Official Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 91:

Just when Chen Taizhong's scalp was numb, Geng Qiang frowned and said, "I said Mr. Qian, what are you talking about? Director Chen finally came to Zhangzhou, let alone these unreasonable things?"

No one in the officialdom is willing to talk about "Jia Sui" in the public. This is a taboo, really a taboo. It doesn't matter how you want to talk about it underneath. It is absolutely impossible in public. How can you believe this kind of chasing after the wind?

what? You said you are not greedy and do not plan to run away, so you are not afraid to talk? Well, you are not afraid to talk, but when this news reaches those who are afraid to talk, what will they think of you?

"Haha, I'm so angry that I'm so irritated... My relative is really incapable of being a man, and he dared to earn such litigation fees. I want to be famous and want to be crazy," Qian Wenhui laughed and picked up the wine glass again. I'll punish myself for a cup."

While talking, he glanced at the people present, but this sweep seemed to be observing everyone's expressions, but the focus of his eyes was on Chen Taizhong.

Chen Taizhong was originally a sloppy person. If he hadn't had the awakening just now, he would definitely not have the strange look of Qian Wenhui, but since he was vigilant, of course he knew that the focus of the surname Qian was on himself.

In the immortal world, the most terrifying thing is Chen Taizhong who gets serious; of course, in the mortal world, the most terrifying thing is to get serious.

Ordinarily, he was not so sensitive at first, but what is so dying is that he only heard Gu said two days ago, Guoan was a little suspicious of him, but now, Qian Wenhui has been showing strange things again and again, and he can't help thinking about it.

To be honest, even Liang Zhigang, who has been greatly favored by "Jiaxuan", would not dare to talk about this topic in public, and Qian Wenhui was obviously not the first day he came out to confuse, how could people in their forties even this Don't know a little taboo?

This guy. Shiyou is Guoandi! Chen Taizhong judged this way.

In government agencies. Guoan is a very different kind of existence. Call it mysterious. Everyone knows that such a unit exists. Although office premises are generally not listed. But also fixedly. Related leaders and the like. Many people in the system can also understand it. And many things. It seems that Guoan should be able to do it. But he didn't do it. Very a bit suspicious of getting paid.

but. If you think it is a good thing. Pretending to be mysterious. That would be very wrong... forget it. Don't say anything. Anyway, Guoan is definitely not a fake. It is certain: just like behind every successful man. There is always a woman who supports me; every time Guoan neglects his duty. At least one leader is playing chess.

of course. Whether the game is good or bad. That is another matter. It has nothing to do with the National Security Bureau.

Chen Taizhong came over with Liao Hongzhi and Zhang Zhicheng. So know a little bit: among the people around you. It is easy to judge a person's national security. But want to prove that he is not Guoan. It is difficult.

It is because of this rumor. Although his face is calm. But in my heart, I began to analyze the process of knowing Qian Wenhui from beginning to end: Hmm. This guy is probably the hidden line of Guo'an.

The first contact between the two was very problematic. Zhangzhou Stone had been clamoring for a long time, but he never saw Qian Wenhui come forward. One day after the news of Zuo Yuan’s return, Qian was "u" "The ground appeared suddenly, very suddenly.

This person not only found Zhong Yunqiu's classmates as a medium, but also had a legitimate identity recognized by everyone-a stone merchant in the rich side. It is said that the reason for seeking Chen Taizhong was sufficient and natural.

But unfortunately, Chen doesn’t think so. He found that the more things that seem logical these years, the more tedious they might be. Guoan’s action, of course, must pay attention to an exhaustive strategy. How can he be mentally retarded?

Therefore, there was a problem when the two met for the first time. The problem was not in the reason and procedure of the meeting, but in the timing. Yes, just after Zuo Yuan was brought back to justice, Qian Wenhui showed up for good reason—Yi Guoan It’s definitely not a difficult task to instigate two stone dealers who are playing in the direction of Phoenix to turn around and advance into the sandbank.

As for the meeting this time, it is even more suspicious. If I remember correctly, Qian Wenhui was the one who contributed to the incident. Moreover, on the same day, someone kindly invited him to Shazhou, but he did not agree—all It's half past eight, if you go to another province to play, the idiot will only agree.

He didn't agree, so Qian Wenhui complained logically that the "priceless affection" Songcheng was closed, which led to the director of the Molecule Coal Management Bureau: That's more than sixty lives. If you are named Chen If it has something to do with "Jai Su", would you just sit back and watch such injustices in the world?

Then, Chen really stated that he was going to sit and watch, and Qian had nothing to do, so he came here intentionally just now, in order to irritate him without a trace: God is unfair, why don't you "canthus" appear?

