The door was opened, but the door was closed.

Conan lay on the crack of the door, and kept peeking inside.

After looking for several times, he found Junye's brother.

Junye's brother was drawing something, and there was a woman with a wide-brimmed hat next to him staring.

Is that woman a member of the Black Organization?

I can't figure it out, but now the evidence is conclusive, let's go down and call the police.

"Hey, let's go down secretly to call the police, there's a woman inside." Conan whispered, but no one answered. Looking back, a man was standing behind them.

What's creepy is that the man has a pistol in his hand.

"Little ghosts, since you saw it, you can't blame me." The man smiled cruelly, pushed open the door, and motioned Conan to enter.

While Conan did as he was told, he wanted to ask Xiaosong if he had any solution to the current dilemma.

Hmm? Where is Xiaosong? !

And where are the two new students who just transferred in?

No, when did you two leave without saying a word?

The woman was a little surprised when she saw Conan and the others behind the man, and said, "What's wrong with these little ghosts?"

"Humph, they were peeping at the door just now. I should have seen them all. Tie them up."

The next door is the cross-bar. Once the gun is opened, the consequences will be disastrous. It is better to catch these little guys first, and then slowly deal with them.


If they are tied up, everything will be over.

Use foot strength enhancing shoes?

Or lighter flash bombs?

The latter is undoubtedly more reliable and can buy time.

Conan slowly put his hand into his pocket and prepared to take action.

At this moment, the man twitched and collapsed to the ground the next second.

"What happened?" The woman exclaimed, looking around vigilantly, and quickly took out her pistol.

However, before she could aim, a silver thread flew over the next second and tied the woman up tightly.

Komatsu wiped his ring and twisted his watch back into place.

The ring can emit an electric current that can paralyze a person. The watch not only has the function of nano armor, but can also emit shrinking threads that can instantly bind a person.

"Komatsu?!" Ayumi was surprised and happy.

Conan put the lighter back in his pocket.

Really, now that you know, you should have done it earlier.

It made everyone tremble with fear.

Next, just call the police.

The next door police officer came to the scene quickly, and Jun was reunited with his brother, which was a happy occasion.

It was just that the woman had nothing to do with the Black Organization, which made Conan a little disappointed.

Ai looked at Komatsu and said hesitantly, "Did you know this would happen?"

When Conan was peeping just now, Komatsu pulled her away.

As soon as they left, the man went upstairs. How could it be so coincidental?

"Didn't they say there was only a woman guarding inside? Then where did the man we followed earlier go?"

"Of course, I didn't know it would be such a coincidence. I just like to take a safe approach. After all, I don't want to gamble my life."

Komatsu was talking about the facts. He didn't remember the plot very clearly, but it was definitely not wrong to be careful.

Only Conan was so reckless, and nothing would happen.

Ai nodded slightly, and she had a deeper understanding of Komatsu's rationality.

Well, now that everything is over, it's time to get down to business.

She was going to give Conan a surprise.

Conan happened to want to find Komatsu, so he came over immediately and heard a thrilling conversation.

"When will we capture Kudo Shinichi?"

It was Komatsu who asked the question.

Not to mention Conan was stunned, even Ai was stunned for a moment.

But Ai reacted quickly, pretending not to notice Conan, and lowered her voice and said, "Don't worry, observe the properties of APTX4869 to see if there are any side effects. This is a rare experimental subject."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Observe the people who are close to this kid, and then capture them all to see if this kid is willing to cooperate with the experiment, hehe!" Komatsu laughed twice after he finished speaking.

"Hehe..." Ai sneered twice in cooperation.

Conan felt like he was falling into an ice cave, his face was pale, and his hands and feet were cold.

Oh no, I didn't expect that I was deceived. Komatsu was actually a member of the Black Organization? !

And they are going to attack Xiaolan and the others? !

Oh no, if they find out that I know about this, they will definitely punish me

Take action.

He dared not imagine how many things Xiaosong had in his hand that could subdue him, and suspected that the lighter flash bomb in his hand had been tampered with.

After all, they had been targeting him from the beginning.

He had to find a way to solve this matter.

Damn it!

It was too abominable. They even deliberately became smaller. Even if he said that the two of them were terrorists, no one would believe it.

Normal people would think it was just a child's play.

How could he get rid of the two of them just by his own words? !

No, with Xiaosong's temperament, there might be someone watching nearby.

He could not act rashly. He had to kill them with one blow, otherwise Xiaolan, the uncle and the others might also be involved.

After thinking it through, Conan retreated cautiously.


The sound suddenly rang out, Conan's mind went blank, and his body stiffened.

What did he step on? !

That's not important. Now I have to get rid of them as soon as possible and never give them a chance to react.

If they pass on the information, I'll be completely finished!

Conan thought of the foot-strengthening shoes invented by Dr. Agasa and was ready to kick him.

"Don't move!"

A cold voice sounded, and Xiaosong pointed a pen at Conan.

A stun gun? !

Conan recognized the pen, after all, he had used it before, and now he was pointed at by a stun gun, and he was sweating all over.

"Xiaosong, when did you find me?" Conan wanted to buy some time with words.

Komatsu was completely in the mood, smiled cruelly, and said: "Don't be silly, do you really think we don't know anything about the medicine you took?"

"From the beginning, you were just a pawn in our plan. We originally wanted to wait and bring you back to the laboratory, but now it seems that you can't wait."

"Are you curious about who she is? Let me introduce you to her solemnly. This is the inventor of APTX4869."

"By the way, APTX4869 is the medicine you took."

What? !

Conan was shocked and looked at Ai. She was the inventor of the medicine.

In this case, she must have a way to recover.

As long as he gets rid of the two of them, he might be able to recover directly.

Conan was moved.

Komatsu smiled coldly, uncapped the pen, and said: "Don't think about using your little props. Goodbye, great detective, wait until you wake up, we will have a good talk."

After that, Komatsu suddenly pressed the ink absorber.

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