Official Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1119: Icing on the cake

With Zhang Yaodong's words, the specifications of the middle-level cadre conference to be held by the Science and Technology Commission immediately changed. It was originally intended to be in the large conference room of the Science and Technology Committee's bungalow. This time, it is good. Move to the large conference room of the Phoenix Hotel. Yes, this conference room was built earlier, but it can also accommodate more than two hundred people. It is more than enough for the middle level of the Science and Technology Commission to come here for meetings. [m.

Moreover, Zhang Zhihui also patted his chest to ensure that he would decorate the scene well, and also put up banners for publicity, etc.Anyway, the money was paid by the Science and Technology Commission, but the municipal party committee and municipal government attached great importance to it. no problem.

The number of people attending the meeting also increased significantly.On the same night, not only Zhang Yaodong but also Duan Weihua were scheduled to attend the meeting.As for the two secretary-generals of the Municipal Party Committee Office and the Government Office, Wei Changjiang and Jing Jingli also came to participate. Meeting, the mayor Xiaoqiaoshu will also come, and Qin Liancheng, director of the Planning Commission and director of the Investment Promotion Office... In short, the lineup is full.

However, there is also a disadvantage, that is, the meeting has been rescheduled. This is really no way. The venue has been changed, and the relevant arrangements have to be revisited. Of course, the people of the Science and Technology Commission do not care, they are all used to it. Isn't it because the city refuses to accept it? Those who come can only stay in the Phoenix Hotel and wait.

Fortunately, for the middle-level cadres of the Science and Technology Commission, there are not many people who are qualified to stay in the Phoenix Hotel. Not only are they poor but also low-level, they can meet here, and most people's spirits have gone up to a new level. The Science and Technology Commission can also hold a meeting in the Phoenix Hotel, which is of great significance in itself.

     In fact, this meeting was postponed because of another important reason. Zhang Yaodong said at the beginning that he would postpone the report to Governor Chen Jie for two days, lest the Provincial Science and Technology Commission find any excuses.

     Since the reporting time is postponed, the middle-level cadre will postpone it. That is inevitable. No one can guarantee that Governor Chen will be really interested in taking a look in advance if he hears the news of the inspection by the National Science and Technology Commission.

     If Chen Jie is willing to come early, then the Science and Technology Commission has just held a meeting. It would be disrespectful to the leadership, and the serious thing is to let the guide participate in this meeting. It also gave the leader a chance to cheer everyone up.

    Of course, it is more likely that Governor Chen will not come, because people from the National Science and Technology Commission will come to investigate soon. In case it is a deputy ministry, Governor Chen should come to the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission again. In a short period of time, a prefecture, city, and local administrative bureau was inspected by the governor in charge twice—Is it a vice-province at any rate, can't it be too worthless?

     Chen Jie can also come this time. I won't come next time, but who can guarantee that the Science and Technology Commission is definitely not the deputy?

     Of course, Governor Chen is really willing to stand up to the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission, and if he does not care about the matter, the two inspections will also be inspected-there are different reasons for the inspection, isn't it also coming twice?

     But, don’t you know what decision Governor Chen will make? Then it can only be delayed for two days. Waiting for the city to report the situation to the province, which means: Governor Chen, look at the Provincial Science and Technology Commission. It's just a phone call from the State Science and Technology Commission. The notice has arrived at Phoenix, look. It just so happens that the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission is going to hold a middle-level executive meeting...

Therefore, the postponement of this meeting is more important to give Chen Jie a reason to "focus on" the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission. Of course, Governor Chen is willing to focus on other people's affairs, but Phoenix City does not Give the leader the opportunity to be caring, it would be too incapable of being a man.

These arrangements and causality were not done by Chen Taizhong alone. In fact, Duan Weihua was the driving force in this matter. Chen Taizhong left Zhang Yaodong’s office and called Mayor Duan.\"Mayor Weihua, our head of Science and Technology Commission Once we received such a solemn reception from the superiors, how should we organize the information? Can the city guide us and help us develop ideas?"

Of course Duan Weihua knew that Chen Taizhong was a bit resentful, but things went smoothly today, and he was also happy in his heart.\"Well, I will help you arrange two people for information... By the way, about the Central Committee of the Science and Technology Committee. , Have you figured out how to arrange it?"

     Middle-level cadre meeting? When Chen Taizhong heard this, he was a little dizzy.\"Talk about the internal affairs of the Science and Technology Commission. By the way, Secretary Zhang may be attending again..."

    \"Look, I know it," Duan Weihua laughed on the phone, \"Forget it, let me arrange this meeting for you, you can't arrange it so simply./"

Mayor Duan came out, it must be considered exhaustive.In the meantime, Jing Jingli rushed over, dragged him aside and confessed like this, Chen Taizhong suddenly became enlightened, and said that Mayor Wei Hua said these two times. It's really admirable.

     Anyway, the last time the Science and Technology Commission had a rehearsal for the central leadership meeting, this time it’s a big deal, I’ll do it again.

