Chapter 639 The Learning of Signature

This surnamed Chen can eat at Duan's house at noon? Gong Hua looked at Chen Taizhong again. He always felt that this matter was not very reliable. However, he definitely couldn't make people in this situation. So he looked down at the funding application and looked up at Chen Taizhong and smiled. The information in hand was returned.

"I'm so embarrassed, hehe," he smiled apologetically, with a faint smell in his eyes, "You can show this to Mayor Duan. I am a bit nervous about money."

"Mayor Duan has seen it, you still want me to show him this?" Chen Taizhong was a little annoyed, he shook the note in his hand, "Chairman Gong, you have something to say, Xiao Chen, I am happy. people."

"I want to be happy, I can't get up happy," Gong Hua smiled coldly when he was excited by these words, his face was rather sad, but he didn't see how annoyed him, "You let Mayor Weihua take a look. , He naturally understands."

Ok? Looking at the expression of this servant, it seems that there is something hidden in it? Chen Taizhong was stunned for a moment, and nodded reluctantly, "Okay, you remember, you pushed me once, I have a good memory."

Seeing Chen Taizhong slamming the door away, Section Chief Gong shook his head disapprovingly and smiled helplessly.

In the afternoon, Chen Taizhong handed the note in his hand to Duan Weihua. Mayor Duan stared at the note and frowned, "How can Ning Jianzhong approve this note?"

Ning Jianzhong is the director of the Bureau of Finance and the top leader. Chen Taizhong was a little surprised when he saw Mayor Duan. He was stunned, "Why, didn't he say agree?"

"Agree and agree, that's different. He wrote these two words vertically, which means dragging first." Duan Weihua's face was a bit unsightly, he stared at Guo Yu's signature on the document and pondered. , Shook his head and snorted coldly.

At this moment, he was really annoyed. There is no doubt that Guo Yu's signature is also exquisite, but he still can't see what this doorway is.

To be sure, Guo Yu definitely agreed with Ning Jianzhong about the different meanings of the signing method. There is nothing new under the sun, nothing more than hints of horizontal and vertical writing, fonts and tone.

For Duan Weihua, Guo Yu had a little tacit understanding with Ning Jianzhong. It is for the case where there is no offense. Reflects the city's absolute control over finances.

But this Guo Yu just came up with his hands and feet so unstable, so anxious to determine the secret language, which made him a little unhappy, Duan Weihua has not yet settled the secret language with you. Are you in a hurry?

What annoyed him even more was that what his instructions implied to Ning Jianzhong was to "follow the procedure"-to handle it impartially, give it if you have it, and if not, give it a part first.

of course. He didn't write the code word as a way of "Must be dealt with as soon as possible." In fact, he didn't want to put any pressure on Ning Jianzhong, in fact. He also wanted to use this money to see how Guo Yu would react.

Guo Yudi reacted, but he definitely hinted to Ning Jianzhong clearly and the payment was delayed first, so if the signatures of the two leaders were integrated, Ning Jianzhong would of course delay the payment.

However, Duan Weihua didn't bother to explain the doorway to Chen Taizhong. He just thought that Deputy Mayor Guo was a bit too lively-I asked Liu Min to lead Chen Taizhong over. Don't you know what it means?

It's time to beat and beat this guy. Thinking of this, Duan Weihua looked up at Chen Taizhong and smiled kindly, "Did Gong Hua tell you specifically to ask you to come to me?"

"Yes, he didn't give me money, so I said I met him at Mayor Weihua's house, so he asked me to come to you," Chen Taizhong had already understood that he was placed by Ning Jianzhong. However, he Still a little puzzled, "But, Ning Jianzhong and I...have no grudges, why is he doing this?"

"This matter has nothing to do with Ning Jianzhong," Duan Weihua shook his head, saying that it was me instead. The mayor asked to follow the procedures, and the mayor in charge asked to drag. Then I would also drag, and follow the procedures first. Step, that is to see what the mayor in charge means.

"Is it Guo Yu doing the ghost?" Chen Taizhong is not stupid, and he understands when he hears it, "I didn't offend him, why, the Science and Technology Commission is so unwelcome? A place for stepmothers?"

"You don't want to have so many strange things, okay?" Duan Weihua looked at Chen Taizhong with a smile on his face and a smile in his heart. Hey, using Xiao Chen as a gun is really appropriate, Guo Yu, Guo Yu, you don’t need me to clean up. Shot.

