The old man was very happy.

"Isn't it normal for you to be suspected?" Xiaosong put down the mobile phone in his hand and looked at Conan.

Sonoko is a good person. If she says she will give you a phone, then she will give you a phone.

It was delivered the day before yesterday.

Now Xiaosong is going to turn this thing into a smart phone.

Although the materials and chips may not be compatible, it doesn't matter. I will do it.

Hey, what do you mean by this?

It sounds like I often do something that exposes my identity.

After complaining in his heart, Conan continued, "To be honest, Xiaolan may suspect that I am Shinichi."

This is what Conan discovered recently. Xiaolan's attitude towards him has obviously changed, but now it is just a suspicion and has not been confirmed.

"Oh, so what?" Xiaosong didn't intend to answer. This guy must be up to no good.

"So can you build a simulated robot that looks like me? If I and it appear in front of Xiaolan at the same time, Xiaolan will definitely not doubt it." Conan explained his intention directly.

"Of course." Xiaosong nodded, then stretched out his hand and continued:

"Where's the money?"

"How much?" Conan was obviously prepared, and at the same time he was a little panicked.

He knew that such a thing must consume a lot of materials, so he opened his small treasury.

"Oh?" Xiaosong became interested and asked:

"How much do you have?"

"More than three million." Conan was still an honest man and directly said all the cash in his hand.

"Alas, it's hard for me to do anything with this little money." Xiaosong sighed, hiding his joy, and then continued:

"But since we are friends, give me all the money, I can reluctantly help you once."

Xiaosong has already planned it out. He will use some scrap iron to make the whole shell, and then go to the scrap shop to get some copper wires and other things to form the circuit. He can find some cheap things for other things, which should be about the same.

Anyway, it is a disposable product, so there is no need to make it too good.

It will be enough to use more than 100,000 raw materials.

"Okay, can you deliver it tomorrow?" Conan asked while taking out the money.

Xiaosong heard this and said speechlessly: "Do you think I am a god?"

You are crazy to let me build a simulation robot overnight.

"Aren't you?" Conan was slightly stunned and asked back.

When did this kid's emotional intelligence become a little higher, and he actually knew to praise people.

But Xiaosong didn't buy it, and said, "No, why are you in such a hurry?"

What's the matter, Xiaolan saw your childhood photo and matched you with him?

"Forget it, I won't do it. I'll think of another way." Conan was in a headache. Time was a bit tight, there was nothing he could do.

Just as Xiaosong expected, Xiaolan really saw Conan's childhood photo.

It was a sunny afternoon not long ago.

An old lady came to the Maori Detective Agency, saying that she had commissioned Maori Kogoro to investigate something, and took out a photo.

It was because of this photo that Xiaolan opened the old photo album and happened to see Shinichi's childhood appearance, and immediately took off Conan's glasses.

Then, it was discovered that Conan and Shinichi looked almost exactly the same.

Xiaolan naturally became suspicious. In the subsequent case-solving process, Xiaolan kept an eye on Conan and asked him to explain the case alone.

Conan didn't realize this at the time, but he just felt that something was wrong today.

But he didn't expect that Xiaolan had been staring at him.

That night, he was pulled back to the door of his house by Xiaolan, and she explained Conan's identity with great certainty and asked Conan to go back to his home.

At that time, Conan didn't know what to say. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Kudo Yukiko came back angry because of the quarrel and proved that Conan was a distant relative of Shinichi, so they looked very similar.

The next day, Conan was taken away by Kudo Yukiko, which saved him from danger.

So Conan felt that this was not the same thing, so it would be better to create a simulated self, which would more or less dispel Xiaolan's suspicion.

Then he ran over to find Xiaosong, but when he heard that Xiaosong needed time, Conan didn't want to do it.

Just kidding, after a while, Xiaolan will definitely dispel her suspicion, after all, her mother has confirmed her identity.

Unless there is any accident, but how could there be so many accidents.

"Are you sure? If you regret it, you have to raise the price." Xiaosong reminded.

"Ah, yes

"Don't worry, there will be no accidents." Conan patted his chest, very confident.

"Okay, as long as you are happy." Xiaosong glanced at Conan.

In a trance, it seemed as if he saw the old general on the stage with flags behind him.

Just based on your words, I know that you may be in trouble next.

Brother, you are on your own.

"By the way, we are going camping tomorrow, don't forget." Conan left a word and turned away.

Xiaosong couldn't hold it anymore.

No, camping?


It's been less than a month since you transferred to school, and we have camped twice. Now we are still camping?

Are you crazy?

Or am I the only normal person in this world?

As soon as Conan left, Xiaoai walked in. Xiaoai still had a small box in her hand, looked around, and said, "That guy is gone?"

"What's wrong, do you have something to do with him? "Xiaosong perked up a little and started paying attention.

"Well, didn't he say that Laobaigan could help him recover? I tried to extract some substances from Laobaigan and wanted to find him to test the medicine." Xiaoai did not hide it.

She didn't want to test the medicine herself for a simple reason, Xiaosong was right next to her.

If she really recovered, she would have to change her clothes, and then it would be a bargain for this guy.

In that case, it would be better to let Conan test the medicine.

After all, Conan had recovered before and had experience.

"I see, let's talk about it later when we have a chance." Xiaosong wanted to open the topic, and immediately mentioned camping, saying:

"We're going to camp tomorrow, let's get ready."

"No, I'm ready." Xiaoai immediately put away the medicine, sat aside, and opened a book.

"So, I'm the last one to know about camping?" Xiaosong couldn't hold it in anymore, and couldn't help complaining, and then said:

"Who proposed camping?"

"I. "Xiao Ai said lightly beside him, and then continued:

"Don't you think your physical fitness is too poor?"

And Xiao Ai felt that Xiao Song was more or less a homebody, and never took the initiative to suggest going out for a walk. In this case, she had to suggest it.

First, it can exercise the body, and second, it can cultivate the temperament and cure this guy's impropriety.

Xiao Song thought for a while and said, "Why don't we go out together?"

Why bring a bunch of light bulbs?

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