After the case was solved, the police found that the case was not complicated.

Just like Conan's original trajectory, Conan easily solved the case because it was not complicated.

After everything calmed down, Conan and others returned to the hotel.


It was cold.

Xiaosong woke up from the cold and found that the quilt was kicked away by himself.

It happened that he had to pee, so Xiaosong ran to the toilet.

At the corner of the corridor, a man suddenly jumped out.

Xiaochuan Yan, Xiaosong's second uncle, is an employee, single, currently living in Xiaosong's house, and often helps in the hotel.

"You bastard, you scared me." Xiaochuan Yan hurriedly dodged to avoid stepping on Xiaosong, and then continued: "Forget it, go to the toilet quickly, don't pee in your pants." Xiaosong nodded and ran to the toilet without saying a word. When he came out, Xiaochuan Yan's figure had disappeared in the corridor. Xiaosong didn't care, he shrunk back into the quilt and fell asleep. His body is so good now, and it's not an empty talk that he falls asleep immediately. In the early morning, the sky was just getting light. Most people were still immersed in dreams, but a scream rang out in the hotel. "Ah!!!" The shrill scream spread to the backyard and even woke up Xiaosong, who had a good sleep quality. The room opposite the courtyard suddenly opened, and Xiaochuan Jing hurriedly put on his clothes, wondering: "What happened?" "I don't know, let's go and see." Another beautiful woman came out of the room. Yuki Ogawa, Xiaosong's mother. The couple ran forward without hesitation.

Komatsu saw the two people leave through the crack of the door and was shocked.

Oh no, could Conan have used his power?

The more he thought about it, the worse it felt. Komatsu quickly crawled out of the bed and hurried to the front yard.

Front yard.

Maori Kogoro rushed to the scene as soon as he heard the piercing scream.

The screamer was a girl who looked to be in her twenties.

The girl slumped on the ground, her fingertips trembling as she pointed into the room.

Conan ran faster and found a man lying on the bed when he arrived at the door of the room.

The man's face was pale, his skin was slightly cold, and there were rope marks on his neck.


Maori Kogoro also noticed this and blurted out "It's a murder case! Call the police, Ran!"

Ran, who was standing next to him, heard this and immediately ran to call the police.

She was used to it and knew the next process very well.

The belated Ogawa couple heard the news, their faces full of astonishment, exclaimed: "Murder?!"

The movement here attracted the attention of others, resulting in many people standing around.

When Xiaosong ran over, the surroundings were already surrounded.

Good guy, I never expected that you would actually turn your head back to steal my things.

Xiaosong was a little speechless. Sure enough, he couldn't let his guard down. It would be better to send these two away early.

It's not even two days, and two people have died at once. If they stay, his family will be wiped out.

But at least it's not his turn yet, which is a good thing.

Inspector Megure came quickly and immediately launched an investigation on the deceased.

The deceased's name is Yamashiro Jiro, a frequent visitor to the hot spring hotel, and Xiaosong has an impression of him.

The cause of death is suffocation, and the rope marks on the neck are the best proof.

The preliminary judgment is that the time of death should be around twelve o'clock last night.

Around twelve o'clock was the time when Maori and his team were outside solving the case.

Wow, it was seamless. One person died just before the other died immediately after.

This also ruled out the possibility that the crew was the murderer. After all, the other members of the crew were in the shrine outside at the time, listening closely to Maori's reasoning.

The only strange thing was the appearance of the deceased. Normally, when a person is strangled, the neck is under pressure, the mouth will open, and then the tongue will stick out.

This is why hanged ghosts all have long tongues.

But now the appearance of the deceased is very peaceful, and there is no sign of resistance, as if he died in his sleep.

According to the testimony, the deceased did not drink much alcohol last night. If someone really strangled the deceased, the deceased should be awake to resist.

But it is not ruled out that the deceased slept very soundly.

"Okay, did anyone see anyone come to this room last night?" Officer Megure asked the others around him directly.

Ogawa Jing silently raised his hand and said, "I was here, around twelve o'clock last night

, I came here to deliver bedding to Mr. Yamashita. "

"What? Come here and tell me in detail." Megure waved to Kei Ogawa.

Komatsu immediately realized something was wrong. How could it be such a coincidence?

Could it be coming for his home?

Thinking of this, Komatsu could no longer sit still and disappeared in the crowd.

Kei Ogawa cooperated with Megure to give a statement.

At that time, he was scolded by the deceased, and then he put the bedding at the door and left.

After Megure understood, he immediately couldn't figure it out.

"It's strange, there is only one set of bedding in the room. "

According to what Ogawa Kei said, there should be a set of changed bedding in the room.

Just as Higurashi was thinking, Conan slipped into the scene again.

It's so strange, how could the sideburns and eyebrows of the deceased be stuck together.

And why did the deceased not resist after being strangled.

Conan began to think about the inevitable relationship between the two.

Just then, the murder weapon was discovered.

"Inspector Megure, the rope used to kill the deceased was found in the warehouse, and there were fingerprints on it."

The uncle from the forensic department brought a piece of rope, which was put in a plastic bag of evidence.

"Really? Extract the fingerprints as soon as possible!" Megure was very surprised.

As long as the fingerprints are extracted and then compared, we will know who the murderer is.

"It seems that it is not my turn to appear this time. "Mori replied in a boastful tone.

Hey, uncle...

Conan's mouth twitched.

As the most powerful department in Conan's world, the Identification Department has always acted very quickly.

There was only one person's fingerprint on the rope. After it was extracted, it was compared with everyone present one by one.

The results came out very quickly, and there was only one truth.

"The criminal is you." Megure was very serious, and his index finger pointed at Ogawa Kei.

"Ogawa Kei!"

Ogawa Kei was stunned and stood there. "Ah? Me?"

I am the criminal?

"Impossible, Chief, you must investigate it clearly. I didn't kill anyone, absolutely not." After Ogawa Kei reacted, he hurriedly defended himself.

Ogawa Yuki didn't believe that her husband would be the murderer, and hurriedly said: "Chief, this is the rope in my house. It should be reasonable to have my husband's fingerprints. "

"Madam, your warehouse has been rarely used. The things inside are covered with a thick layer of dust. That is to say, if this rope is still in the warehouse, it should not have your husband's fingerprints on it. "

"This..." Ogawa Yuki was speechless.

Because Inspector Megure was right, the warehouse had not been used for many years.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, come to the police station with me." Megure directly handcuffed Ogawa Kei.

Ogawa Kei was still explaining, but in the face of the fact that the evidence was conclusive, everything seemed very pale. Ogawa Yan comforted the grieving mother Komatsu.

Just as Ogawa Kei was about to be taken away, a voice suddenly rang out.

"I have evidence to prove that my father is innocent!"

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