In fact, Mayor Duan told Chen Taizhong that he did not call himself, but used Yang Qianqian to inquire about the funding of the Science and Technology Commission. He was slightly upset. This is not to say that he feels that the goddaughter's intervention is not good, but that it seems... …Isn't Chen someone caring for me?

Duan Weihua also wanted to win over Chen Taizhong, but his reason was not the same as Zhang Yaodong's reason. Secretary Zhang mainly focused on Chen's temperament, while Mayor Duan mainly focused on the relationship between Chen Taizhong and the Meng family.

In short, Chen Taizhong's two treasures-luck and the upper-level relationship, both understand in their hearts.

Due to such a small resentment, Duan Weihua gave a few thoughts when he gave instructions on the report, and he made a satisfactory reply. If you are not a caring person, you should be a pathfinder.

But right now, this pebble has found a landmine, and better yet, this pebble has the ability to deal with landmines. Of course Duan Weihua has to smile happily, "Haha, too loyal, is this matter with you? The Science and Technology Commission has nothing to do with the land."

Don't look at what Chen Taizhong said, but he also knew it in his heart. It is probably because Guo Yu thought that I was not respectful enough in the morning and gave me a stumbling block. "What is the matter?"

"You are right, the problem is that Guo Yu is stuck here." Duan Weihua originally wanted to be vague and asked Chen Taizhong to inquire with others, but he was not at ease after thinking about it, so he could not talk about the reason and his own guess. . …In short, it was Mayor Guo that took care of the finances, so be cautious,” he said without leaking, and did not show his anger at this matter at all, “is this better than opening the skylight of finance? "

"With this 300,000 yuan, can you open up the skylight of Phoenix City's finances?" Chen Taizhong was frustrated when he heard it. Dare Guo Yu hinted that Ning Jianzhong would not give the money? "Mayor Weihua. Mayor Guo disrespects you too much, right?"

Ha, play with me to sow discord? Xiao Chen, you are so tender! Duan Weihua almost didn't laugh out loud. I would never get ahead. With you charging ahead, what would I do if I jumped out?

"But. He is in charge of finances...I can't interfere too much," he frowned, shook his head and sighed, looking at his expression, it was embarrassing. "He is the newly appointed Deputy Mayor. It is inevitable that he is not skilled in business. I speak rashly, not conducive to unity."

The mayor is really embarrassed to be like you! Chen Taizhong immediately gave birth to a trace of disdain, of course. There is also a little sympathy. "Well, I'll ask him to make sense, so that it won't make you passive?"

"Well, it's the best way for you to go, but let alone I help you analyze it." Duan Weihua nodded, "Also, Deputy Mayor Guo has a good relationship with Deng Jiandong. You'd better pay attention to the method."

His words seem to be persuading Chen Taizhong to be careful, but in his bones he is clearly implying: Ah is just relying on a deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and head of the organization. Behind you is Mengyi. Xiao Chen...Come on, **** him!

"Huh." Chen Taizhong snorted involuntarily when he heard this. If it was someone else, Deng Jiandong?

When he was studying in Subo, Fan Rushuang asked Xiao Coke’s father to bring a message. Chen Moumou, let’s not talk about the previous things. It was purely a misunderstanding. I would like to thank you. You help me find out a wolfish ambition guy.

After so long, Chairman Fan finally found out that the person behind Chen is Mengyi. If you can’t say it, you have to hint: Well, I have a good relationship with Deng Jiandong. Now that you helped me, I have a chance. If you... I'll introduce you?

Hum was a hum, but Chen Taizhong thought about it carefully, he didn’t seem to have to be too arrogant in front of Mayor Duan-he always wanted to be arrogant and young, but he wanted to be steady, and finally he laughed sullily, "That...haha, thank you Mayor Weihua’s concern."

Reluctantly, this cold snort has entered Duan Weihua's ears. He must frown and care a little, "Too loyal, the overall situation is important...Don't let Guo Yu be in the public, unable to come to stage. "

This sentence should be heard like this-As for what is going on in private, I care whether you are dead or alive?

"Mayor Weihua, don't worry," Chen Taizhong had already successfully aroused his anger, and he had to sneer. "I'll go out for a while, and when I get off work, I will look for him again, ha ha..."

Ok? This Xiao Chen is not bad, he is very responsible! Duan Weihua watched him leave, and felt a lot of warmth in his heart. Obviously, Chen Taizhong was leaving the city government building for others to see.

