Official Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1184: 4 blooms

Of course Taizhong wouldn't take Gu's warning seriously, in fact, he is the one. [m]Professional e-book download

     At the time he went after Zuo Yuan, he thought of the possible consequences, but no matter how big the consequences were, it could not be as shameful as he felt. After he rolled his buddy's money, he would be fine if he went abroad? Is there a backing for the democratic movement that wants to split the country?

     buddies must let you know what is meant by \"Skynet is restored without leaking", not only to let you know, but also to let others know that foreign masters may not be able to cover everyone.

     is based on this understanding, he has done this thing earth-shattering, otherwise he has a way to pry open Zuo Yuan's mouth, there is no need to screw her away.

When he made this choice, he knew that he might cause trouble to himself, but he was still a little surprised when he heard the ancient saying. I said how well you put your mind on recovering the stolen money, it is national. What about property? What do you find someone to do? Isn’t there more people like this, the better?

        80% of the people tracked down, there are also people who are clearing obstacles for their future running! Chen Taizhong was very unkind and slandered, but he kept pressing the buttons of the phone in his hand. Not long after, a name appeared-"Liao Hongzhi".

After pondering for a while, Chen Taizhong still got his mobile phone. Director Liao is a good person, but what they have is Guoan's rice bowl. Not to mention whether they are willing to go through the back door. They only said that they asked his source, he Chen. It's inevitable to be passive, isn't it?

     Moreover, when Gu informed him, he was also very cautious, which shows that the problem may be serious.

     Okay, anyway, I just had to be careful. After he made up his mind, Ang returned to the private room where Ruiyuan was. Only when he hadn’t heard of it, everyone returned happily after spending more than an hour.

However, after he had this file in his heart, he was always a little bit emotional. When he came to Yuhuayuan to move the computer to the villa, Meng Xiaoyan discovered that he was wrong, \"It is rare that you are willing to buy something for me ...Not happy?"

\"It's okay, it's tired," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, pointing at the big Lenovo computer box, \"The two computers are not coming from the right way. You and Ren Jiao are one by one. Don't go when it breaks. Warranty, just find a place to fix it...or throw it away."

     people must be strictly fair and just. It's really hard. He must be within the ring. There are more than ten Taiwanese computers from Subodi\"Zhihai Computer". But Chen Taizhong didn't give Tang Yixuan any plans at all. ==Net==m I remembered to equip the 39th with a computer. They simply gave Meng Xiaoyan and Ren Jiao a loot each casually.

     because he thinks. If you send Yixuan things. It's best to be clean. As for where this feeling comes from. He couldn't tell. But he did find a good excuse. Even if there is no warranty, just call for consultation. Lenovo's after-sales service will not be bad, right. Doesn't he have less time to repair the computer?

     Meng Xiaoyan is quite satisfied with this explanation. However, Ren Jiao hesitated a little. \"Then I will take this computer back for my brother to use. Doesn't it matter?"

    \"Take it. It doesn't matter." Chen Taizhong glanced at the place in her hand. The meaning is obvious. I have more than one here. Do you know where I put it?

     passed. Didn’t you make a lot of money by MLM? He asked casually.

    Who thinks. It doesn't matter if he doesn't ask. Just ask. Teacher Ren's eyes immediately turned red. Meng Xiaoyan gave him a white look. \"You purely don't open which pot you specialize in carrying which pot. Xiaojiao's money has paid for others. I don't do it now. Of course it's gone."

     dare to love, Ren Jiao took the initiative to lend them money to buy products in order to go offline. Sometimes if people's minds are confused, no matter how stupid they are, she can do everything, but she still thinks she has courage-because many examples are presented in the front.

When the country introduced a policy to strictly combat pyramid schemes, and then squeezed into the run of Meng Xiaoyan and Chen Taizhong, Ren Jiao really couldn't do it, so she slowly closed her hands, but the so-called muddy is like this. The payment for goods has become a dead account. As a former advertising girl, Mr. Ren has a lot of income, but she has a wide range of work and huge advances.

    \"I told you not to do it earlier," Chen Taizhong smiled and took out more than a dozen coins from his handbag and threw it to her, \"If you are short of money, you can talk, I can watch you no matter..."

\"It's just right, we want to have a make-up class," Meng Xiaoyan didn't see the outside, and took the money carelessly, \"If you are a bonus, I don't have to cash out my stock... What's right ?"

\"Forget it... the make-up class is also good," Chen Taizhong was speechless at the moment. People of this year, what kind of food do they do? I think this principal Meng is the head of a school and has a make-up class. How could it be possible? Losing money?

What he said \"right" was thinking about whether he could let Ren Jiao do a side job. For example, because my father only contracted the assembly workshop in the factory, if he wants to make a copy of Suzuki Electric, he has to do another one. There are factories with related supporting workshops.