Speaking of conscience, Chen Taizhong feels that it is reasonable for people to suspect that he is also justified. After all, everyone knows his skills, and the Science and Technology Commission’s money has also been taken away by Zuo Yuan. Even if you are not Juixuan, it is possible to know him. ?

Yes, this guy called "Jiaxuan" is not only high-profile but also quite abrupt. According to the proposition that "who benefits the most, whoever suspects the most" proposition, this inexplicable dragon cub will at least follow A few big money stolen accounts are related. In this world, there has never been unprovoked love. There are too many corrupt officials who absconded with donations. Why is there only one in Tiannan?

As for why Qian Wenhui wanted to seduce Chen Taizhong or Jiaxuan to make another shot, do I have to ask? People want to catch the current.

The more Chen Taizhong pondered, the more it felt like this. However, this guess was a bit more tortuous, and the cause and effect were a bit too complicated. Although the reasoning process was step by step, the result was really shocking.

So, in the next time, he just reasoned about this matter. Of course, the entertainment talk that should be on the scene is also indispensable, and he doesn't want to attract Qian Wenhui's attention, so this reasoning will break the car with the old cow. Generally, one who takes one step and two rests is as painful as a constipation patient.

However, everyone on the wine table is now present. With Qian Wenhui’s appearance, Director Chen’s smile has obviously increased a lot, and it’s brilliant and unusual. Fortunately, no one knows here. The happier Chen smiles. The faster the brain moves.

After eating, Director Geng led everyone directly to the "golden and glorious". This karaoke hall is also famous in Zhangzhou, not inferior to the imperial palace or Jin Kelly in Phoenix.

When I saw the karaoke hall, there were at least 50 young ladies squeezed in the hall. There were still a lot of T corners. Chen Taizhong wanted to mutter: Didn’t it mean that Zhangzhou’s special entertainment industry has been hit?

Of course, since he has taken care of it, he won't talk nonsense, otherwise the taste of confrontation will be too strong. Wouldn't it be that he told the surname Qian that he was prepared?

In fact, Chen Taizhong was really excited to think that she was actually being watched by Guoan, um, it was fun, buddy, this time, I must improve my emotional intelligence a lot and show it vividly.

The layout of the Zhangzhou karaoke hall is similar to that of Phoenix City, and the young lady's grade is also good, but compared to Phoenix and Subo, there is still a slight difference, mainly in appearance, a little rustic, and the distance between ages. It's also a bit older. There are seventeen or eighteen young ones, and twenty-seven and half-old ones, unlike Dream City, which is twenty-two and twenty-two years old.

Of course, the Dream City is not smaller or older, but it is also based on a crop of ground to meet the different needs of the guests. To put it bluntly, the karaoke hall here in Zhangzhou is not well managed.

However, the appearances of these young ladies are basically the same. There are many rich people in Zhangzhou. If the young ladies crooked melons, they would not eat this set, right?

Chen Taizhong still has the same attitude. Don’t miss it. Both Geng Qiang and Qian Wenhui are quite strange. However, because Chen has doubts in his heart, he feels that Qian’s surprise is a bit contrived. You don’t even know my habit, right?

"Are you used to playing in Subo and Beijing?" Director Geng said to run him, "I look down on our small Zhangzhou place? The lady here is simpler than you've seen before. Give it a try... Maybe someone is willing to follow You, be an outside room."

Chen Taizhong coughed twice, as if I was rare in this outer room, and finally refused, "I always think these women are unclean, um, that's it."

What he said is obviously very disappointing, but society is like this. Some people have tinea, so others can't say why? Geng Qiang smiled strangely after taking a look at him, "It turns out that you are too loyal to think about these things, like to play with sister-in-law?"

"That's what you said," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, but Lei Lei and Zhang Mei were inexplicably popped out of his mind, and he said to his subconscious, do you really have this hobby?

"It's better to play a bitch," Qian Wenhui also interrupted with a smile, but there are probably too many "bitches" in front of him. In order to avoid disharmony, his voice is very low, "Director Chen, you know What do you say?"

"how do I say this?"

My buddy wanted to listen. How did Guoan's think about this problem? I thought about that because Liao Hongzhi felt that the ladies were not clean, so he refused to have dinner with them at the same table. Chen Taizhong was really curious. .

"It's very simple. Now that the ladies are doing things with customers, where can they do without condoms?" Qian Wenhui said lustfully, and smiled lewdly, "Hehe, but those little sisters, all of them have children. It's on the ring, who would still wear a sleeve?"

Chen Taizhong hasn't gotten back to this yet, but Geng Qiang laughed first, and laughed so badly, "Old money, you can, you really have your own theory."

Gee, this is the quality of Guoan? Chen Taizhong gave birth to a little contempt in his heart, so he pondered this kind of thing every day?

