Official Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1129: Eager to try

After Chen Taizhong said this, he found that there was a person sitting in the back seat of the car. He couldn't help turning his head in surprise, but he heard Su Wenxin chuckle, \"Okay, that's Xiaoting, and we came together. ==网= =m"

\"Oh," Chen Taizhong nodded and didn't say a word. That Xiaoting didn't say much just now. He didn't have a deep impression. He was thinking about it. His mobile phone rang, and the call was Nangong Maomao, \"Taizhong, Are you okay?"

     This is still like that. I ran away and knew that the first time I called, Chen Taizhong wanted to scold someone just now, so he smiled and answered him, \"Hehe, it's okay, sitting in Su Wenxin's BMW."

    \"That's good..." There was a noisy voice from Nangong. Not long after he smiled and spoke, \"Okay, they are all gone. Ignore them, and find a place to play?"

     His voice was quite loud, even Su Wenxin heard it, she sighed angrily, \"Forget it, I don’t want to play cards today. Find a place to continue drinking at the bar."

    \"I'm not interested anymore," Chen Taizhong was very troubled by those two jingles, and he couldn't say sighing, \"Well, find a hotel and leave me behind. Let's play."

    \"Haven't found a place to live?" Su Wenxin glanced at him, \"Then go to Nangong to live, such a big hotel, there is no place where you live yet?"

    \"I'm boring," Chen Taizhong shook his head, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, \"Anyway, you are all good people in Beijing, even a few **** are scared like this?"

    \"It doesn't matter if you are a serious white person," Su Wenxin glanced at him and shook his head, \"Dare to make trouble, white people can't stand behind a company executive, black people are often behind a country, who do you say is terrible?"

    \"Yes, Brother Chen is still good," Xiaoting said from the back seat of the car. \\\\\\\"If you hit someone, you still come out slowly, and you are not afraid of them chasing, this is the pure man

    \"Maybe someone thinks I am stupid and beat the foreigner." Chen Taizhong snorted, really not feeling good in his heart, \"I am not a good man, it is that there are too few men in Beijing."

\"Yang Ming is still the chief of the police. You must have skill in your hands, don't you want to run?" Su Wenxin laughed, and took out her mobile phone to call Nangong Maomao, which meant that Chen Taizhong was going to his hotel soon and asked him to make arrangements. .

     Dongsi and Sanlitun were next to each other, and it was useless for twenty minutes. Su Wenxin's BMW stopped in front of the hotel. After the three of them entered, they knew that the Nangong Maomao gang had returned. www..

A large group of people sat in the small tea room of the hotel. It was eleven o'clock. There was no one to entertain here. Pulling a screen to the door, the waiter pushed another large coffee table and several sofas. It has become the layout of a bar, very skilled. It can be seen that this is often arranged here.

    \"Taizhong is great." After everyone was seated, Yang Ming first gave Chen Taizhong a thumb. \"Those two heavy liftings made me itchy. I want to have them twice."

     You didn’t come those two times! Chen Taizhong murmured bitterly, Nangong Mao Mao seemed to see the depression in his heart. Interrupted with a smile, \"Too loyal, the rest of this matter, I'm next, you can take care of your affairs, whoever wants to trouble you, please pass my Nangong Maomao pass first."

Although everyone ran away, Xiaowen could not go there to go to the field, but the license plate numbers of a few cars are probably already remembered. Although Beijing is big, take a closer look. The people on the scene today are afraid who will dump it. Don't get rid of the relationship.

     Nangong Maomao didn’t know Chen’s perception of foreigners, so he intuitively believed that this was Chen Taizhong’s forcibly showing up for his own horse. This is a lot of favor.

     In fact, that Xiaowen was just a dew couple who had been with him for a few nights. He couldn't even talk about dew. It was a one-night stand or a few-night stand. It is really worthless to say that weight, but what he values ​​is face. \\\\\\

Chen Taizhong is very hungry. Nangong Maomao is very clear about the fact that he won't sell his grandson's face, and he will have to come to someone to ask for it again and again until Mr. Shao. Such a hungry person is for his own face. It's done, he can get this love!

    \"Just look for it, I'm afraid they won't make it?" Chen Taizhong snorted and curled his lips. \ "There are too many people just now, I don't want to make things bigger."

\"Brother Chen, I have convinced you," the tall man's mouth is not slow, he came up by the slope, he is just a small boss in foreign trade business, and it is not harsh to see the wind to make the rudder down.\ "Good skill and high knowledge."

     Chen Taizhong grinned, barely a smile, but obviously, he is not in the mood to laugh now, so this expression seems to be a little arrogant as a whole, but, who cares about his arrogance? People in Beijing have their own superiority, but at the same time, they also know how to respect the strong.

    , Nangong Maomao looked at Xiao Wen a little dissatisfied, and said lightly, \"I said, what's going on? Well, those two rushed in to find you?"

