Deep in the jungle.

A dark shadow crouched in the Bush, watching the Institute hidden in the mountains from a distance.

The distance between them is about 200 meters.

But this is where he can lurk!

Because if you go further, you will be found by the thermal sensor installed nearby, so that the Institute will give an internal alarm and expose your whereabouts.


At this time, the frog has been jumping from here.

However, when its body was still in mid air, a dark shadow flashed directly and held it firmly in the palm of its hand. Then it took out the dagger with its backhand and cut the Qi with a sharp dagger blade. Then it peeled the skin and sent it to its own mouth.

In the past 19 days, the shadow has come here like this.

He even captured a wolf, killed it and ate it raw for a long time.

"As long as you dare to save people, I will dare to kill them, take what belongs to me, and then let you all pay for your lives!"

Black shadow ate up a whole frog and licked the blood at the corner of his mouth. His eyes looked like the murderer who locked his prey. He didn't move and fell into the lurk again.

In the laboratory.

When Ying Junyao saw the person in charge of the base, she asked, "have you found anything?"

"No. We have turned on all the infrared and thermal sensors, which can cover 150 meters outside the Research Institute. We always keep an eye on them. Three special teams are fully armed, and they are on first level alert. Several heavy-duty doors that can go in and out are completely sealed, and even a fly can't fly in. " The person in charge assured.

"Well, if you turn on the overnight surveillance mode, you can't make any mistakes or omissions in every second from now on. At the same time, you should inform the peripheral alert forces to keep armed at all times. If there is any disturbance, you should immediately use all forces to support you. Regardless of all the costs, you should also ensure the success of this mission!" Ying Junyao whispered.


Ying Junyao stops in the corridor and hesitates for a moment. Instead of going to the ward to observe the life instrument, she turns around and walks into the opposite office.


When the door was pushed open, a group of researchers and medical staff in white coats stood up together, including some top human life scientists in Zhenjin and some leading scientists in the medical field.

"How's it going? How long will it take to wake up? "

After entering the room, Ying Junyao looks at the big screen on the wall, which is the picture of the ward.

"I can't confirm that." Wang Gu, an expert in human life science, shakes his head and says, "all his vital signs have returned to normal, and his body function is even better than before. However, his brain has been severely damaged and his nerves have been damaged. It's really hard to know when he will be able to wake up..."

"As far as I know, a former friend of his is also in this condition. He suffered from intracranial hemorrhage and severe brain damage, but he was still saved. He even participated in the medical operations of various countries to aid Africa not long ago. Qin fan can do it, but you can't?" Ying Junyao frowns. She knows Qin fan's experience like the back of her hand.

No one spoke.

There was a flash of embarrassment on the faces of all the people in the room. It seemed that they could not speak.

"To be frank, I don't blame you." Said Ying Junyao.

"In terms of brain tissue repair, the medical level of our country is relatively backward in the world, and we all know what you said. After that person was unable to get effective treatment in China, he was sent to the Medical Research Institute of J Du by special plane overnight, which is the palace of the global medical community. There came out several Nobel Prize winners in brain tissue, and their medical level was very high Leading the world, we really can't compare with them.... " Wang Gu looks embarrassed.

Ying Junyao felt stiff and sighed.

"Yes, our feet are good, and our inches are short. Although our cardiology field is leading the world, there are great deficiencies in brain tissue..." Ying Junyao sighed.

"It's really no good. We can invite experts from the research institute over there to solve this problem. After all, this research institute is also an industry of Shen's group..." One doctor suggested.

"No way." Ying Junyao shook her head decisively. "If we don't have to, we will never allow more people to know. You should find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible and let the patients wake up. Moreover, the" greedy wolf "plan must not be disclosed. We have to find an experimental body with our own constitution that doesn't backfire with the" greedy wolf ". We must succeed at one stroke and never fail!"


At this time, the second life detector here suddenly burst out a harsh alarm sound, and everyone turned back in amazement, and saw that the number on the instrument was climbing faster and faster, from stable around 111 to 119!

"What's the matter?"

Everyone went to the instrument and stared nervously at the undulating waves on it.

"My God, it's not dark matter invading the brain stem area, is it? It must be stopped immediately, or the patient will die on the spot! " Wang Gu cried out.

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