Of course, this defamation was also intentionally called true by him. In fact, he also knew that pretending to be a dragon like a dragon and a tiger like a tiger is what people do.

Chapter one hundred and ninety one

Although Qian Wenhui’s words were awkward, they aroused a high degree of approval from the two young ladies sitting aside, "That’s right, anyway, we did this job, and it’s not shameful. Unlike some people, no I know how many men’s **** I have absorbed, and on the surface they pretend to be so serious...that kind of woman is really dirty."

When the elder sister spoke, Chen Taizhong had roughly guessed what Qian Wenhui meant. This young lady spoke so transparently, that is obviously a problem with no absorption in the body-this problem belongs to common sense and does not require much medicine. Knowledge.

"Your lady of Zhangzhou, you are really innocent," he said with a thumbs up at Geng Qiang, and said with a grin. "If you are resting in Subo, if the guests speak, they don't dare to answer like that."

"But what Old Qian said makes sense," he turned his head and looked at Qian Wenhui with a smile, "I haven't thought about it from your perspective. It seems that some people still don't want to pretend to be serious."

His words are faintly tinged, but Qian Wenhui shook his head as if unconsciously, and answered him with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you pretend or not, but the longer the husband and wife are, the more alike, that is scientific According to the basis, it has something to do with...absorption."

His reaction was quite normal, but Chen Taizhong had been secretly locked in his aura. At that moment, the other party's emotions seemed to fluctuate.

"I don't believe this," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, "but you are right. If that thing absorbs too much and too much, it is really a bit dirty to think of."

"It's very dirty," the lady on one side interjected again. Obviously, as a practitioner of a special profession, she is very willing to push those serious-looking women into the abyss, even if it is just for psychological balance...

Just chatting casually like this, time flies quickly, unknowingly it was just over ten o’clock, Chen Taizhong didn’t want to stay, and Geng Qiang didn’t reluctantly see it. Everyone pulled away and broke up at the entrance of the karaoke hall. Chen Taizhong and Geng Qiang One way, Qian Wenhui is another way.

After sending Chen Taizhong into the hotel, Geng Qiang talked a few more words, roughly saying that the hospitality was poor, but he also said with a smile, next time I go to Phoenix, Director Chen is willing to make arrangements to greet him, that is enough.

"Go back and rest early," Chen Taizhong smiled and sent him away, but he made a cup of tea and slowly pondered his guess: Is Qian Wenhui really Guoan?

The establishment of this conjecture requires a lot of arguments, and the more he ponders, the more he feels that he has guessed correctly-he knows very well what kind of confusion the country brings.

Thinking about it carefully, Chen Taizhong also had to admit that if he guessed right, he was betting on the details, and if it was wrong, things in this world would be a little too coincidental.

However, the effect of this "coincidence" should be exactly the way people do things. He said relentlessly, because the surname Qian did not make any statement at all, but only guided the direction of the situation with psychological hints, even if he wanted There is no excuse for looking for subsequent accounts.

People only need to say one sentence-"I don't know you are "Jia Su". Did I force you to do something?"

Yes no one else

There is no suggestion, just a certain degree of psychological induction, you will be wrong since T3, who is to blame?

Guoan's actions are really cunning! For a while, he somewhat admired the quality of the staff in this department.

It’s just that the next moment he changed his mind. Actually, this quality is nonsense, but I’m in the light and you are in the dark, and you are organized, and the news is given. If there are mental arithmetic and unintentional, I will suffer a little early, and it’s really bad. It's also normal. You can do it for a buddy. The storage is more secretive than you, and the methods are better.

It's not a big deal! After careful calculations, he put this worry aside. In the worst case, he just aroused the suspicion of Guoan, waiting for investigation. If it is really implemented, someone will come directly to the door. Guan Dao Wujiang asked him to talk.

This method of finding suspects from a crowd of people and generally investigating them is also commonly used by the police system when solving major cases. As long as he behaves normally, it is easy to pass.

However, Chen Taizhong still feels a little dissatisfied. If you say you can check it out, why use such incidents of anger and resentment in the Grey Ridge Mine to elicit "Ji Su"?

This seduction method is relatively clever, but if "Jia Su" really caused the identity leakage because of such a thing, it would be too chilling. Even the sense of justice has become a good use object these years?

Fortunately, my buddies have decided long ago to only do bad things but not do good things. Let that **** sense of justice roll aside, the farther the better...

The next day was Thursday. Chen Taizhong was invited to the Zhangzhou Science and Technology Commission. Ji Juncai had waited here with a group of people. The Science and Technology Commission here was the same as the previous establishment of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission, with one director, three deputy and four directors.

