Don't move, surround yourself and deal with it slowly!"

This kind of response plan was planned by the armed police in advance. The reason why the speaker with the horn shouted was that in addition to issuing a combat order, the more important thing was to warn the besieged people and declare the armed police. Resolution: Be careful of the bullets who run around, and if you don't, you still have a chance to argue.

     But these years, there are always clever and courageous people. There are so many people in the dozens and 20s. They still escaped through the private house, causing a lot of armed police to chase after them.

     Listening to the gunshots from behind, the running people are still cheering each other up, \"It’s okay, they dare not shoot, they just fired a warning..."

Before the words were finished, another gunshot sounded. The speaker who was speaking immediately fell over ten meters away with a somersault. After several consecutive tumblings, blood gurgled from the corner of his leg, and bones were born in vain. The ballast also pierced the flesh and got out.

The others were so scared that their legs were weakened immediately, and they stood there obediently, but they were very puzzled in their hearts, we were just a demonstration and petition, why the police dare to shoot and suppress it casually? Knowing that after hearing about the evil deeds of the Du family for the first time, Wang Hongwei did not even confirm the evidence at all, so he directly characterized the case-the underworld group headed by Du Moumou, the entangled masses who don't know the truth, maliciously attacked the party and the country Work agency.

Ordinarily, the characterization of this kind of case is not something that a district police chief can take the lead. Even for street incidents such as fights and fights, the police station wants to characterize it. Generally, the relevant deputy director plus the director plus the relevant police officers must discuss it. Only then can it be characterized, which is determined by the principle of democratic centralism.

However, regarding this matter, the ups and downs of the Phoenix City have formed a monolithic understanding, and Wang Hongwei wants to calm the situation as soon as possible, so it is normal to arbitrarily and arbitrarily determine the situation in a hurry. Anyway, Zhang Yaodong is Zheng Bizheng. sp; As for those rumors that are not accurate and whether relevant evidence can be found, Director Wang is basically not worried. Du Yunsheng is the person named by Chen Taizhong himself. Even if the evidence cannot be found for a while, it must be that everyone's work has not done well.

     It can be seen from the Du family's initiation of the siege of the district government that the family surnamed Du is definitely not a good bird. Thinking about Chen's reputation as "always correct", Wang Hongwei promptly issued the order.

     Of course, this kind of violation that seems to violate the principle, but is actually a very technical violation, can greatly strengthen Wang Hongwei's prestige in his own one-acre three-quarter land.

    , without democratic discussion, dare to qualitatively determine this kind of case in a hurry. Does the authority of the king's bureau need to be questioned? The other deputy directors, political commissars and deputy political commissars are not as good as Wang Ju alone.

     Two hours later, the riots at the gate of Yinping District Government have completely subsided, and the shoes scattered on the street 07 silently explained to the hurried passers by the roadside that there had been a large number of disputes just now.

The playground used for the daily activities of the district government is already full of people. It is surrounded by armed police with guns and live ammunition. At the adjacent open-air parking lot, more than a dozen tables have been set up. There are a few government workers or police officers who are screening relevant people one by The screening work is not very slow. After all, people who are specifically here to make troubles and pass by soy sauce, from their mentality It is different, and there are people who are eager to make atonement to point out one by one, basically every table can be screened out within five minutes.

If you make a special trip to make trouble, then you don't need to say anything. First, squat in the open area of ​​the boiler room. If you dare to whisper, it is a slap in the face. If you pass by, you will register your name, address, unit, etc., pull it aside and wait for related information. Leaders or relatives came to bail.

     However, there are a hundred people on the playground. The speed is still a bit slow. It was not until the sun set that less than half of them were identified.

The operation of      will not be mentioned for the time being, only that the Yinping Sub-bureau, based on the clues provided by the city bureau, found the real-name reporter, and based on the clues of the two anonymous reporters, a large amount of information and evidence were seized.

     Person and physical evidence, there are tangible iron evidences. Within twelve hours of Du Yunsheng's criminal detention, the Qinghu District Procuratorate made a decision to approve the arrest.

     At the same time, Du Zhongdong, who was petitioning by the Municipal Government's Letters and Calls Office, was also detained for criminal purposes because there was evidence that he was involved in a crippling case.

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