Official Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 995: Flood

The ninth chapter of the flood season is scheduled to guarantee the end of July monthly ticket) Wu Zhenhua is really confused about the huge investment received by the Science and Technology Commission, but from Chen Taizhong’s confidence, he came to a conclusion that Chen is in control Some unknown secrets. (network)[

     As for the secret message, the secret channel or the secret method, Director Wu didn't bother to analyze it. What he can be sure is that if Chen Taizhong can share this secret, Subo and the High-tech Zone will also get a little light.

     Therefore, he felt it necessary to exchange information with Jiang Junrong.

     Director Jiang knows a lot more than him. When she heard this, she smiled, "I like cooperation the most, hehe, win-win, but I don't know how we should cooperate?"

\"This is more troublesome for Director Jiang," Wu Zhenhua looked at her up and down, only smiling but not talking. Jiang Junrong snorted when he saw his ambiguous [very pure and very ambiguous] appearance.\" Say if you have anything."

     She made it clear that this attitude: the surname Wu, grandma is not the kind of person you think!

I think Director Jiang didn’t even care about Chen Taizhong. If someone Chen had no investment, she wouldn’t give that person a good face at all. How could she tolerate the deputy director of this small high-tech zone at her right now? Pretending to be a ghost in front of you?

    \"Director Jiang has always been very good at public relations, I know this," Wu Zhenhua said when she said something like this, it would be hard to say anything, \"Subo, it would be best if we could let Mayor Zhu say a greeting..."

    \"Then how do you cooperate here?" Jiang Junrong sneered, she really wanted to turn her face, this guy was obviously saying that my life was unhealthy. Besides, I put pressure on my side, and do favors on your side... What do you think, kid.

    \"Here, I asked Mayor Guo to put pressure on him. "Wu Zhenhua is also a landlord who lies and does not stumble. \"Mayor Guo is also the director of the management committee. Chen Taizhong can't help but consider him."

    \"Is that so?" Jiang Junrong's eyes rolled. My heart said that if Chen Taizhong really bought Guo Yu's face, why would you be so embarrassed today, why bother to make an alliance with me?

    \"Anyway, let's communicate with each other in two-pronged way. Who can get some results depends on everyone's good fortune. This is a gentleman's agreement and does not have any binding force," Wu Zhenhua looked at her frankly. \"How can I say 60 million. How can I know if I don't try it?"

Is      not binding? Jiang Junrong thought about it, smiled and nodded, \"Cooperation is always better than no cooperation, haha, make a deal..."

     How did Chen Taizhong know that these two had reached an alliance very quickly? Since Borui had no thoughts that it shouldn't have, the investment agreement was signed extremely quickly, and the basic rules and regulations were settled on Thursday.

     I was busy most of the night that night. Early in the morning on Friday, I want to talk about contacting the TV station, and then invite the mayor to sign the agreement formally. Whoever imagines Jingli called, "Tai loyal, wait for the agreement to sign again. News Reported to the province. Vice Governor Fan Xiaojun intends to attend the signing ceremony. This signing may also be transferred to Subo."

     About our Phoenix, go to Subo to sign? Chen Taizhong was a little bit dumbfounded, but looking at it from another angle is not a bad thing. at least. It’s okay to mix a short message on the provincial TV station, and maybe it’s on the provincial party newspaper.

     Friday afternoon. The money from Guangming finally went into the account, 120 million, and the more than 60 million cash in Chen Taizhong’s Xu Mijie was also successively sent to Ning Ruiyuan’s hand more than 40 million. Ning Ruiyuan saved the trouble of cash withdrawal. , Directly credit the corresponding funds into the account of Ding Xiaoning’s Jinghua Hotel, which adds up to more than 160 million.

     save the ten million, one hundred and fifty million left for Ding Xiaoning and the crazy horse, can you also confess Mongolian art? The remaining 50 million will have to be invested in pounds sterling, right?

Chen Taizhong deliberately made a call to Secretary Meng and thought about it. Forget it, maybe he will go to Subo again next week. If he does, it will not be too late to meet at that time. It will save the Secretary-General's mouth on the phone. , Why is it 50 million? Isn't that buddy busy again?

He didn't want to call Meng Yi, but someone forced him to call. Early on Saturday morning, he was still sleeping in Meng Xiaoyan's Yuhuayuan villa. The Hongshan District Party Secretary Wang Xiaohu called in.\" Too loyal, there is an emergency."

    \"Emergency situation?" Chen Taizhong scratched his head and yawned by the way. \"I said Secretary Wang, it's only six o'clock, right? You don't need to sleep?"

    \"It's an emergency," Wang Xiaohu's voice sounded very urgent, \"The rainfall in Phoenix City has increased sharply in the past week, and the Tianqiao Reservoir in Tongshan can't hold it. It's about to discharge the flood."

\"This is the matter of Tongshan County, right?" Chen Taizhong was still confused, and didn't react for a while. \"You are looking for the magistrate Zhang Yu of Tongshan, right? Besides, this is Hongshan with you, with me The Science and Technology Commission of China has nothing to do with the China Merchants Office, right?"

Hearing him talking, Ren Jiao snorted in a daze, opened her big eyes to look at him, reached out and put his left hand into her arms, closed her eyes and fell asleep, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. It's satisfying.