However, Zhangzhou Science and Technology Commission carried out a renovation in the late 1980s, and the office conditions were much better than those of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission. There is a four-story office building in the compound, with a row of single-sided small second floors on each side, and only the street side. , Is a bungalow, but it is also the facade for rent out.

"Your office conditions are much better than ours," Chen Taizhong looked around, with a little emotion, "Our place is simply torn apart."

"This is what the old Director Du left behind," Ji Juncai introduced with a smile, dare to be sentimental. After Director Du went out of the Science and Technology Commission, he became the deputy mayor, and finally reached the position of executive deputy. The old men went to ask for money for renovation. For the dilapidated house, Mayor Du simply swiped the dilapidated house and built the office building that was still near in Zhangzhou.

"If it weren't for these houses, it would be hard to get our salary," Director Ji shook his head with emotion. "Fortunately, there is a facade and office houses can be rented out. But that's why we are not like your Phoenix Director Qiu. It’s too conservative to be able to toss into someone else’s house..."

This is why he is humble. Chen Taizhong saw an old Poussin and two Xiali vans parked in the yard. Obviously, the life of Zhangzhou Science and Technology Commission was better than the original Phoenix.

That old Poussin was obviously Director Ji's car, but it was really incomparable with the Mercedes-Benz coupe that Chen Taizhong drove by, no wonder he was sitting in a strong car.

A group of people sat down in the conference room and rushed for tea to chat. One of them, Liu Duanwu, the deputy director in his early thirties, was the most enthusiastic. He was eager to know the details of the recent series of actions by the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission.

Of course, Chen Taizhong also deliberately said that anyway, the Provincial Science and Technology Commission is about to change. It is the general trend to strengthen communication between these brothers, and it is meaningless to hide it.

As for saying that this would damage the "investigation income" of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission, he didn't even care. The fee was originally to prevent others from eating and drinking. Who would be angry because they didn't pay the fee?

The people of the Zhangzhou Science and Technology Commission were obviously well prepared. Not long after we talked, Director Ji said, "Could you please bring a copy of the terms of your cooperation with the Construction Committee and the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as the charging standards?"

"This... should be okay," Chen Taizhong hesitated, nodded, and then smiled again. "Director Ji is sure, are the Construction Committee and the Environmental Protection Bureau willing to cooperate?"

"There is Director Liu Zhang Luo," Ji Juncai smiled and pointed to the active Liu Duanwu, "Danwu, I leave it to you. It's done as soon as possible. This thing is the fastest."

"I don't dare to say as soon as possible. I'm just a vanguard officer, responsible for rushing. You will have to make a decision by Director Ji," Director Liu smiled and shook his head.

Obviously, this is just what he said. Just by looking at the confident expression, he knew that he had a plan in his heart, "Try to take it down before the acceptance of the Coal Building."

Huh? There are also capable people in this state science and technology committee? Chen Taizhong looked a little curious. When the first director, three deputy directors and four directors were all present, the youngest deputy director dared to speak positively, which already explained the problem. When he heard that this guy can handle the construction committee and the environmental protection bureau, then he can be sure. This is definitely not an ordinary character.

After this, Liu Duanwu touched his mobile phone and walked out. Chen Taizhong looked sideways at Director Ji and nodded with a smile, "Director Liu is very stern and vigorous, and he doesn’t look forward and backward. This kind of person is really rare. It seems that Director Ji can. Save a lot of things."

Of course Ji Juncai knew how to listen to these words. Xiao Chen was asking, how did a camel run out of the flock? What is going on with Liu Duanwu, so irritating?

"Xiao Liu is very familiar with Secretary He explained vaguely, indicating that this person is the party secretary Song Ying, but things are obviously not that simple.

When there was no one, Director Ji and Chen Taizhong crooked their mouths, daring to feel that Director Liu's father was a major teacher in a certain place. Song Ying had made a special trip to visit at the most critical time in her political life.

Father Liu was also happy, and told Song Ying’s desire to be motivated to the old leader who promoted him. When he heard this, the old leader casually hinted at two sentences. Then, Song Ying became the secretary of the municipal party committee. She was not grateful. ?

Unfortunately, Secretary Song had just taken office and Father Song died of sudden pancreatic cancer. It is now at an advanced stage. He left without arriving for two weeks, leaving only one sentence for Song Ying, "I have never I have done bad things, and my son will be handed over to Secretary Song."

Although Secretary Song is a woman, she still has a certain share of responsibility. If nothing else, Song Duanwu was promoted from the security chief of Zhangzhou Construction Corporation to Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Commission. With vagueness.

"Zhangzhou Science and Technology Commission has sent out several city leaders. This is traditional," Ji Juncai added with a grin.

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