Chen Taizhong meant that everyone is optimistic. I didn’t come out of Duan Weihua’s office and went straight to Guo Yu’s office. It was the ground. I was not provoked by someone. This matter has nothing to do with Mayor Duan, but I and Guo Yudi personal grievances!

The six hundred and fortieth chapter angrily rebukes Guo Yu

However, how can things in this world be cleared away if they want to clear it away?

In fact, since Chen Taizhong came out of Duan Weihua's office, one thing has come to mind: Regarding the granting of money, there is no need to contact Guo Yu at all, and he directly asks Mayor Duan to call Ning Jianzhong and everything is done.

However, he has already stepped out, and if he goes back, he will give people a sense of instability. This is a very taboo thing in the officialdom. Besides, he has volunteered to go to Guo Yu and ask Duan Weihua to go back. Wouldn't it make you look scared when you call?

Moreover, Duan Weihua also said that people can understand that Vice Mayor Guo is not very familiar with the situation after he came up, so it seems not appropriate for him to call the Mayor to interfere with the decision of the Deputy Mayor.

But I don’t know why, Chen Taizhong always has a feeling, did you guys let Duan Weihua put one? Didn’t you want to use me as a gunman?

I have to admit that the official training has helped him a lot, especially when he is willing to think carefully, some ideas are always not far from the truth-unfortunately, Chen has never believed his own Judging, it was a bit too much to be born with him.

Chen Taizhong drove the Lincoln car out for a round, and then went to talk to Yang Qianqian for a while. Seeing that it was almost five o'clock, Shi Shiran walked back to the city government building.

Who thought, before he entered the building, he saw an Audi parked at the entrance of the building. Guo Yu and his secretary Zhang Zhenhua got out of the car, they were whispering something.

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, the two raised their heads and looked at it. It was Chen Taizhong, as if he hadn't seen him. Continue to walk and talk casually.

This kind of pretentious arrogance really made Chen Taizhong a little unbearable. Forget it, you are the deputy office, and I am the deputy office. This tone... buddy bears it. Can't you endure it?

Since he was ignored, he could only follow these two idly, swaying slowly, waiting for Deputy Mayor Guo to enter the office before speaking.

But with him like this, the first two were unhappy. How do you want us to talk? If you can't say Zhang Zhenhua, he turned to look at him. Although his expression was quite polite, his tone was a little impatient, "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm looking for Mayor Guo," Chen Taizhong raised his chin at Guo Yu's back, "I have something to say."

"Didn't all the money be approved for you?" Guo Yu couldn't stand it either. He turned his head and glared at him, "You go to the Finance Bureau, what else do you want to do with me?"

Damn, your kid is so yin, that he speaks so confidently? Chen Taizhong smiled and said nothing. He was afraid that once he spoke. The two of them had to pinch up in the corridor-Mayor Duan said, pay attention to the overall situation.

but. He is really uncomfortable. People often say that the person who owes money is the uncle. Sure enough, this person who is responsible for allocating the money looks like the ancestor of others.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Guo Yu turned and continued walking without speaking, but the steps under his feet were a little faster, and he climbed up the steps without looking back.

The office building of the Phoenix City Government is six old-fashioned buildings in the style of the Soviet Union in the early 1950s. The buildings are not high, all three floors, and there is no elevator. The outside looks very inconspicuous.

However, the city government’s yard is very large, with lush forests and a few small buildings hidden in it. The environment is quite elegant, and the houses have been overhauled and often renovated. It is really comfortable to work in.

Well, writing so much means that there is no elevator in the building, and the elevators installed outside the building are generally not used by people. Chen Taizhong swaggered to follow Guo Yu to the second floor.

The two in front, of course, knew that he was following. After Zhang Zhenhua opened the door, when Deputy Mayor Guo entered, his body was blocked, and he wanted to flash in and close the door.

Chen Taizhong is already a Mao in his heart, where can he tolerate him and block himself? Saying that he couldn't stretch his hand, he pulled Secretary Zhang aside and walked in boldly.

"Stop, you come out for me!" Zhang Zhenhua is quite tall, but is too thin and doesn't exercise much. Chen Taizhong's light touch made him feel that his bones are going to be loose, and he immediately turned his face.

While talking, he rushed in and dragged Chen Taizhong, "Don't look at it either. Is this the place where you run wild?"