    \"Why are you so confused?" Wang Xiaohu was so angry that he let out a long sigh on the phone, \"Lu Qiang's reservoir, Baifengxi's Taizhong reservoir, the pressure is going to be great now!"

"Huh?" Chen Taizhong still didn't figure it out. His forearm was pressing on Ren Jiaoxue's white and straight chest, and he couldn't help but move slightly to tease the half-soft pink bud,\"Taizhongku In Baifengxi, the Tianqiao library is on the Qinghua River."

\"But you have to enter Jinghe?" Wang Xiaohu was a little bit dumbfounded, \"Jinghe's Benmaxia Reservoir has exceeded the warning line, and the upstream flood discharge was not allowed. The Tianqiao Reservoir is too old and the dam body cannot bear it. , The flood must be discharged."

Chen Taizhong finally understood that Baifeng River and Qinghua River were both tributaries of Jinghe River. Tianqiao and Taizhong reservoirs were also small reservoirs, but the Jinghe downstream could not hold it, and the flood should not be discharged anymore. Flood discharge, then can only carry it hard.

    \"Hey, when is the earth water like this?" Chen Taizhong had forgotten the 98 national floods in his previous life, \"Then you find me... well, what can I do?"

Wang Xiaohu’s meaning is quite straightforward. Benma Gorge is considered to be the Qingwang area, and Phoenix can’t control it, so Chen Taizhong should contact the Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, \"It highlights the fact that this is the fact that the enterprise builds its own reservoir, which may not be professional enough. It’s really impossible to ask for proper care. You can find Secretary Meng, or else what happens... Neither of us can eat."

     Secretary Wang was really anxious. The flood conditions in the past two days were extremely serious. There could have been more water drained. As a result, Benma Gorge couldn't hold it, and the situation in the upstream reservoirs suddenly became severe.

    \"Let Lv Qiang talk about it first?" Chen Taizhong hesitated and sighed, \"I promised Secretary Meng, I haven't done it yet... It's not suitable to find him, I have to talk about it in two days."

    \"Isn't it impossible to contact this bastard?" Wang Xiaohu murmured fiercely and hung up the phone, \"You are too loyal, you dare not shut it down... I am sending someone to the cement factory to stop him!"

Two hours later, Lu Qiang also called and said that he had called Mengyi. It sounded very sullen.\" Secretary Meng gave me a whip and then a carrot. Too loyal, we should What should I do?"

Dare to love, Mr. Lu made a call. When Secretary Meng heard that this was the case, he immediately grunted coldly, \"Xiao Lu, are you really embarrassed to say? The flood control situation in the province is so severe now, you are still me. Go to cut the ribbon, I'll say hello to you... You let me say hello to you? Isn't your cement made of Verdun? It's inexhaustible!"

     Lu Qiang was frightened by the anger of Secretary Meng when he was on the move, \"I'm just in case."

\"It’s good if you have confidence in your reservoir," Mengyi’s words turned, \"Hold it, you must stand it, guard against it, stand it, I will celebrate your work for you, if you can’t stand it... Blame me for being polite!"

    \"The quality of your reservoir seems to be okay, right?" Chen Taizhong didn't think it was such a big deal, \"It's all real materials, isn't it? Why worry so much?"

\"The problem is soaking, too loyal!" Lu Qiang is not a professional in water conservancy, but when such a large reservoir is built, the layman has become an expert. \"The super high water level is soaked for a long time, the super high water level... you know the water surface With a rise of one meter, how much should the area increase and how much pressure should the pressure increase?"

    \"You should explain this to Meng Yi clearly," Chen Taizhong felt that he was complaining about the wrong person, \"I don't believe there is no margin in Benma Gorge."

\"There must be a margin, but it is used when it is most urgent. Anyway, it is overloaded, too loyal, come to Baifeng Township to play," Lu Qiang smiled bitterly,\"I really don’t understand , What happened this year?"

\"I think it was calculated by you," Chen Taizhong dressed up and got up. After being awakened by Wang Xiaohu just now, the three of them had another intestinal battle. Meng Xiaoyan now only has to breathe in bed. Er, Ren Jiao got up and went out to make Going to Baifeng Township? Principal Meng spread his limbs wide and looked at him lazily, the thin veil could not stop the morning light-even in such a gloomy sky, it was irritating, in the ambiguous [very pure very ambiguous] light It looks more and more white, \"Or, I call auntie? "

\"Forget it, the reservoir is called Taizhongku anyway, I can't afford to lose that person," Chen Taizhong laughed, and said that since my buddy has benefited from Taizhongku, he must do something. I don't believe it. After someone Chen stands there, what loopholes can Taizhongku make!

The last time he went fishing in Taizhongku, he also felt that the water surface was quite vast. For a while, he felt a little unsettled. He tried to protect some of the dangerous places in the dam. However, his layman only noticed At the upper part of the reservoir, I didn't expect that something might go wrong below.

However, what Lu Qiang said made him feel a little uneasy. It seems that the underside of the reservoir must be sorted out carefully. Director Chen grew up here and made his fortune. If he really wants to make some mistakes, I really feel sorry for the father. Folks.

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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