The explosion occurred in the building.

Downstairs of the building.

Inspector Megure looked at the exploding Building B, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

"Inspector Megure, there is also a bomb in Building B!" Officer Takagi reminded him quickly.

Upon hearing this, Inspector Megure shouted, "Idiot! It's not a bomb in Building B, but an artillery attack!"

The stream of light in the sky is the best proof, that is the trace of the artillery shell sliding down just now.

Judging from the way of action and weapons, this group is definitely different from the group that installed the bomb.

In other words, there are still bandits? !

And this group of bandits is even more brutal than the robbers who installed the bomb. They actually pulled out the cannon. Doesn't this prove how brutal they are?

"What?! Cannons!!" Takagi screamed like a little girl.

It was nothing, it was too shocking.

Now we live in a peaceful society, how can there be such a thing as a cannon.

Inspector Megure did not explain, but ordered: "Give me the telescope!"

He wanted to see who these gangsters were.

They were really a group of guys who were not afraid of death. They even dared to fire on the roof of Building A.

You know, there was an explosion in Building A. Normal people should have tried every means to retreat. How could they still bombard Building B?

How big a hatred is this that would make them risk their lives.

Because of this, Inspector Megure felt that this gang of gangsters was very cruel and must not be let go. They must be caught in order to maintain a harmonious home.

However, even with a telescope, Inspector Megure could not see any figure on the top. He could only see a thick cannon barrel sticking out.

This was naturally thanks to the black umbrella in Komatsu's hand. From the outside, it was just an ordinary umbrella cloth, so Inspector Megure naturally could not see it.

Xiaosong didn't pay attention to the movement below, but continued to operate the umbrella, looking for Gin everywhere.

Finally, he found a black suit jacket on the ground, or half of it.

It looked like he was dead.

There was no other figure in the image sent back by the umbrella cloth.

But there was still one shell, just in case, it was better to fire it, maybe it wasn't Gin who died, after all, Vodka was there.

"Fire the other one too." Xiaosong began to load the shells.

Since we are here, it would be a waste if we don't shoot it empty. Besides, there are only two shells in total, and we can't take them back.

"Okay!" Xiaoai seemed a little excited, causing her face to turn red.

The short-term excitement of bombarding Gin could not dilute the sadness in her heart.

Soon, Xiaoai became calm, and then her mood was a little depressed.

Miyano Akemi, her sister, is also someone she will never forget.

Even if Gin died, her sister would never come back.


The shells were fired again.

A stream of light streaked across the sky and finally landed in Building B.

Gin was climbing down the stairs, and when he heard the roar from above, he started rolling down the stairs.

"Mad man! Shirley! You damned mad man!"

Gin didn't know what happened in detail, but he knew that all this must have been done by Miyano Shiho.

No wonder she appeared here today, without any disguise.

It seems that she knew she was going to do something here, so she used her body as bait to lure herself out.

"Shirley, hahahaha!" Gin, who was lying on the ground, suddenly laughed.

"Miyano Shiho, what a good Miyano Shiho, I have to admit that I underestimated you!"

"You calculated this time very well and won beautifully!"

"I admit that I lost miserably."

"I lost because I underestimated you and overestimated myself."

"Shirley! I will not forget what happened today. Sooner or later, I will win back!"

"Then your stiff and blue face will definitely be very interesting, hahahaha!" Gin's laughter stopped abruptly, and then he suddenly spit out two mouthfuls of blood, dragging his disabled body to dial the last number.

"It's me, Vodka is dead, I lost, pick me up, sixty-eighth floor."

After a few simple words, Gin hung up the phone, and finally took out the detonator from his arms and pressed it directly.

Just as Gin pressed the detonator, Building A blossomed and exploded everywhere.

The whole building was crumbling, and it was in a desperate situation and could collapse at any time.

In the elevator.

"Hurry! Hurry up!" Conan kept urging everyone.

Gin placed the bomb on the safety column, causing uneven force on the building.

We must move to Building B as soon as possible.

At the same time, he also thought of Komatsu on the top floor.

In this situation, what should Xiaosong and the others do?

Don't worry about them, Xiaosong's mind is much better than ordinary people, and he is definitely prepared. On the contrary, they are in a very bad situation now.

On the communication bridge, everyone began to flee frantically.

Yuanzi ran in the middle of the crowd, sticking out her tongue and panting without any image, holding Ayumi in her arms.

There was no way, Ayumi's short legs would definitely not be as fast as them no matter how hard they tried. Now the situation was urgent, Yuanzi naturally had to hold Ayumi and run away.

"Conan, hurry up!" Xiaolan pulled Genta with one hand and Conan with the other, and her temples were wet with sweat.

The distance of the communication bridge was about 50 meters, but it seemed unbearably long in the eyes of everyone.

Seeing this, Maori on the opposite side of the communication bridge ran out without thinking, and said as he ran: "Lan! Hurry up!"

Mauri picked up the fattest Genta, which made the lagging Genta catch up with the main group.

Finally, everyone arrived at Building B. Yuanzi's legs softened and she panted, "In the future... don't call me for gatherings above ten floors."

Just after Yuanzi finished saying this, the communication bridge suddenly exploded in front of everyone and then fell down.

Yuanzi patted her chest with lingering fear and continued, "Change it. Don't notify me of gatherings above five floors."

Hehe, I hope so.

Conan laughed in his heart. He knew Yuanzi's character. It was just a nice thing to say at this time. It won't take long for her to forget it completely.

"Huh!" Xiaolan wiped the sweat from her forehead and immediately began to determine the number of people around.

"One, two..."

Xiaolan counted carefully and found that there were no people missing, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, she escaped a disaster without any danger.

Maori Kogoro threw Yuanta away and sat on the ground, panting heavily, and it took a while for him to recover.

The first thing he said was, "Kid, you should lose weight!"

Hiss! My waist hurts!

Maori felt like he had returned to the days of police training, and weighted running didn't seem so tiring.

How heavy is this kid!

Everyone laughed at this sentence, and the tense atmosphere was relieved for a while.

Instead of taking a break, they got on the elevator of Building B.

They saw the movement of Building B clearly just now, but they didn't dare to stay here for long. If it exploded again, it would be the end.

Before leaving, Conan glanced at the top floor of Building A.

All along, Conan thought he had been messing around enough, but he didn't expect that compared with Xiaosong, he was still a little conservative.

Now his heart was pounding, for fear that Xiaosong would give them another cannonball.

Xiaosong, you shouldn't mess around again.

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