Official Immortal

Chapter 818: Someone else's dock

Chen Taizhong wanted to cleanse her body, but things in the world were so weird in the old days. As soon as the hostess got into the car, she snuggled most of her body into the driver's seat, and a faint perfume smell came on her face. [m]

    \"Sit on time, I want to drive!" Chen Taizhong...want to yell so much. However, thinking of the significance of propaganda work, I couldn't help sighing, just as if I hadn't paid attention and started off.

     Seeing him, there was no response, but the hostess leaned her body closer and asked in a low voice, \"Director Chen, how much does this car cost?"

At this moment, a red light in front came on, Chen Taizhong braked and reached out to shift gears, but he felt that something was hit on the outer side of the upper right arm, saying whether it was hard or soft--the lining was quite porcelain. Really.

    \"Ah, you are necrotic," the hostess yelled diligently, but her chest did not retreat and moved forward.

\"This car is not mine," Chen Taizhong said lightly, saying that the women of this TV station really are really free, but he doesn't like women being too active, and besides, he is really not interested in finding another burden. Come on your back.

\"Hehe, who cares about the owner of the car these years?" The hostess chuckled lightly with that little alcoholic strength. The laughter sounded like a faint scent,\" The power you have to use is the most important thing. If you have the ability, you can lean on someone else’s dock. If you have no ability, you can’t keep your own dock.”

     This is even a naked hint.

\"I don't understand what you said," Chen Taizhong chuckled softly, saying that this is always pretending to be silly, it's not a problem, I must try to change the topic, \"This paragraph of Tianya. It's you Teacher?"

\"Haha, no, but that's what the stage calls to the seniors." The hostess's attention was slightly drawn away, \"Teacher Duan was very good in the stage, I didn't expect it, this time Can come out with him... he usually doesn't go to the city.

     Hey, can a cameraman be so good? Chen Taizhong was somewhat unconvinced, but what's the matter with this buddy? \"Why is Tian Tian transferred to provincial Taiwan?"

    \"I have a good old man." The hostess glanced at him suspiciously, \"You don't even know this, do you?"

\"Tsk, I don’t like to listen to you. ===I’m going to sell it==m" Even though Chen Taizhong is ready to talk to her so as to get to the Phoenix Hotel, he should know Tian Tian Who is the old man? I feel a little tired, \"I am not familiar with her again, why should I know?"

\"Her father Tian Liping, should you know this?" When the hostess heard, Chen Taizhong really did not know the origin of Tian Tian, ​​and she was happy in her heart. It seems that this time the province came to Phoenix, not Secretary Tian. Try hard, doesn't this mean that the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission has another way?

    \"Oh. Subo's Standing Committee, that's really amazing," Chen Taizhong nodded absently, speaking well, but there was not much respectfulness in his tone.

     That... It seems that there is a guy named Gu who is very used to Tian Liping? He also didn't know that Gu Quan was in contact with Tian Liping's son Tian Qiang.

     The hostess debuted soon, but. There is still a bit of careful thinking. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to conclude that Chen Taizhong is a big fish based on Duan Tianya's attitude and a little personal observation.

and so. Chen Taizhong's unsatisfactory expression fell in her eyes, making her more and more thoughtful, \"This time Director Chen came to Phoenix in the station, right?"

     Chen Taizhong finally looked at her sideways. He felt angry. He felt a little bit out of touch, and finally coughed.\"I said it was the contact point of Secretary-General Jing. It has nothing to do with me."

     the hostess finally heard the faint, repelling taste in his words, and she sat up silently and without a trace, and stopped talking.

Chen Taizhong felt uncomfortable when she didn't speak. This person is so contradictory. People desperately show that he feels troublesome. If they don't say anything, he can't help but guess whether he is speaking too rudely and offending people. Up?

Of course, it is impossible for him to be careful. However, when he registered at the Phoenix Hotel, he hesitated and registered a suite for the hostess, but Duan Tianya set up a single room-he spent money. Affordable, but isn’t this meant to highlight the care?

     Duan Tianya didn't say anything, just smiled at him quietly, but the hostess was open and frank and didn't feel embarrassed.

     This made Chen Taizhong more and more depressed, but he couldn't get angry yet, \"If the man is out, he will just order nothing, right, teacher Duan?"

