The two of them were so well-informed that they had to wait for the next day.

Xiaosong couldn't understand why Ayumi was so well-informed, and asked, "By the way, how did you know?"

"Xiaosong, have you forgotten that we were going camping on the weekend? It was Dr. Agasa who told us that we were passing by the twin skyscrapers." Ayumi said, and soon remembered.

Xiaosong didn't go out with them often, and it seemed that he had never been to Dr. Agasa's house, so it was right that he didn't know.

"Wait, we're going camping?" Xiaosong pointed at his nose, with an incredible look on his face. After looking around, his eyes finally fell on Xiaoai.

Xiaoai was not surprised at all, and she should have known about this a long time ago.

So, we're going camping, and I'm the last one to know?

Xiao Ai closed the book expressionlessly, then smiled slightly and said, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you, but you probably won't refuse."

Definitely on purpose, is it because you are afraid that I will refuse in advance, so you hide it until this time?


Forget it, it seems that Gin and Vodka will also appear this time, which is an opportunity. Besides, Xiao Ai is obviously determined to go.

"Okay, everything is up to you." Xiaosong compromised quickly.

That's how it was settled.

At the same time, Gin and Vodka got a new task.

After reading the general information, Vodka immediately said, "Brother, someone betrayed the organization again."

Gin frowned slightly and looked at Vodka with dissatisfaction.

What do you mean by again?

I don't like this.

"Humph! Dare to go against the organization, there is only one consequence." Gin snorted coldly and slammed the door and left murderously.

Gin was very depressed recently, and he conducted two counter-tracking on Shiho Miyano again, and without exception, they were all strange places.

There was even one time when the coordinates were located in the women's prison. Isn't this pure nonsense?

At this point, he also understood that the counter-tracking was ineffective.

It seems that Shirley has a good friend.

Gin is very clear about Shiho Miyano's ability. Although he is proficient in computers, he can never do this.

He was able to block the program invasion developed by the organization. The other party is definitely a master.

The more this happened, the more excited Gin was. Only in this way could he appreciate Shirley's expression of surprise and fear when he caught her.

"Brother, I got a new car recently, which is definitely suitable for your taste." Vodka followed closely and began to introduce the new car.

A cute pink Beetle with two bright big headlights.

"Is this the new car you found?" Gin was very dissatisfied.

It doesn't match his temperament, and it's not as good as a hair of 356A.

Seeing that Gin was angry, Vodka quickly explained: "Yes, brother, don't be angry. You know, 356A has been discontinued. The existing vehicles are almost all in the hands of collectors. In short, it is difficult to get..."

He felt that the second-generation Beetle model was quite good, so he got one. He thought that his brother would like it, but he didn't expect that it would anger Gin.

"Humph!" Gin snorted coldly, and didn't pursue it too much, but squeezed into the Beetle.

Then, he began to think about how to get a 356A.

Seeing that Gin was no longer angry, Vodka immediately breathed a sigh of relief and drove obediently.

Time passed quickly, and for Xiaosong, it passed even faster.

In a blink of an eye, it came to the weekend, today is Saturday.

It is expected to set off today, camp overnight, and return tomorrow, led by Dr. Agasa.

"Can you not squeeze me?" Xiaoai looked at Xiaosong with resentment.

According to her understanding, the back row is not big, but it is enough to accommodate all the people in the conversation. However, it is very crowded now, which is definitely not normal.

Dr. Agasa's car is a yellow Beetle. The interior space is not big, but it is enough to accommodate these little guys.

As the fattest person in the team, Yuanta can only sit in the co-pilot to make some space.

But in this way, the rest of the people have to squeeze in the back, but it is also slightly spacious.

Xiaosong sighed and said helplessly: "There is no way, there are so many people, just bear with it."

"Xiaosong, if you feel crowded, you can move a little to my side." Conan interrupted at the right time and made some space by the way.

Haha, thank you so much, you are really considerate.

If it weren't for a childhood sweetheart Xiaolan, Xiaosong seriously suspected that Conan would be single for life.

Indeed, Conan is charming and can attract the attention of many girls, such as Ayumi.


The guy doesn't think about this at all, and doesn't understand even the slightly roundabout confession.

But sometimes when facing Xiaolan, his emotional intelligence is a lot higher, and it feels like he has given all his emotional intelligence to Xiaolan.

Conan was afraid that Xiaosong would be squeezed out of trouble, and kept shouting: "Come on, come on, sit over here."

"When you have your birthday, I'll prepare a gift for you." Xiaosong patted Conan's shoulder and smiled kindly.

"No need." Conan shuddered and felt something was wrong. Refusal was his last stubbornness.

During the chat, everyone also entered Nishitama City.

On the road, you can see two tall buildings in the distance, which should be the twin skyscrapers.

This attracted the attention of Yuantai and others, and they immediately leaned on the car window and discussed enthusiastically.

"You are not interested in the outside world at all?" Xiaoai threw down the newspaper in her hand.

She felt that she had found Xiaosong's mental illness. This person had no desire to explore and was poor in curiosity.

"At least I'm not interested in those two buildings." Xiaosong disagreed.

Buildings are just buildings, nothing special. Xiaosong usually has no interest in such man-made buildings. The wonders of nature are more attractive.

Because the wonders of nature make him wonder how this scene was formed and how it evolved into the current result.

Let's take a look at Mount Fuji later. He remembers that you can see Mount Fuji here.

I didn't see it in my last life, so I have to take a look in this life.

Sure enough, the car drove a distance and the complete Mount Fuji appeared in front of everyone.

Xiaosong looked around.

Because of the high altitude, the temperature is relatively low all year round, so the mountain is covered with layers of white snow. From a distance, it looks like a layer of icing sugar sprinkled on a bun.

This thing is a real active volcano. Who knows if it will be happy one day and jump up, and then the whole Nishitama City will probably suffer.

I live in Mihua, that's fine.

For the first time, Xiaosong felt that Mihua was not that bad.

Dr. Agasa drove very steadily, never slapped the steering wheel, never honked the horn randomly, and never scolded people. Occasionally, he waited patiently when there was a traffic jam. It was obvious that he was not an experienced driver.

"Okay, sit down, and when we go back, I will take you to Nishitama City to see it clearly." Dr. Agasa calmed down a group of restless little tops and sped up to the camping site.

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