Official Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1017: Role model

Before coming to the first thousand and 17th chapter, Zhu Bingsong also presided over a meeting. When he walked out of the meeting and rushed to the small auditorium of the Baolan District Municipal Government, he vaguely felt that something hit him. He looked up and looked left and right, but it was again. No abnormality was found, only the secretary was following him, no one else. .[

     It’s strange, he stopped and thought for a moment, only to feel that his stomach was overwhelmed and burnt, and he couldn’t help but rub his hand.\"What's the matter?"

Secretary      knew that his boss had been working hard in the past few days, so he walked up to help, but Mayor Zhu waved at him, \"Okay, I'm fine, just take a short rest."

As a result, it’s okay if he doesn’t rest. The more rest, Zhu Bingsong feels more uncomfortable in his stomach, his head is a bit swollen and then dizzy. Seeing that time is waiting for no one, he finally rubbed the sun lifelessly and stood up.\" Let’s go and join the party meeting on the line of fire."

    \"Would you like to tell them, you are not going, will you succeed?" The secretary saw that Mayor Zhu's face was not very good, and carefully suggested, \"Go to the hospital for a check?"

    \"How big is the matter?" Zhu Bingsong glared at him, and said that there might be something else going around to participate in it. He said he was going to go, and now he’s not going anymore. Isn’t it just a free gift to others? \"The task of fighting floods is very important, even if you fall on the venue, you have to go."

This is a bit sensational, but Mayor Zhu also feels that he has a tendency to be unable to handle it. First explain the matter clearly, fainted at the venue, and then fainted. At that time, it happened that the secretary could say this. Coming out showed his determination to fight the flood, and he even faintly hoped that he was really tired and lay down. This must be a good thing.

     thought of this. For a while, he regretted it a little. He was originally high in blood lipids and blood pressure. He knew that he should eat more greasy food in the past two days, and he would go out and toss himself, and come back with a good reputation. Maybe he will solve the dilemma. , Try it today?

     actually feels like a rise in blood pressure right now, dizzy. Limbs are a bit weak.

"By the way, this meeting. Is there a TV station present?" Zhu Bingsong asked unprecedentedly. Of course, the answer he got was yes, \"The provincial and municipal stations have been notified in advance and should be sent over. ."

Just send someone, Mayor Zhu thought in a daze, but his face became paler, and the driver didn't dare to drive too fast when he saw it, so he swayed slowly and leisurely. After that, he was late for a while. It's normal.

    \"It's a little uncomfortable, I'm late. (Net Mayor Zhu finally stepped onto the podium and nodded at everyone with a smile. But when I walked to the podium position, my stomach cramped again.

\"If you feel uncomfortable, just take a break?" On the side, Minister Zhao from the Ministry of Education of the Municipal Party Committee asked quietly, but Zhu Bingsong glared back at him. Why, look at me losing power, even your little minister dare Worry with me? If you replace Secretary Wu Haibin and Wu, I dare not make an announcement now.

     Minister Zhao feels wronged in his heart, so there is no need to say, he said that I see you can’t hold it anymore, so I kindly advise you. You give me a dog face. Humph, the grasshopper after autumn. See if you can jump for a few days.

     Mayor Zhu walked to the middle of the rostrum and sat down slowly. His body was tilted, so he could not sit firmly. Fortunately, his secretary's hands and feet were fast, and he was okay with a hand behind him.

After receiving the draft from the secretary, Zhu Bingsong cleared his throat and began to speak.\"Comrades, I am very happy to be here today and see so many flood fighting...The heroes of flood fighting and rescue, I am very happy that we have organized and will increase ...New, excellent blood..."

Having said that, he really couldn't hold back, his mouth opened, and a mouthful of blood...not blood, anyway, it was a brown sticky thing sprayed forward, and the person slumped on the table, and then followed the chair. The underground slowly slipped out.

    \"Mayor Zhu fainted,"\"Secretary Zhu..."

In order to highlight the image of the leader on the screen, Zhu Bingsong’s secretary had avoided it from a distance, but he was always thinking about the body of the boss, and when he saw it, he rushed forward and grabbed Zhu Bingsong’s body.\"Zhu Mayor vomited blood, Mayor Zhu vomited..."

     He clicked his nose and smelled the strong smell of alcohol in the air. There was really no way to say this.

\"Mayor Zhu vomited blood," Minister Zhao followed, and people jumped up.\"Call the ambulance, hurry up, hurry up...Mayor Zhu vomited blood." Several people on the rostrum Wei was stunned, followed by a noise, but everyone's noses were frequently, and the heart said this morning, what did Boss Zhu drink so much for?

     This must be the ghost of Chen Taizhong. He drank with Zhang Guojun that day and didn't drink much. Director Zhang said that if something happened in the afternoon, he would not dare to drink again, otherwise he would be afraid that his hat would be unstable.

