Official Immortal

Chapter 647: Wu Qiushui of Mensao

When Chen Taizhong rang the doorbell No. 39, he was still wondering, if Tang Yixuan hinted at something, then what... Do you want to be hypocritical and pretend to be a gentleman?

     This, contradiction, entanglement...

     He is in conflict with beauty, who thinks, when Tang Yixuan’s voice came from the intercom doorbell, it was a bit cold, \"Who is it?"

    \"'s me, Chen Taizhong," he was a little dazed for a while, even if he rushed to the door, Tang Yixuan's tone didn't seem to be so repellent. Today, what happened?

    \"Oh, it's you, come in," With a soft click of \"click", the door opened, but Tang Yixuan's voice was still not enthusiastic. www..

     Damn, you invited me to come. Chen Taizhong felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. After he walked into the living room, he was stunned to discover that, dare to love, the well-behaved deputy director of the Power Supply Bureau was also present.

Today, Tang Yixuan did not wear sportswear as an exception. Instead, she wore light brown tight-fitting stretch pants. The round and slender legs were outlined to make people dazzling. The upper body was a wide light gray woolen sweater with an outer cover. A pale green tight-fitting leather waistcoat is a bit nondescript.

     Wu Qiushui saw Chen Taizhong coming, leaned forward and nodded and smiled, then sat down on the sofa again, seeing that, there was no sign of leaving for a short time.

     So Tang Yixuan called me to let me guard him? Chen Taizhong understood for a while, thinking of this, he saw Wu Qiushui more and more displeased, I rely on, you colluded with Wen Hai, I haven't settled with you yet.

     With this resentment, he naturally didn't bother to care about this person. He glanced at the coffee table. Seeing Tang Yixuan's small hand pot placed in front of her, Wu Qiushui was empty in front of her. Obviously, Tang Yixuan did not make tea for this guy.

     You can still stand up, you have a thick skin. ^^The first gentleman hall ^^ Chen Taizhong ignored him and took a teacup to make tea for himself. It would be unrealistic to do it yourself with plenty of food and clothing. Of course, it would be unrealistic to expect him to help Deputy Director Wu make tea.

     Seeing him busy, Wu Qiushui laughed. I broke the quiet posthumous post in the room, \"By the way, I haven't asked this young man's name last time, the city party committee?"

    \"His name is Chen Taizhong. [m]" Tang Yixuan finally gave a positive introduction. And with a little smile, \"I just mentioned the deputy, haha, Taizhong, this is the deputy director of the Huxi Power Supply Bureau, Wu Qiushui, my neighbor when I was young."

I know! Chen Taizhong turned his head and glanced at Wu Qiushui. Nodded with a smile. At the next moment, he walked back with the cup Shi Shiran. I just didn't see a cup of tea in front of Deputy Director Wu.

    \"Ah, such a young deputy?" With a smile on Wu Qiushui's face, he extended a thumb to Chen Taizhong, and then followed him to take a cup from under the coffee table to make tea.

As he turned around, Tang Yixuan curled her lips to Chen Taizhong reluctantly and rolled her eyes: Taizhong, look at this person, you really don’t know how polite... Deputy Director Wu is making tea while asking, \"Xiao Chen, Where are you from?"

\"My parents are all workers in the electrical factory," Chen Taizhong knew. Tang Yixuan said that she was the deputy department, which meant that Wu Qiushui and Meng Xiaoyan’s friends were all the deputy department. You are a deputy department, don’t hit me. Are you crooked?

It is based on this understanding that he deliberately emphasized that his parents are workers. Originally, he didn't think there was any shame in a worker's family. Now, in order to prove that he has no background, he really needs to make progress as a deputy. Advertise it.

    \"A worker from the electric motor factory?" Wu Qiushui's body clearly paused for a while, and then he walked back to sit down with a teacup, chuckled, and asked faintly, \"Is it from Liu Erhui?"

     Chen Taizhong was furious when he saw his expression and heard this again.

    , most people don’t understand what it means. However, there are many people in the electric motor factory \"Six Erfan", and Chen naturally knows what it means.

Starting from the great flood in July 1959, the prelude of the \"three-year natural disaster" was unveiled. Due to the rationing system implemented by urban residents, and the state's materials could not support so many people at that time, many workers were dismissed. Back home.

     Until the great harvest in 1962, the country discovered that urban factories were severely lacking in labor, and mobilized the demobilized workers to return to the factory. This wave of people was called "six-two return."

     was not dismissed at the time. They were all experienced skilled workers. Most of the dismissed had less work experience. In the eyes of some people, they were even worse when they came back to work in farming.

