The two sides of the road were in chaos, and the two sides were in chaos.

Mio Tokiwa agreed readily and immediately arranged for two employees to use the freight elevator to take the sports car downstairs.

This made Xiaosong breathe a sigh of relief, and the sports car was saved.

It seems that the sports car still has a role to play later?

Forget it, it doesn't matter, it should be about the same.

It's time to get down to business.

"Everyone, please enjoy the latest paintings of Master Kisaragi Minemizu." As soon as Mio Tokiwa's voice sounded, Xiaosong quietly left the banquet hall and went straight to the top floor.

This building is about to be blown up by Gin. As the initiator, Gin must observe nearby.

So the best place is the building opposite.

If Xiaosong wants to destroy something in the building, he will choose the building opposite, so that he can clearly observe whether the things he cares about are destroyed.

In the small box he brought, a small electromagnetic gun can be assembled, which can probably only fire two shells, but it is enough.

As for how to search for Gin's traces, it is even simpler, just open the umbrella.

The umbrella cloth is a single-sided transparent bulletproof material. The people inside can see outside, but the outside cannot see the people inside.

And a micro camera is installed on the tip of the umbrella, and the picture is transmitted back to the umbrella cloth, so that Gin's location can be found.

"Sure enough, I knew what you were planning from the beginning."

Xiaosong just opened the box, and a voice sounded behind him.

It was Xiao Ai who followed.

"Okay, I knew I couldn't hide it from you, I just tried it, that's all, maybe Gin won't appear on the opposite side at all." Xiaosong explained.

It seems that Gin originally appeared on the opposite building to snipe Xiao Ai, or Xiao Ai leaked the location on the phone.

Now Ai didn't call, and Xiaosong was not sure, he was just preparing to give it a try.

"This is very dangerous." Xiaosong had a serious face.

She still thought there was no need to take risks, although she hated Gin.

Gin killed Miyano Akemi, how could Xiaosong not hate Gin.

It's just that she has been hiding it very well all along, and she doesn't want to put other people in danger because of this incident.

"We can't sit and wait for death. They may not recognize you now, but there must be your files in the organization, and there are people who know you well. We must strike first." Xiaosong also insisted on his own opinion.

For a while, neither of them could convince the other.

Just as the two of them were organizing their words and trying to convince each other, a series of explosions came from below.


Banquet hall.

Tokiwa Mio was extremely shocked and her face changed drastically.

According to the original development, Tokiwa Mio would be killed by Kisaragi Minemi.

But now, thanks to the interview with Ai, it took a little time, and Gin changed the plan, the bomb exploded earlier, so Tokiwa Mio saved her life.

At the same time, Inspector Megure and his men did not go upstairs, and the lighting system was completely disordered, which led to chaos at the scene.

At the critical moment, Maori Kogoro stood up and said, "Hey, calm down!"

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you?"

"I am the famous detective Maori Kogoro. Don't walk around casually, otherwise it will cause unnecessary casualties!" Maori Kogoro was very calm.

Running around in the dark is prone to trampling.

Now they need to retreat in an orderly manner.

Otherwise, when the fire below starts, none of them can escape.

Maori noticed the sightseeing elevator outside and immediately asked, "Hey, can the sightseeing elevator be used?!"

There are many children and women on the scene. If they run downstairs, they will definitely not have enough physical strength.

The top floor is more than 30 floors away from the 60th floor. Some men who don't exercise regularly may not be able to bear it. In addition, without lights, it is even more dangerous.

The sightseeing elevator is outside and will not be affected by the thick smoke. It does not need to go down to the first floor. It can stop at the 60th floor. There is a connecting bridge leading to Building B on the 60th floor. Just run over.

Of course, the premise is that the sightseeing elevator can be used and has an independent power supply.

"Yes, the sightseeing elevator uses an independent power supply." Mio Tokiwa answered immediately.

"Very good, the elderly, women and children take the elevator, and the men run downstairs. Dr. Agasa, please lead the way." Maori calmly began to give instructions.

It should be said that Maori never fails at critical moments.

Although he is usually not serious.

"Ah? Me?" Agasa Hiroshi

The master patted his big belly, looking embarrassed, but since he had said so, he couldn't refuse.

Everyone began to retreat in an orderly manner, except for one person with a gloomy face.

Kisaragi Fengshui stared at his student, Tokiwa Mio, with resentment.

"Master Kisaragi, you should take the elevator too." Maori advised.

"Do you think I'm an old man who can't walk?!" Kisaragi Fengshui immediately lost his temper.

Uh, isn't it?

Maori was a little puzzled, but the old man insisted on his own opinion, so he couldn't do anything.

The elevator began to transport people in an orderly manner.

"Conan, you guys hurry up and get in the elevator." Xiaolan pointed to the elevator that had just come up and urged the members of the Junior Detective Team.

"But..." Mitsuhiko's eyes kept looking around.

"What's wrong?" Xiaolan asked.

"But Komatsu and Huihara are missing." Mitsuhiko's words shocked Conan.

What are they going to do behind their backs? !

This was Conan's first thought.

"You can contact them with the detective badge." Conan immediately took out his detective badge and called out:

"Graybara, Komatsu, can you hear me?"

"Of course, you are there, we are already downstairs." Komatsu's voice came from the detective badge.

Haha, I really shouldn't worry about you two.

Conan laughed at himself and immediately replied: "Okay, I know."

"You heard it, they have already gone downstairs, let's go down quickly."

Mitsuhiko, Ayumi and others were relieved and answered in unison: "Okay!"

The only remaining Xiaolan and Mariko took the last elevator.

After Maori confirmed that no one was left in the banquet hall, he hurried to the escape stairs.

In the elevator, Conan suddenly felt that something was wrong with the conversation just now.

Does Komatsu have a detective badge?

It seems that he doesn't have one, and he didn't give it to him at the beginning.

That means he used Graybara's detective badge to reply.

They have been together for a long time, it's normal, what am I thinking about.

Meanwhile, on the top floor.

"Stupid, let's go downstairs quickly!" Xiao Ai was very anxious.

If this continues, the two of them will definitely die on the roof.

Who would have thought that the building would explode.

Xiaosong shook his head, pointed to the picture on the umbrella cloth, and said confidently: "Don't worry, we won't die, and Gin has also shown his head."

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