In a neat and clean room, a white-haired woman was dozing in a rocking chair. The rocking chair rocked gently and made a squeaking sound.

The silent atmosphere was broken by a phone call. Gin opened his eyes and slowly moved his body to sit in the wheelchair. The wheelchair slowly moved towards the phone.

"Hey, hello, what's the matter?" Gin has completely adapted to his current status.

A well-educated, fashionable and melancholy noble lady.

"Madam, the deadline for Itakura Taku's matter is coming soon."

A man's voice came from the other end of the phone. The man was very respectful.

After all, in the black organization, members with code names and members without code names are completely different things, with a clear superior-subordinate relationship.

Now that Vodka is dead, there are still people who want to take over.

Gin was calm and replied in a soft voice: "Yes, I understand, then just do as I said before."

"Yes, ma'am."

After hanging up the phone, Gin's eyes turned cold.

He is always paying attention to the affairs of Itakura Taku, who is developing a program for the organization, which is crucial.

But this is not worth Gin's constant attention to Itakura Taku. The most important thing is that he wants to know whether the secret black-robed organization knows this news.

Not many people know about Itakura Taku. If the black robe organization knows about this, it can lock in a general range and slowly screen out the spies.

Black robe organization, hehehe!

Let me uncover your details bit by bit!

"Ma'am, are you awake? What do you want for dinner?"

The maid's voice sounded at the door.

"Then it depends on what surprise you have prepared for me." Gin smiled kindly at the maid.

The maid is not a member of the organization, which is the result of Gin's careful consideration.

Most of the people in the organization had no social contact with normal society, which could not withstand investigation. Thinking that the black robe organization might have someone involved in government affairs, Gin chose to find an ordinary person.

Only in this way can the effect of deceiving others be achieved.

"Okay, madam, I will definitely give you a surprise." The maid was very happy.

Not only can you get a considerable salary here, but Mrs. Yuchi is also very kind and caring about herself.

This kind of job is not easy to find, but she cherishes it.

Seeing the maid happily going to the kitchen to cook, Gin's eyes flashed with coldness.

If he was asked to abandon this kind of abandonment that could be seen everywhere, Gin would not hesitate at all.

But the other party is indeed easier to use. As long as she doesn't find out anything about the organization, Gin can tolerate this woman.

Okay, it's time to think about how to find out the spies in the organization.

How about using Taku Itakura as a bait?

Maybe we can draw out the members of the black robe organization. If that happens, we will need to prepare heavy firepower weapons.

After the previous shelling, Gin thought about it. When the enemy had heavy firepower, his own small pistol was really funny.

Therefore, Gin found a batch of shoulder-mounted rocket launchers and three grenade launchers.

You can't find the cannon yourself. If that's the case, use numbers to win.

Whether it's a cannon or a rocket launcher, there's no difference in lethality.

He even said that if he prepared enough rocket launchers, he would be able to suppress the so-called black-robed organization with firepower.

Thanks to gin wine, an unknown arms dealer made a small fortune.

If the effect of these rocket launchers is maximized, this is what Gin is most concerned about.

It was expected that Taku Itakura's affairs might be exposed, so he had to prepare with both hands.

Gin was caught in a brainstorm. Maybe it was because of his lameness, but Gin felt that he was extra smart now.

"Ma'am, the food is ready."

The maid's voice interrupted Gin's thoughts.

"Great, I said there won't be any problem with my choice." Gin smiled at the maid and let the maid push her wheelchair to the dining table.

"You can sit down and have something to eat, as usual."

"No, Mrs. Yuchi, I've already eaten." The maid quickly refused.

Mrs. Yuchi takes good care of herself on weekdays. How could she not understand the rules?

Gin smiled and said no more.

After having enough wine and food, the maid pushed Gin upstairs.

Gin entered the bathroom alone. After washing up, he was pushed back to the room by the maid.

"Good night, Mrs. Yuchi."

With the maid's polite greetings, Gin ended her day.

The rising sun is slightly warm, just enough to drive away the chilly night.

The night is over.

Xiao Ai pushed open the door, walked in, and pinched Xiao Song's nose as usual, "It's time to wake up, stupid brother."

This was her secret to waking up Xiao Song.

After all, Xiaosong always sleeps very hard.

"Uh...huhu..." Xiaosong began to breathe through his mouth.

It looks like I will have to hold his mouth in the future.

Xiaosong reluctantly got up, and then quickly regained his energy and energy.

Every time Xiao Ai sees Xiao Song dispelling sleepiness so easily, it's incredible.

She once asked Xiaosong why he woke up so quickly.

Xiaosong always answered with a smile, "Because I can see you when I open my eyes."

My little villain is always like this, which makes people happy.

So Xiao Ai comes to wake Xiao Song up every day.

She also wanted to see herself first when Xiaosong opened his eyes.

"It smells so good, sister." Xiao Song snuggled into Xiao Ai's arms, acting very coquettishly.

"Ah, no bed fetish today?"

"Well, I'm in love today."

After snuggling for a while, Komatsu finally came to the dining table.

The Ogawa couple had already started preparing for the day's work. There were only Komatsu and Ai, as well as a servant hired by his family, at the dining table.

The hot spring hotel is so big that it is naturally impossible for only the Ogawa couple to manage it. His family still has some workers.


The classroom is still discussing Kamen Ultraman as usual.

There is only one episode of Kamen Ultraman per week, but every time I enter the class, I discuss Kamen Ultraman.

"How strange!" Ayumi immediately noticed something wrong.

Conan didn't come.

According to the previous rules, Conan should have been sitting in his seat before Komatsu and Huiyuan came, but today I didn't see Conan, which is incredible.

Yuta was very curious and said, "What's wrong? Ayumi, are you thinking about what to eat for lunch?"

"Haha, except for Yuanta, who would think about what to eat for lunch in the morning." Mitsuhiko's words made the three of them laugh.

The three of them are as lively and cheerful as ever.

Who knows where that guy went, but it must be related to the case, Xiaosong guessed it right.

Conan is investigating the case at the moment. To be precise, it was Maori Kogoro who brought Conan along.

Maori Kogoro didn't want to bring Conan along, after all, it was a school day, but Conan got in the car happily, and he had no choice but to bring Conan along.

The case is very simple. Three people commissioned Maori to investigate a missing person, his name is Itakura Taku.

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