It was very quiet inside the train.

Komatsu and Conan sat opposite each other, staring at each other, and could clearly see the contempt in each other's eyes.

Haha, this guy's parents must be abnormal, they were so confident to let them go out.

Conan recalled Ogawa Yuki and the others, and immediately had a headache.

"By the way, Komatsu, what are you doing in Osaka?" Xiaolan took the initiative to ask Komatsu's destination.

"To play." Komatsu answered obediently.

Indeed, it was a piece of cake to develop the customer Toyama Kazuha, and it was a serious matter to go to Osaka with Xiaoai.

"Great, we also want to go to Osaka, so we can go together." Xiaolan made an invitation.

"No, compared to the ups and downs of life, I prefer the calm daily life." Komatsu waved his hand and refused directly.

After getting off the train, Komatsu immediately went to find Toyama Kazuha, sold the photos, and left immediately.

Conan also heard the deep meaning in Xiaosong's words, and immediately laughed and said, "That's what I wish for."

Xiaolan looked at the two people bickering and had a headache.

Wait, doesn't this mean that it is good news? After all, this can at least prove that Shinichi is a normal person.

It seems that what Ayumi said before was her personal guess. I said, how could Shinichi be that kind of person.


Xiaolan laughed in her heart and was relieved.

Xiaosong ignored Conan, but approached Xiaoai and said, "Sister, look, it's Mount Fuji."

In order to see more clearly, Xiaosong had to squeeze to the window, and Xiaoai sat by the window.

"I saw it, and I saw a little bad heart." Xiaoai replied.

Conan and Xiaolan on the opposite side immediately became bead eyes.

Damn, this feeling is a bit familiar.


It seems to be back to the original van.

It is worthy of being the child of that couple. It can only be said that it is definitely a biological child.

Xiaolan and Conan looked at each other, saw the silence in each other's eyes, then turned their heads away and covered their ears.

Fortunately, the conversation between the two did not last too long, which made Xiaolan and Conan relieved.

I was so scared, I thought I would suffer this kind of ordeal all the way.

The train slowly became quiet, and finally only the sound of running was left.

Suddenly, a voice rang in the carriage.

"Detective Maori, Conan, Xiaolan, why are you here too?"

It was Officer Takagi who spoke.

Takagi looked at these acquaintances in surprise.

I can understand that Conan followed Detective Maori out, but why did Xiaosong follow him out? Are Xiaosong and Maori's family relatives?

Conan looked up when he heard the voice, and saw not only Officer Takagi, but also Officer Sato in the corridor.

There was another man next to Officer Sato, and the man's hand was covered by a piece of clothing.

This guy is a criminal.

Xiaosong saw a touch of bright silver under the clothes.

It was obviously a pair of atmospheric silver bracelets.

"Officer Takagi, Officer Sato, why are you here?" Conan asked in a pretentious manner.

Maori Kogoro also put down the newspaper, took a closer look, and then directly held Conan down, saying: "Hey, brat, don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Maori Kogoro, who had experience as a criminal police, understood that this was to escort the prisoner, and in order not to attract the attention of ordinary passengers on the bus, he covered the handcuffs with clothes.

"Detective Maori, see you later." Officer Takagi waved his hand and took the prisoner to the front seat.

The prisoner was to be sent to the Osaka General Police Station, so they were asked to take the Shinkansen to escort the prisoner.

After Officer Sato greeted several people, he followed Takagi to his seat.

"Ah~" Xiaosong couldn't help sighing, and then looked at Conan.

Everything was unspoken.

Damn, this guy was suspecting that a case was going to happen again.

Conan immediately understood Xiaosong's eyes and immediately showed indignation.

But after so long, Conan now has some doubts about whether there is something wrong with him.

Could it be that as Komatsu said, another case will happen?

Haha, how could it be such a coincidence.

If a case really happened because of me, then if Komatsu was there, there should be two murderers.

Conan laughed in his heart, somewhat disapproving.

But at this moment, two men in black suits suddenly walked over.

One of them had striking blond hair.

No way!

Could it be Gin? !

Didn't the bombardment kill Gin before?

Conan immediately looked at Komatsu, who shook his head slightly.

Conan couldn't see the full appearance of the two people from his perspective, but Komatsu could see it clearly.

The blond guy had a wrinkled face, which gave people a feeling of kidney deficiency at first glance, and he didn't have any of Gin's momentum at all.

It should be purely a coincidence.

This made Conan feel relieved.

That's right, the bombardment at that time was quite powerful, how could Gin still be alive?

It seems that I was overthinking.

Haha, I have become a little neurotic, all because of that bastard Komatsu, who keeps making alarmist remarks all day long.

Conan cursed Komatsu in his heart and stopped paying attention to the two people just now.

But the good times didn't last long. Not long after, the train attendants were wandering around in the through-passage in a hurry.

The through-passage is the area where two carriages are connected, and toilets are usually placed there.

Several train attendants crowded in the through-passage, attracting the attention of Officer Sato.

"Takagi, keep an eye on him, I'll go see what happened."

"Okay, leave it to me." Takagi nodded.

Officer Sato then went to the toilet to check with confidence.

Officer Sato, who walked quickly towards the toilet, attracted Conan's attention, and Conan quickly followed.

Xiaolan patted her forehead with a headache, she already understood what Shinichi wanted to do.

That's right, Shinichi is such a guy who can't help it when encountering something.

"What happened?" Officer Sato showed his police ID and asked several attendants.

After seeing the police ID, the attendant hurriedly said: "A passenger said there is a bomb in this toilet."

"What?!" Officer Sato immediately became serious.

If it is a real bomb, once it explodes, everyone on the train will surely die.

Conan also had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

Komatsu was right.

No, it might be a prank.

Officer Sato nervously opened the toilet door, and Conan couldn't help but get nervous.

On the other side, Komatsu saw several people walking past him, and not long after, Takagi and the prisoner also walked through the corridor.

The prisoner wanted to go to the toilet.

Komatsu guessed the reason for the two people's actions, but didn't pay much attention to it.

At the same time, Conan and Sato found that the so-called bomb was just an alarm clock.

This was just a prank.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, and was almost hit by Komatsu.

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