    \"Yes," Duan Tianya closed his smile and nodded, \"I'm still used to being simple, Secretary-General Jing, Director Chen, can you help contact me?"

    \"Go to your room and speak," Chen Taizhong felt vaguely that this section of Tianya was a bit of Xiao Dong, who dared to speak but had a wink. I couldn't help but want to know how to make this publicity better.

    \"This..." Duan Tianya's eyes rolled and he was hesitating. Chen Taizhong's cell phone rang again, and the call was from an unknown number.

     heard it, and realized that it was the old Zhangtou from the dormitory of the Electrical Machinery Factory, \"That, too loyal, the Environmental Sanitation Bureau is going to fine me, you can tell me."

     Dare to love, after the old Zhang head took over Guo Guangliang's job, he didn't call for more people in order to save money, so he called a temporary worker, and the two people worked hard to pick up the broken bricks and rubbish.

So, this day can't be finished. Guo Guangliang was worried about the deadline Chen Taizhong gave him, and he was so anxious that he wanted to beat people, but the old Zhangtou said, \"Taizhong is going to get angry, you let him find me, this will be fine. Right?"

To put it bluntly, Lao Zhang rarely has this kind of opportunity to make extra money on weekdays, and he feels that the Chen family's boy is actually easier to talk than everyone imagined, so he dares to be so selfish. If you have any friendship with that servant, this fist can't be lowered.

     Anyway, in a hurry, on Tuesday, the two people finally picked up those things, found a truck, and took the garbage away in two batches.

This thing was originally over. Who would think, because Lao Zhang was reluctant to spend money, the truck he found was very broken. The garbage was scattered all the way. When Wu Yan went to work this morning, he saw the district committee's door scattered all the way. The scattered **** is immediately upset.

     She is upset, she must call the Environmental Sanitation Bureau, and after a rebuke, the Environmental Sanitation Bureau must find the perpetrators, \"The garbage has been scattered at the gate of the district committee, and we must severely punish it!"

     checked this stuff, I definitely didn’t need any means, along with the **** left, the Environmental Sanitation Bureau touched the electrical machinery factory all the way, and then casually inquired and found Lao Zhang’s head.

    Don't say anything, fine, originally it was a casual fine of one or two thousand and it was finished. Now that everyone has taken the lead in the leader of Wu, it is: twenty thousand!

     When the old Zhang head listened, he almost peeed his pants, and calmed down and thought: No, you have to find too loyal about this matter. Who am I for? Isn't it because you spoke?

Chen Taizhong was a little upset when he heard it, but he couldn't help it. He turned his head and looked at Duan Tianya. He hesitated and didn't speak yet. Duan Tianya laughed, \"Haha, well, say hello to the station. , I'll do it, you can go and do yours."

    啧, this guy is really not easy, Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded, without saying anything, turned and left.

     looked a little dazed by the hostess, she asked timidly for a long time, "Teacher Duan, why don't you go to the suite, I will live in the single room?"

"That was ordered by Chief Chen for you, but I dare not go," Duan Tianya looked at her with a smirk,\" But, let me advise you, don’t expect people to touch you in the room. ."

This is a bit blunt, but the hostess doesn’t blush, "Don’t talk, I’m not the kind of person you think, you guys, you have nothing to do all day, just chewing your tongue~www're so good at this," Duan Tianya glared at her and ignored her, \"Chen Taizhong's background is much larger than you think. If you can't hold back your face, just don't Provoke him."

    \"What is his background?" The hostess became curious, and no longer denies that she wants to hook up with this person. \"It's always Boss Song's relationship, right?"

\"Ask so much what to do?" Duan Tianya glanced at her, \"I don't want to sue you, but since we cooperated once, and now you find out, I will remind you, this master is difficult to digest. "

He knew that she had always wanted to switch from a live host to a column host, which is often referred to as \"anchor." However, this leap is really difficult. The province is just that few columns. The nails are the nails. It's not easy to squeeze it down.

    \"Tian Tian can't even digest it?" The women's brains don't know how they grow. Sometimes they are very stupid, sometimes they are shrewd. Obviously, the hostess's intelligence is now supernormal.

\"Then I don't know," Duan Tianya smiled and shook his head. In fact, he is not the kind of gossip who is particularly fond of gossip. \" I only know, the news center director Tang said, this time the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission Not satisfied, we are not allowed to go back..."

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