The sea was full of people, and the sea was full of people.

"Not good!"

In the open-air restaurant, Matsuzaki Haru suddenly shouted and pointed to the sea, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What happened? Xiaochun." Matsuzaki Masahiko looked confused and looked in the direction of Matsuzaki Haru's fingertips.

It seemed that there was nothing special.

Suddenly, Matsuzaki Masahiko saw a familiar figure on the sea.

It was Takako, what's the big deal...

Masahiko Matsuzaki suddenly found something wrong.

Toda Takako's movements were very strange, her hands kept tossing, as if she was drowning, and Matsuzaki Haru's shout.

He finally understood what happened.

"Takako!" Matsuzaki Masahiko ran out in a hurry.

"Oh no, Takako is drowning!" Maori also noticed this and followed immediately.

The faces of the other people changed slightly, and then they all followed.

Matsuzaki Haru ran very fast, following Matsuzaki Masahiko closely.

Matsuzaki Masahiko even forgot that he couldn't swim, and hurriedly wanted to save Takako.

At this moment, a strong and powerful hand grabbed Matsuzaki Masahiko and threw him aside.

"Asshole! Don't you know you can't swim?"

The person who did it was called Ito Hiro, who was also Matsuzaki Masahiko's friend.

"Takako!" Matsuzaki Masahiko woke up, sat in the sea, and roared.

The sound naturally attracted Xiaosong's attention.

"What? Someone is drowning?" Ogawa Jing found something unusual, dived down, and swam directly to Toda Takako not far away.

However, Ogawa Kei was no longer needed.

Ito Hiro had stabilized the situation, and the others gathered together, supporting Toda Takako and swimming to the shore.

But Toda Takako was not in good condition, as if her energy and spirit had been drained away, and she was extremely weak.

Even so, Toda Takako still asked what she cared about most, "Where is Masahiko?"

"That kid is such a bastard. When he saw you drowning, he ran over like crazy, forgetting that he couldn't swim." Ito Hiro was very angry.

He was not saving people at all, but making the rescue more difficult.

It's like a man in Spider-Man clothes rushed into the fire, but was carried out by firefighters.

"Really." Toda Takako smiled slightly when she heard this, and said no more.

After getting on the shore, Toda Takako became even weaker, which was not right.

How could drowning cause such a state?

"This behavior is more like poisoning." Mao Li is an old detective. Although he resigned a long time ago, he still has some skills.

He saw the condition of Toda Takako at a glance.

Upon hearing this, Conan immediately started looking for it, and soon found two round holes on the back of Toda Takako's hand, saying: "Uncle! Look here!"

"It must be a sea snake, call an ambulance!" Mao Li's face changed slightly, and then he immediately looked at the seaside.

I don't know if the sea snake is still wandering around, otherwise, other people may also be in danger.

At the same time, Ito Yang began to absorb the venom, and professionally found iced black tea, using the tannic acid in it to neutralize the toxicity.

Just as Mao Li was thinking, a scream came from the seaside.

Ogawa Yuki looked at the sea snake swimming not far away in horror, her face changed drastically, and she couldn't help screaming: "Ah! Dear!"


A person-high splash of water jumped up.

The next moment, Ogawa Jing had already arrived in front of Ogawa Yuki.

When Ogawa Jing saw the sea snake, he was not afraid at all. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the head of the sea snake directly, and then threw it behind him without thinking.

"It's okay, Baoer." Ogawa Jing hugged Xiaochuan Yuki and comforted her softly.

"I was scared to death. Fortunately, you are here, dear." Xiaochuan Yuki curled up in Xiaochuan Jing's arms, her body still trembling.

A beautiful scene was interrupted by a loud shout.

"I will bury you two separately in the future!"

Xiaosong looked at the sea snake flying towards him in the sky and issued the most vicious curse.

It's bad!

He didn't have much resistance to this thing.

Originally, Xiaosong was not afraid of snakes, but he encountered an incident when he was a child in his previous life, and he began to be afraid of snakes since then.

In the previous life, an old primary school in the village was renovated and rebuilt, and the old house was demolished.

Then a big snake as thick as a bowl was found coiled inside. The workers cut the snake into several pieces with knives and threw them to the side of the road.

in a dry gully.

He was still young at that time, and somehow he happened to pass by.

Then he saw the snake head, and the snake head's eyes stared at Xiaosong. Xiaosong was stunned at the time, his mind was blank, and then he stared at the snake head for an unknown period of time.

Xiaosong woke up and ran away. Looking back, he seemed to see sadness in the snake's eyes.

Since then, Xiaosong has no resistance to snakes. After many years, looking back, the memory is still very clear.

Just like now, Xiaosong's calves have begun to weaken.

Xiaoai next to him noticed this and quickly pulled Xiaosong behind him.

This made Xiaosong recover directly. He took a deep breath, hugged Xiaoai with his left hand, covered his right hand with a layer of hand armor, and grabbed the sea snake in the air directly.

The sea snake fell into Xiaosong's hands, and goose bumps immediately appeared all over his body. Although there was no direct contact, he still felt uncomfortable and his face was slightly pale.

The tumbling sea snake struggled to leave, constantly attacking the gauntlet.

Xiao Ai, who was lying in her arms, looked at Xiao Song in surprise. She could see that Xiao Song was very scared just now, and his face turned pale.

Now you can still feel Xiao Song's body trembling slightly, and his side face is bloodless, completely different from the past.

But very handsome.

"Well done! So big!" Xiao Chuan Jing ran out from the side and pinched the sea snake's head directly.

Xiao Song breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "You are a ruthless person!"

"Nonsense, I am doing this to cultivate your instinct to deal with emergencies." Xiao Chuan Jing lied without blushing, and then continued to praise:

"At present, it seems that you have done a good job, and I am proud of you."

After that, Xiao Chuan Jing took the sea snake away.

Someone on the shore was looking for a sea snake. It turned out that someone was bitten. He took it to the doctor to recognize it, so as to inject the targeted serum.

"You're scared, right?" Ai hugged the trembling Xiaosong, patted his back gently, and kept comforting Xiaosong.

"Yeah, I was scared to death." Xiaosong felt very relieved, and his heartbeat slowly returned to normal.

Xiaosong was pulled to the shore by Ai without knowing it.

"Stupid, why are you trying to be a hero." Ai was a little angry, and finally looked at Xiaosong and continued:

"You can rely on me a little more. From now on, you have to remember this sentence."

Xiaosong was slightly stunned, and then arched his head and said, "I will always remember it."

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