"It's true, I finally went out to play once, and it actually rained."

The rain was getting heavier and Yuanshan and Ye were complaining.

Xiaolan finally came here once, but she didn't expect to encounter such weather. It was really a headache.

"Okay, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, now it's time to go home." Hattori Heiji said very relaxedly.

The case was solved easily, how could this not make people happy?

Although the prisoner is missing, Uncle Otaki said that they will pursue it with all their strength and never let the prisoner escape.

According to what Officer Otaki saw, the prisoner must have realized that the incident had been revealed, so he ran away.

When it comes to reasoning, Hattori is indeed better than him, but when it comes to chasing down criminals, it is natural that police officers like them are more professional.

Xiaolan looked at the time and said, "Oh no, it's getting late. I have to go to Kyoto to find my father."

I almost forgot that Mouri Kogoro was still in Kyoto. Xiaolan and the others made an agreement with Mouri Kogoro that they would go to Kyoto to find Mouri today.

At this moment, Sannoji Temple.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the printing paper in his hand and frowned.

There are tengu patterns, pine cone patterns, and insect patterns on the printing paper.

"What the hell is this?!" Mouri Kogoro kept scratching his head and ears.

He felt that his detective career had suffered unprecedented hardships.

It's just a combination of things with unknown meanings.

Mouri Kogoro threw away the printing paper and began to miss the daily routine of solving crimes by drinking.

By the way, why hasn't Xiaolan come yet? Did something happen? !

Mouri Kogoro quickly dialed the phone and said, "Hey, Xiaolan, you're fine."

"Come right away."

"Well, it's not raining here in Kyoto."


The phone was hung up and the busy tone sounded, and Mouri Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, on the tram.

"Have a holiday tomorrow?" Xiaosong's eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly, full of disbelief.

Why don't I know such an important thing?

"You must know nothing." Conan tilted his head and glanced at Xiaosong.

You kid is either sleeping or whispering to Haiyuan all day long. I really doubt you are here for school.

If you know about such a thing as a holiday, then you have really seen a ghost.

"So, why do we want to go to Kyoto?" Xiaosong ignored Conan and looked at Xiao Ai.

Before Xiao Ai could answer, Xiao Lan explained first: "I invited Xiao Ai."

Kyoto also has many ancient monuments. Xiaolan is very simple and just wants Xiaosong and Xiaoai to play.

Now Xiaolan not only supports Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha, but also firmly supports the banner of Xiaoai and Komatsu.

What I don’t understand is that Komatsu always gets into trouble with Shinichi.

Shinichi really has the temper of a child.

"Okay." Xiaosong's eyes were blank and he began to think.

I should go to that place in Kyoto.

"Heiji, there is actually a newspaper with your interview here." Toyama and Ye took out a newspaper from the side.

On the newspaper, Hattori Heiji bared his teeth, smiled brightly, and held a white ball in his right hand.

Xiaolan became interested. After taking He Ye's newspaper, she checked it carefully and said in surprise, "Hey! This little thing belongs to your first love?"

"Ah, that was a long time ago." Hattori Heiji held his head and his thoughts drifted back to that afternoon.

I had just woken up and heard a childish song.

Looking up, I saw cherry blossoms flying, and a girl shooting a ball under the cherry blossom tree.

The girl was wearing a kimono, shooting a ball and singing a song.

Hattori Heiji was fascinated. When he came to his senses, he hurried out.

The building was empty, and the girl under the cherry blossom tree disappeared. Only a small bead remained, proving that the girl had been there.

After many years, that picturesque scene still lingers in Hattori Heiji's mind.

"Haha." Conan laughed at the right time, his eyes rolled up, the corners of his mouth raised crazily, and his face was full of evil smiles.

Hattori Heiji, who was silent in his memories, immediately sat up straight and gave Conan an unkind look.

"Brother Hattori, let us take a look at the things left by your first love." Conan was still very curious about the things in the newspaper, so he came up with such an idea.

"No." Hattori Heiji was very generous. He took out a purse from his arms and handed it to Conan.

There was only a small round ball in the purse, which was not a gem. Conan could not see the purpose of this thing for the time being.

Yuan Shan and Ye's expressions became a little subtle. Whenever they mentioned this first love, Yuan Shan and Ye felt a little uncomfortable.

Xiaosong also came over, took a look, and said, "So you went to Kyoto to find your first love?"

Previously, this guy Hattori Heiji wanted to ruin his good deeds, but Komatsu still remembered it, so he naturally took the opportunity to get angry.

"That's right." Hattori Heiji snatched the purse from Conan's hand, put it away again, and then put it in his pocket.

"Kyoto, we're here."

An announcement came from the tram.

"Okay, let's get out of the car." Xiaolan interrupted the topic.

In Kyoto, everyone went their separate ways.

Xiaosong and Xiaoai left directly.

They don't need to go to Moori Kogoro or Sanno Temple.

It's not raining in Kyoto, so why not take this time to go out for a date or something.

Xiaolan was a little worried and wanted to take Xiaosong with her. Xiaosong thanked Xiaolan for her kindness, but insisted on her own opinion.

"Sister Xiaolan, don't worry. There are so many people in Kyoto. How could anything go wrong?" Conan expressed unnecessary concern for Xiaolan.

It's better to worry about those who dare to cause trouble than to worry about Xiaosong.

"Okay, but remember to go back to the hotel early at night." Xiaolan reminded.

As for the location of the hotel, we will contact you later.

"Okay, Sister Xiaolan." Xiaosong nodded obediently, and then took Xiaoai away quickly.

In this way, Xiaolan and the others went to Sannoji Temple, and Xiaosong began to visit Kyoto with Xiaoai.

"So, where should we go next?" Xiaoai stood at the crossroads and looked at Xiaosong.

"Isn't it the same wherever we go?" Xiaosong asked back, and then smiled back:

"After all, we are together wherever we go."

"That's right, let's go."

The steps were unified and firm, and they walked forward at the same time.

At the same time, Xiaolan and others also came to Sannoji Temple.

"Hey, Kudo, what on earth is this?" Hattori Heiji held the printed paper in his hand, his face full of confusion.

I have no idea, can I really find the Buddha statue in Sannoji Temple by solving this thing?

"I don't know." Conan couldn't give an answer immediately.

I can only say that this printed paper is indeed a bit abstract, without any clues.

As for Maori Kogoro, after seeing Conan and Hattori Heiji coming over, he turned around and went to rest, and found a very suitable reason for himself.

I have been thinking for so long, can't I take a rest?

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