Chen Taizhong ignored him at all, standing there still, letting him pull, watching Guo Yu who was inexplicably surprised, sneered, and raised the documents in his hand, "Deputy Mayor Guo, please sign me again. This file."

"Why resign?" Guo Yu asked with a face. Chen Taizhong dared to break in so unscrupulously. He didn't expect it. Seeing such a young deputy arrogant in front of him, he was so angry. How angry.

"Why, you know it in your heart!" Chen Taizhong looked at him coldly, "If you want to get stuck or not, you will get stuck in the bright spot, don't be a sneaky villain!"

" bastard!" For so many years, Guo Yu has been dealing with people with identities and qualities. It can be said that whether it is rich or expensive, even if someone is wrong with him, it is nothing more than scolding from behind, no one will face to face. He tears his face and denounces him as a "little man".

At this moment, he was going crazy, stretched out his hand trembling and pointed at Chen Taizhong, "Little guy, I tell you, don't think that someone behind you can be so arrogant, be careful I play with you!"

"You're a bastard!" Chen Taizhong replied coldly, then turned his head angrily and scolded Zhang Zhenhua, "Did you put lard in your mind? Don't you know to close the door?"

Zhang Zhenhua was a little overwhelmed when he heard Mayor Guo's thunderous curse. Hearing Chen Taizhong's words, he subconsciously ran over and pushed the door.

"I say you are a bastard, it makes sense," Chen Taizhong then sneered, holding the file with his right hand to Guo Yu dumbfounded, "Do you know how the seat under your **** is vacated? What about Yang Ruifeng Down?"

"I don't know, thank me, that's all." He retracted his right hand, patted his left hand lightly with the files on his hand, making a "pop" sound, and looked at Guo Yu with disdain, "I want some money from you, you Did you play in the shade with me? Tell me about yourself, are you a bastard?"

Guo Yu's eyes widened immediately. He always thought that because of Duan Weihua's connivance, Chen Taizhong dared to be so presumptuous. Who would have thought that this servant was the black hand behind Yang Ruifeng?

Yang Ruifeng was already the deputy office, and he was a little confused. This kind of handwriting is not something that the Phoenix City team can do. There must be talents in the province.

Moreover, his information is not unclear. Naturally, he knows that Deputy Mayor Yang seems to have gotten this kind of playing field because of Meng Yi, but now, Chen Taizhong heard the news that it was actually the hand of the servant. Deputy Mayor Guo was shocked in his heart, it was truly unparalleled.

"It's awkward, I won't say much. I think I am justified in scolding you." Chen Taizhong threw the papers in his hand to Guo Yu's desk. "I'll give you one night and ask yourself. Tomorrow noon, I Come get this report..."

While talking, he turned around and left, "You don't need to change your sign. You can tear up this report without any problems. Anyway, you can figure it out by yourself, Deputy Mayor Guo!"

By the time he said the word "long", he had already opened the door and left without looking back.

Guo Yu Tieqing's face was a bit suspicious, and a bit surprised. It took him a long time to look at his secretary, "What's this bastard's name?"

"He seems to be surnamed Chen..." Zhang Zhenhua frowned and thought about, the deputy director of the Science and Technology Commission, or the deputy director of the China Merchants Office, ah, it seems that there is such a person, and the secretary of Meng Yi close. "

"Tsk, I remember..." Guo Yu twitched his mouth, smashed the table fiercely, and his face kept changing colors, "Yongzhong Reservoir...Chen Yongzhong, no problem, it's this guy, let Ning Jia When the investment is made, the investment attraction is very famous!"

"It seems... it seems to be called Chen Taizhong?" Zhang Zhenhua carefully reminded his leader, "However, when did he go to the Science and Technology Commission?"

"You let me be quiet." After Guo Yu knew that the servant was Chen Taizhong, he sat down slowly, frowning, and the next moment, he raised his hand and dialed a phone call, "Xiao Mo? Me? It's Guo Yu. I want to ask if Chen Taizhong from the China Merchants Office has gone to the Science and Technology Commission..."

The next moment, Deputy Mayor Guo hung up the phone blankly and sat there, without a word. It was a long time before he looked up at his secretary, raised his hand and patted the table, and muttered angrily, "This guy is too bad. Is it up and down?"

"Fortunately, I closed the door," Zhang Zhenhua muttered softly, but it didn't mean to ask for credit.

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