So some people talked about "Six Second Return", they all spoke in a very disdainful tone. They seemed to claim that they were high-quality and pure, and they subconsciously said that they were just a bunch of low-quality farmers. ?

     Wu Qiushui's remarks were intentionally or unintentionally insulting Chen Taizhong. Of course, you can think that he just mentioned it casually, but looking at his expression, it is really not as simple as just mentioning it casually.

    \"It’s the return of June 2nd," Chen Taizhong became angry and started talking nonsense. He smiled and nodded.\"Hehe, besides, he is also a worker now and can’t make much money."

     Buddies’ home is \"Six Second Return", and it's just a deputy, you bit me? Cut, you're not \"six two return", more than thirty, but it's just a minor.

\"Oh, that's rare, Xiao Chen, you have made progress very fast." Hearing this, Wu Qiushui's heart was really uncomfortable. He absolutely didn't believe it. With Chen Taizhong's family background, relying on his own Working hard, you can rise to the deputy office so quickly.

     Then why is this guy so fast? Deputy Director Wu already has the answer in his heart. He is a friend of Secretary Meng Yi’s niece, and there is the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. What else should I worry about? Worrying about rising too fast is true.

Thinking of this, his heart becomes more and more unbalanced. You, a child of "six-two return", can soak up the niece of the secretary of Meng, so that the sky is straight up. I, someone from Wu, wants family history, looks, and ability What is worse than you? Tang Yixuan was so cold to me?

     Yes, he is a married man, but Tang Yixuan is just a widow. I don’t know why she feels so good?

     But, I complained in my heart and complained in my heart, Wu Qiushui’s face was calm, \"Xiao Chen, what department are you in charge of now? If you need the cooperation of our power supply bureau, just say it, huh."

     It's okay that he didn't say this. When he said it, Chen Taizhong thought of Wen Hai, and faintly replied, \"I am in the Science and Technology Commission now, didn't Wen Hai cooperate well with you?"

\"Science and Technology Commission? Wen Hai?" Wu Qiushui gave him a surprised look. However, he heard Chen's resentment towards the director of literature for the first time, so he couldn't help but snorted, \"Hmph, that old fox... I can't even talk about him."

\"He moved my financial appropriation yesterday," Chen Taizhong refused to accept his favor, but looked at him with slanted eyes.\"I heard that your power supply bureau forced the transfer of funds, Deputy Director Wu, it seems...this You are in charge of the stall?"

     Wu Qiushui became anxious as soon as he heard it. He despised this \"Six Erfan" son in his heart, but if the other party spread grievances on him, he absolutely did not want to accept it.

\"Xiao Chen, that's not the case," Deputy Director Wu chuckled and shook his head slowly, anxiously, but his manner, coupled with his behavior and mannerism, was quite a bit of a turbulent world- ---Unfortunately, it can be regarded as the demeanor of a successful middle-aged man.

    \"Our power supply bureau has two lines of revenue and expenditure," he explained seriously, \"Income belongs to income, expenditure belongs to expenditure, each is its own financial affairs, and does not interfere with each other..."

     I rely on, even if your income and expenditure are ten lines, what about my bird? Chen Taizhong looked at him coldly, if you have something to say, what kind of look? Believe it or not, buddy turned you into a sculpture? Can definitely surpass Rodin's "Thinker"?

That’s just called the \"sorrowful person" To be honest, he is a bit jealous of Wu Qiushui’s style, because he can’t make it, and if it’s more free and easy, he is not afraid to compare with it. , But this deliberate grace has nothing to do with him---free and easy is human nature, no matter how high or low, it can be done, but grace can only be cultivated by joining the world. If there is no cultural accumulation and superior mentality, who Can you be graceful again?

     Chen XX's entry into the WTO... not thorough enough.

    Wu Qiushui poses as a \"sorrower" and explains unhurriedly,\"On the first kick, he took a lot of tickets to reimburse him."

\"For example, this time, your science and technology committee transferred 150,000 in, and he will reimburse 90,000 tickets," he shrugged helplessly, spread his hands, and gave a wry smile.\"That means we received 15 Ten thousand yuan in electricity bills will cost ninety thousand yuan in hospitality."

    \"Such a high ratio?" Tang Yixuan didn't want to take the conversation, but Wu Qiushui's words really challenged her cognitive ability. \"Everyone does this, how about it?"

\"How can everyone do this? Our boss Tan recognizes this person as Director Wen," Deputy Director Wu explained with a smile, \"Wen Hai’s girl, it is a brain tumor, and they took the money back, not just to treat the disease ?"

     There is only one watch in the afternoon. I am sorry to try to break out tomorrow. )

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