
Emerald Valley.

It was late at night, but the whole valley was ablaze with lights.

The office at the top of the hill.

Chen Sixuan, Wu Xiongfei, Zhou Lulu, Jianghe, Hong Xin, Zhang Yang, Guo Tian All the people who participated in the research and development of borla virus vaccine and knew the current situation gathered here.

There was no expression on everyone's face and they sat there in silence.

The atmosphere is solemn, like a storm is coming, everyone's heart is heavy.

"I don't approve of your plan."

For a long time, as the "violet" team leader Hong Xin, the first to speak.

Chen Sixuan looks slightly at the mysterious woman.

"I haven't heard of Wang Meng before, but according to your description, he has terrible power and has achieved the effect of invincibility in close combat. The power in your hands alone is not enough to compete with him..." Hong Xin said frankly.

She and Zhang Yang and Guo Tian are escorting Xia Meng back to Nandu.

In the past few days, he has been lurking around in the dark, and has not appeared. The development of the vaccine for reporting disability can be successfully completed.

Today, all three of them were called here just because Chen Sixuan had to make a decision, an earth shaking decision, which needed their cooperation to complete.

"A man's strength is limited after all, but we are waiting for the hare, and we have the advantage of natural terrain as the support. We have all kinds of weapons. No matter how powerful he is, can he kill all the people in our valley?" Jianghe, as the manager of the security department, also opened his mouth to express his views at this time.

"Sheep and wolves can never be compared together. Herds of cattle and sheep are just wolf's prey. The number can't prove anything. If you can, just give you enough time to prepare and decorate. Only the three of us can sneak into this valley and take anything we want. Do you believe it?" Hong Xin chuckles.

Jianghe knows that the three people in her mouth refer to the three members of the "violet" team.

Although not satisfied.

But he didn't want to argue.

Because even Jianghe didn't know the existence of these three people until 20 minutes ago, when Chen Sixuan called them to this office.

You know, during this period, in order to successfully develop the Bola virus vaccine, he raised the alert of the whole valley to the strongest state.

He was in charge of it himself. He inspected the layout every day and almost mastered the whole valley!

But under such circumstances, these three people, unexpectedly, have been lurking in 13 research laboratories, eating and drinking Lhasa under his eyes, but he did not know it!

This is a joke.

Jianghe thinks he's an old man. Before he entered Shen's group, he licked blood on the edge of his knife and walked all the way. Now he's working hard to protect the place. How can he not feel depressed if someone can go into the world of no one.

Seeing the shriveled River, Hong Xin said with a smile, "don't look at me like this. What I just said is very polite."

"You The river is angry.

"Well, I've heard about Wang Meng all the time. Can he shake the whole" Hunter "operation team by himself, or can he almost kill everyone when they are fully armed? This kind of combat effectiveness can't be based on common sense, so it's meaningless to say that now." Wu Xiongfei said.

He came from the coastal base. He has always known something about what happened in the abandoned shipyard.

"And the most important thing is that after a loss, he will definitely not take the risk to fight against us head-on. Once a person like him lurks in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to attack the target, the damage he will cause will be incalculable." Hong Xin shook his head and said.

"Therefore, our strength is still too weak. Unless we can find someone who is close to him, if we really let him sneak into this valley, it will be like a tiger into a sheep. All of you are just waiting to kill the lamb." It's hard for Zhang Yangcai to open his mouth and express his views.

"In this case, we can move things to a safer place, such as a safe place, or a more closed place, so that there is no dead corner nearby. Wang Meng has no chance to make a plan. Isn't it safe?" The river suddenly understands the Tao.

"If he had no chance, he would not have come." Chen Sixuan shakes her head.

"Our top priority is to lead Wang Meng out of the dark and let him show up to look for a target. Only in this way can Qin fan be more secure. If we have the chance to eradicate this man at one stroke, even if we can't, it's the only thing we can do for Qin fan and give him more chances to survive..."

It was Zhou Lulu who spoke. Her eyes had been drooping since she entered the door. Until now, she raised her head and began to speak.

"Therefore, it is absolutely not enough to rely on such manpower. We need more powerful support." Hong Xin said.

"Yes." Chen Sixuan gently breathed out, "the cloud family is willing to give us the greatest help in this matter in order to atone."

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