Don't want to throw your hard work into the electric motor factory and do T? Dare to give my father an assembly workshop to call, then other contracted or uncontracted workshops, don't even want to make a profit from this aspect. Divide money.

Anyway, there is no shortage of items that he needs to process now. Building a general-purpose factory can not only produce motors, but maybe also produce other things. Now his women are basically staffed, and they are Teacher Ren Jiaoren. The first woman in her life actually earned a dead salary.

     Even, he even thought about the place, right on the mountain bag of \"Bitao Tar Deep Processing Factory", that place is all owned by Bitao, but where can Xing Jianzhong eat such a large site? Most places have not opened yet.

In fact, there is nothing to drive there. It is not an important traffic road, no people go, and no crops can be grown. But on the contrary, the infrastructure there has been perfected. It requires electricity and electricity, water and water, and roads are also accessible. But the end of the road is the tar plant.

     But now, as the principal Meng said, Chen Taizhong is only now, in fact, there are other options for being a teacher, and they are somehow making teachers, and it is not suitable for a second job.

     Then this factory can't let Ren Jiao be a man...

    Yuhuayuan has two computers. Then, the two computers in the Sunshine Community on the next day are indispensable—in fact, there are three, and there is Li Kailin, isn’t it?

     When I met Li Kailin, Chen Taizhong remembered the supporting processing factory again, but then I thought about it. It is really inappropriate to use this little girl who has been out of the village for less than two years as the principal.

     However, it must be no problem for this legal person to give Li Kailin to Li Kailin. As for the specific person in charge, Chen Taizhong pondered it, and now the people following him already have a lot of work.

Like Seventeen, with the Dream City, I am now concentrating on mixing society; Liu Wangnan is not only the lobby of the Dream City, but also has a coal mine in his hand, not to mention that she is also the legal person of the cybersquatting company-although the company is now small Dong is taking care of it.

Ding Xiaoning is better at it. Not only is the owner of "Heli Auto Repair Factory Jinghua Hotel", he is also a lender of Tongzhang Expressway in name. He has a debt of 250 million yuan and is mortgaged by the provincial capital Subo. Yes, that is to say, she even has the strength to enter the real estate industry in Subo.

     His other girlfriends are either mixed in the system or pure one-night or several-night romance, which is not worthy of him to take seriously, that is, Kailin Li, who is a little bit helpless now, he needs help.

     But who should be responsible for this specific matter? There are really not many people outside the system that Chen Taizhong knows. They are still a bunch of rough people. For example, the horse lunatic is in charge of Heli, but Xiao Dong is in charge of the cybersquatting company.

    咦, Xiao Dong? Chen Taizhong finally elicited some thoughts from this surname. I also know a surnamed Xun. That guy is also a gangster. Now he is watching the stall at Lijiayao. At that time, he went out to avoid Fan Xiaojun's revenge. It's too...not to mention that he managed Xue Shifeng from Jinwu, and the fame was also beaten out. The next step is basically Yi Ma Pingchuan. If you don't believe that the blind **** dares to harass there.

Just do it when you think of it. This is Chen Taizhong's style. So even on the weekend, he quickly got through Dong Yi's phone, "Xiao Dong, you can watch that mine. By the way, give you a stall. Responsible, can't you play?"

     In his opinion, if the supporting equipment factory is handed over to Li Kailin at the moment, it is really a bit irresponsible, just like the \"Heli Auto Repair" at the time, saying that it is Ding Xiaoning's stall. Isn't the horse crazy man in charge?

However, according to conscience, Ding Xiaoning at that time was also a little more mature than Li Kailin now. After all, the education and environment of the two people are very different. One has never been out of the house, and the other is playing fairy dance~www.mtlnovel .com~ After Xunyi received the call, he couldn't mention this honor in his heart. He was tired of staying in this shabby place. Now most of the time, he stays in Phoenix.

     He fudged Brother Chen lifelessly, what is the picture? Isn't it a plan for some money and a bright future? In Lijiayao, he not only listened to the mine owner Liu Wangnan, but theoretically Liu Wangnan's cousin Liu Siwei also had to take care of him, but now, Chen Ge gave him the title of a stall, which can also be regarded as a cultivation. .

What's particularly terrible is that the brothers he mixed with are called the "four little justices", that is to say, there is more than one person, everyone is big and young, and there is no future for him. He is regarded as the four little justices. Boss, help the brothers find a safe place to settle down, that's what we should do.

     There is no doubt that what Chen Taizhong is talking about is exactly what he has been expecting for a long time. So, as soon as he received the call, he patted his chest and promised. Questions, I will follow you to the factory site tomorrow. "

     Something happened in the morning, but fortunately, I tried my best to get out a watch and summon a monthly pass.

    ) (to be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to the festival for more, support writing, support genuine reading!)

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