\"I don’t know. They called me yesterday and said they wanted to buy me a drink because of my beauty," Xiaowen pouted aggrievedly.\" But seeing so many people, I just ran away. They bleed heavily..."

     When she pouted her lips, her thick lips became thicker and thicker, but they were comparable to those of black people who had thick lips. It can be seen that there is really no love for no reason in these years.

    \"These grandchildren," Nangong snorted. At this moment, he wanted to say something, but his mouth moved, and finally he sighed and said nothing--what can he say?

\"The science and technology committee, let me inquire for you," he turned to look at Chen Taizhong, this is the only place he can express his gratitude, but this is not his strong point, and if you want to help, you may not be able to help. .

     is also very particular about it. The capital is not easy to mix, and there are people who are there. It is said that it is a taboo to intervene in other people's territory rashly! What he should do most is to introduce Chen Taizhong to the person who should be introduced. But doing this right now, but he can't do it, because if he wants to introduce it, it is equivalent to giving Chen Taizhong to others, and letting people make things difficult for a few days to exploit for a while-it is not a friend's job!

    \"Since it’s inconvenient, I’ll go straight to the door." Chen Taizhong shook his head decisively, picked up a bottle of beer, opened the bottle cap with a finger move, and poured it into his mouth. \\\\\\

     was left an hour ago. If he opened a beer like this, he would inevitably be considered a show off, but now everyone feels normal. This guy really has skill.

     was talking, everyone’s cell phones rang one after another. It was probably because they showed their magical powers just now. Everyone made a phone call for a relationship or moved troops. Now the feedback information is slowly coming.

The thing is really what the two black people said. The one who participated in the fight was the son of a counselor of the Rwandan Embassy. He is currently studying in Beijing. On weekdays, Su Ai also went to and out of this occasion. It also caused several incidents, but they didn't suffer much. Over.

     This time, the trouble was a bit big. The right foot of the boy was stuck on the steel plate of the light steel keel, and three or two pieces of meat were scraped off. The ankle part was struggling in the wrong direction, and the steel plate was scratched to expose the bone.

     This time, this group of people must have quit, and they asked the police to arrest the assassin. The counsellor has not yet come forward, but it has already caused a certain amount of pressure on the police.

Of course, as for why they appeared in other people’s private rooms, people naturally have a saying, it’s nothing more than listening to Xiao Wen’s singing well, wanting to get acquainted, and having a drink, \"They disagree, we can leave, it's a second word. Don't you just do it?"

     The policeman who handled the case knew that this guy was not a fuel-efficient lamp, but this was a reasonable argument. Anyway, fights and fights. It's normal to say that you are innocent.

The current police are looking for the group of assassins. Although the case is small, it involves the embassy, ​​so the efficiency is quite high. In addition to several friends of Xiaowen who have been sent for questioning, there are more people. Two cars suspected of this case have been reported.

     But, looking at this car, everyone is a bit headache, a BMW and an Audi, you can't afford this stuff without a little wealth? Since the greetings from all parties have arrived, the current police attitude is just dragging.

The situation is so disturbing that few people like Nangong Maomao care about it. Everyone ran away, and the scene did not suffer. Then everyone is better than energy. If the counselor dared to appear, there is not no support from everyone behind. Who is afraid of whom?

     When it comes to breaking the sky, it's nothing more than a small fight-or each has its own reason.

Su Wenxin hung up the phone, turned around to see that Nangong Mao Mao just hung up, she couldn't help but laugh, \"You want to check me, just let them... By the way, Nangong, arrange a place for Xiao Chen, what time is this? ?"

\"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Nangong Maomao replied, eyes turning around between the two of them, with an ambiguous [very pure and very ambiguous] smile on his face, \"Your car came back so late just now. Could it be... what happened?

    \"Go and go," Chen Taizhong was already immersed in beer, and he was so dumbfounded by what he said. He raised his hand and waved, \"You are so fast, and the newspaper deliverer-just throw it at the door!"

\"This is not bragging, you have to give it a try," Nangong said of the meat, certainly not inferior to Chen Taizhong, he has already seen it, Su Wenxin looked at Chen Taizhong's eyes, braving little stars. For Mr. Su, this is a rare Besides, Mr. Su’s BMW cars, but rarely take the initiative to carry men, Nangong is also quite clear about this, then he must open his mouth. Now, \"Mr. Su...Help test it?"

\"In your kid's mouth, there is no good thing," Mr. Su smiled and sipped him, his face was slightly flushed, but she didn't say "No" or anything, she knew it herself, her heart was a bit quiet The post moved.

Chen is not only tall and burly, but also has a great body. He also speaks English and French, which shows that this person is not low in level and is a rising star in the officialdom. At this moment, she is really a little eager to try this young deputy. Up.

     summoned the monthly pass very seriously. )

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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