However, as time went by, more and more department-level leaders joined the list of participants, which made the other three directors of the Science and Technology Commission quite a bit dumbfounded.Only one of the leaders of the prefectural city was present, but it was still Jing Jingli. This kind of master is no less than the deputy mayor.

In fact, Yang Bo was also interested in participating in this meeting, but when others participated in this meeting, they either divided their work or showed their faces. Although he also wanted to show his support for the Science and Technology Commission, he asked about the list of participants. At that time, he did not have the courage to blend in. Now, he is going. He is really a pure marginal man, not shame enough. /

However, with his instruction, Li Tianfeng finally caught Chen Taizhong when everyone was rehearsing at the Phoenix Hotel the next day, and when the meeting was adjourned, he would not let him go.\"Director Chen, you must listen to me. "

\"I told you on the phone," Chen Taizhong was a little unhappy looking at the thin and small Director Li in front of him, but just changed his mind. Now there are too few people who are as persistent as this person. I can’t get angry either.\"Director Liang is responsible for the technology, and Director Qiu is responsible for business operations. If you have problems with your employees, you can find Director Li Jian. It’s useless for you to find me."

\"I have talked to them all," Li Wufeng coughed and stared at him firmly. In his thin body, there was an abnormal obsession.\"Our equipment is still in good condition. Why can't we buy shares, but merge ?"

\"Well, don't you say it, it depends on the analysis of the experts," Chen Taizhong sneered, \"That is to say your little land, changed our employees to accept you. If it wasn't for Mayor Yang to speak. You think I am willing to annex you ?"

    \"You are going to get the new device, right?" Li Tianfeng's face sank, and raging anger appeared in his eyes, staring at him unblinkingly. /// It's actually not afraid to anger the current upstart in officialdom.

     Chen Taizhong was stunned by his monstrous anger. He thought for a moment, smiled and shook his head, \"I know what you want, and now I can tell you responsibly, the equipment that should be scrapped. We must scrap the equipment that can be used... if the price is affordable. Also You can keep it for use, or almost use it as a spare device, but if the maintenance cost is too high, there is no negotiation and must be scrapped."

Originally, he wanted to say that it was close to the auction, but he thought that the leader of the bicycle factory was just because he was selling scraps, which caused a series of changes [天珠变], and finally changed his mouth abruptly. Speaking of spare equipment-such a persistent person is also rare.

     Seeing the other's anger, he was furious at first, but then he felt a little bit of feeling: People are not afraid of themselves. That's because of being selfless. Selfless!

     Thinking of this, he has great grievances. No matter how unpleasant to see this guy in front of your eyes, you can't get angry because of other people's geological inquiries. If someone dares to ask, he will go back early. Who do you think you are? Is it your turn to speak?

     But it can be used to sell Lao Wang a favor. I heard that Wang Hongwei also appreciates him... Well, this matter can be used to resolve the grievances of Secretary Wang over the years.

\"This is what you said," Li Tianfeng's anger has faded a lot, but there is still a little suspicious look in his eyes, \"If you say you can't fool me, then I won't agree... these are all I hope you will think about the property of the country."

Dare to love, he does not necessarily have to take up shares in the factory, but the Science and Technology Commission for Health and Terrorism removes the equipment that has been maintained in the factory for years and sells it at a low price. Not only can he make money from here, but he can also make money by buying new equipment. Windfall.

\"Tsk, why are you so much nonsense?" Chen Taizhong was also annoyed by his pressing attitude, \"Don't worry, you will be the factory manager in charge of the production in the future. ?"

    \"What about sales and purchases?" Li Tianfeng knows where a factory is most prone to trickery. He has a set of production methods, but thinking of the two most important links, he still feels a little worried.

\"You are not finished yet, are you?" Chen Taizhong came from a worker's family, and of course he knew this well, and waved his hand impatiently.\"You have taken care of the production, and of course you have a say in the purchase of the goods~www. for sales," he said this, and thought of the legend about Director Li, he actually laughed and looked at him meaningfully, \"Hehe, do you think I dare to let you intervene in sales?"

However, Li Tianfeng blushed when he said this. Of course he knew what the other party was laughing at. However, although Chen Taizhong's attitude was not good, he was nailed or riveted. He made the relevant details clear. He hesitated. \"But even if I manage production, I only have the power to suggest and protest against purchases. If others don’t listen..."

    \"The Science and Technology Commission will soon complete the discipline inspection work," Chen Taizhong replied impatiently before saying that he would end the conversation, but when he said this, he suddenly found that Li Tianfeng's eyes were cold again.

\"Tsk, it's really troublesome," Chen Taizhong sighed and shook his head helplessly.\"Let’s put it this way, Director Li, if you feel that the handling by the relevant departments is unfair, you can ask me. Can it? "

     Li Tianfeng stared at him for a long time, seeming to be discerning the sincerity of this person's words. After thinking for a long time, his face sank and he decisively handed over the bulging briefcase in his hand.

     Chen Taizhong smiled coldly at him without saying a word, with unspeakable contempt on his face.

    \"The bicycle factory was committed to developing electric bicycles four years ago," Li Tianfeng looked at him calmly, \"There are data and drawings."

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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