If you listen to others, you can only hear the urgency of fighting floods and the high importance of the organization, but Chen Taizhong heard it in his ears, but he was thinking-drinking on inappropriate occasions seems to be a whole person. What a way.

     His resentment towards Zhu Bingsong is a sorrow. Since he intends to lay hands on him, he feels that he is going to make a hole in the dam \"too troublesome", so he took out this plan if he couldn't say it.

     Regrettably, no leaders have come to visit Tiannan recently. Chen can't wait any longer. After inquiring about it, he knows that there is such a hotline to join the party, and the media will come to attend. He said that this influence should be enough.

If      is enough, let’s do it. Chen Taizhong followed Zhu Bingsong all the way invisibly, and from time to time used the wall-piercing technique to pour some wine into his stomach. When Mayor Zhu sat on the rostrum, he got a little more in.

     Now the boy is hiding, smiling and standing on the scene watching the excitement, but accidentally sees an acquaintance off the stage, Tiannan TV cameraman Duan Tianya.

     heard the chaos on the stage, one by one, they said that Mayor Zhu has been overworked recently, and he must be over-fatigued. Another person walked onto the podium to clean up the stains on the stage, and the scene was messy.

     Duan Tianyadi camera, set up strangely close to the rostrum, has long smelled strong alcohol in the nose, when someone came to clean it, he whispered softly, \"Can you come on stage and take a picture of this blood stain?"

     He used to be a cool talk, but he did not prevent someone from glaring at him and whispering to him, \"You are over after the order, where are so many strange things?"

Everyone worked together and quickly cleaned up the stage. Zhu Bingsong was also lifted down. Another staff member found air freshener and sprayed it in the air. The efficiency was really high. Within five minutes, Chairman The stage resumed as before, but Mayor Zhu was gone.

     Chen Taizhong was puzzled. You said that in this small auditorium, how can there be air fresheners available, and how can they be found so quickly? Could it be that there are often leaders who...\"vomit blood"?

    As soon as Mayor Zhu left, the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee Zhen Changxi and the Minister of the Municipal Party Committee’s Publicity and Education Department Zhao were of higher ranks. Apart from that, there were no decent figures. Other deputy secretary-generals of the Municipal Government could not be ranked.

Yes, Zhu Bingsong has always been strong. When he appeared on the scene, several deputy secretaries of the municipal party committee came as a cover. In the past, people occasionally came to make fun, but today no one came, so the Subo Organization Department also came. Deputy Minister, but Secretary-General Zhen Changxi can be considered a relatively large head.

Minister Zhao saw a faint commotion in the audience, coughed lightly, took the microphone, "Comrades, everyone has seen it, Mayor Zhu has been exhausted and vomiting blood because he has been fighting on the front line of flood fighting and rescue. On this day when you are honorably integrated into the party organization, Mayor Zhu set an example and set a good example to everyone..."

     Zhen Changxi moved his fingers to signal to Minister Zhao. Minister Zhao felt embarrassed to say that he could not immediately come, \"The following meeting will be chaired by Secretary-General Zhen."

     I want you to get to the point quickly, what are you doing for me? Secretary-General Zhen was very angry, but the host would be the host. It's no big deal. I can't say that he opened the receiver in front of him. "Mayor Zhu is an example for everyone to learn from, but the body is also the capital of the revolution, I hope Comrades who have performed well in the fight against floods can also pay attention to their own bodies in the struggle against God. Don't tire yourself out like Mayor Zhu..."

     said, he felt that something was wrong. This seemed to be ungracious on both sides, so I must cough, \"Now... Minister Zhao will preside over the meeting ceremony. Everyone applauds."

To be honest, since I knew that Zhu Bingsong was coming, the few who came were ready to applaud, and didn't know much about the meeting process. Therefore, whoever presided over the meeting is now a major issue. Both of them are members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee. Is not it?

     Minister Zhao hesitated, seeing that the Secretary-General's attitude was very firm, he could not say he turned on his microphone...

However, Chen Taizhong was a little surprised. He was really a little puzzled in his heart. Ordinarily, everyone's reaction is normal. It is very important to maintain the image of the leader. But, don't you know... Zhu Bingsong is about to die? ? Is it necessary to cover him up like this?

However, the next moment he reacted. If Mayor Zhu vomited at the venue, it would be terrible. Now Zhu Bingsong's image is not a big deal, but the image of the organization is damaged. That is a major event. Don't look at it. Minister Zhao glared at Mayor Zhu just now, but he had to bite the bullet and say good things about Mayor What is a good overall situation? This is a good sense of the overall situation. The honor of the collective must not be tarnished. At this moment, everyone has no selfishness.

Even the 15 activists who joined the party who just joined the organization are very enlightened. When they walked up to the rostrum to face the party flag and raised their fists to swear solemnly, no one was still in the air. The smell of no wine showed any concern, retelling the oath firmly and passionately.

    \"I volunteer...I am ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people..."

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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