Qin fan gave Shen Liangxin his inner description of the future of this land.

After hearing this, Shen Liangxin nodded and said, "young master is really brilliant. In fact, at the beginning, we didn't think so much about it. It's just that the ultimate goal is to protect the capital. But later, we thought about the joint development plan with NTU. According to the budget of the Valuation Department, the value-added of this apprentice in the next ten years will reach more than 10 billion, which is the lowest 90 times, as long as we can reach an agreement with Nantah, all this will be OK! "

"Do my parents know now?" Qin fan asked.

"Mrs. Shen hasn't talked about it yet. After all, it's not a big project, and I think it must be carried out in secret. When certain results are achieved, the young master will report it to Mrs. Shen himself. I believe they will get a surprise!"

Looking at the burning face of Shen Liang's new face, Qin fan was also excited.

In the future, this piece of land, even the new generation Art Center of the whole Nandu, will appear in their own hands. What a sense of achievement it will be. It is not impossible that it will become the birthplace of Qin fan's greatest achievements in the next few years.

I think that a month ago, I was still worried about getting married and buying a house after graduation.

Now I'm planning for the future development of the whole Nandu. I'm so excited.

Qin fan nodded, took a deep breath, and asked, "what other projects have not been completed?"

"The first is demolition. At present, there is no agreement on the last one in the uncompleted building you just passed by. As long as the other party signs, our engineering team can enter the site for construction at any time. The second is to sign a new campus construction contract with NTU. Our real estate department has been cooperating with NTU for a long time. There is nothing to ask about such a mutually beneficial project As long as the detailed cooperation details and future development trend are included in the contract, the signing of the contract is just around the corner! "

Shen Liangxin looks forward to it as if the prosperity and construction of the future of the emperor have already appeared in his sight.

But Qin fan frowned slightly when he heard the words.

There's nothing wrong with signing a contract with NTU. Even if the real estate department can't be perfect in a short period of time, as long as he talks with President Zhang Guangde as the young master of the Shen family, I believe he will sell himself a little bit, so that the contract can be completed within the schedule.

But why are there still demolition households not settled?

Qin fan looked back at the uncompleted residential building ten years later.

In his impression, it seems that only Xia Meng's parents still live here, and other residents have moved long ago. It's not that Xia Meng's parents are not satisfied with the new compensation standard, and they are reluctant to leave, right?

Thinking of this, Qin fan asked Shen Liangxin, "what's the last nail family name?"

"Xia." Shen Liangxin said truthfully: "I heard that when Lin's group was responsible for the demolition of this land, this family was a famous nail family, but we have already offered nearly double the price of Lin's group to compensate this family, and advised them to move as soon as possible. I don't know why, they just refused to move, as if they were waiting for something..."

What are you waiting for?

Qin fan frowned slightly.

However, just after less than a minute, he suddenly realized and began to laugh.

What else can Xia Meng's parents wait for? They just want to wait for Lin's group to take over the land again. They want to be Qin's family with Lin Tian, so that they can get more rewards.

After all, Shen Xiongfei's seven million in his hand, in the end, only half a million were left in their hands.

Such a big contrast in mind, with the insatiable nature of Xia Meng's parents, is naturally unacceptable

"Lin's group didn't respond recently?" Qin An calmed down and asked.

"They didn't respond. After all, the land is in our hands. As long as we don't give up, he won't have any chance." Shen Liangxin said.

"Well, after you go back, you should work out a construction plan for the next five years as soon as possible according to the plan. If necessary, I will talk with Zhang Guangde in person. As for the relocated households, you don't have to worry about it. I'll take care of it."

Looking at Qin fanxin's face, Shen Liangxin immediately bowed himself and said, "listen to the young master's arrangement."

Then, he took Qin fan to visit some lakes and hillsides of the land.

Mainly explained in the next land development, how to make good use of these environmental resources.

When Qin fan left here, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin fan felt that his style of acting gradually became vigorous and resolute.

Now that he agreed to participate in the class meeting, he quickly took action.

On the way back to school, he arranged everything properly.

When all the students in their class arrived at the school gate, a bus had already stopped there, waiting for them.

Qin fan can call a Mercedes Benz or Bentley team to serve him.But obviously there's no need for that.

It's just going to have a meal among the students, pulling a luxury car team, which is too showy.

It's convenient for students to use a bus to communicate with each other.

Even Wang Fan didn't drive a g-benz.

Rao is so, also let all the students are surprised.

"Qin fan, the notice posted at the school gate can't be true. You used to be very thrifty, but now you are so rich."

"What nonsense? No matter how rich Qin fan is, he also thinks about our classmates. Originally, I was worried that the car would not be easy to fight. All of this was solved at once!"

Many people began to make fun of Qin fan.

"My second uncle works in the bus team. It happens that he has nothing to do today. I'll ask him to help us. It doesn't matter."

Qin Fan said with a gentle smile.

After that, everyone got on the bus in turn.

Even Qin fan is no exception.

Although Shen Liang newly arranged a Mercedes Benz S600 to take him back to school, and now it stops at the school gate.

But instead of being too independent, he chose to take the bus with us.

And Qin fan also noticed that Lin Xue didn't come today.

Maybe the place for dinner tonight is too ordinary.

Now Lin Xue is no longer what it used to be.

Food and clothing must be famous brands.

In and out of the occasion are also high-end places.

I haven't come to class for a long time, and I don't participate in any class and school activities.

However, to everyone's greatest surprise, Huang Qianqian, a flower of NTU, may come to the party.

This is just listening to a girl in the class who has a good relationship with Huang Qianqian. It's not sure whether she can come on time.

In all the talk and laughter, we soon reached our destination.

The party was held at the "Chen Laowu dry pot shop" in Nanmen barbecue street.

There are all kinds of fried dishes and dry pots here. The price is close to the people, which is very suitable for these college students' dinner consumption.

Dinner parties between students are usually relatively simple.

Eat, drink, brag.

It's just that everyone is very tacit, did not mention Qin fan was expelled from school.

After all, there are many college students who are forced to quit or start their own businesses. All roads lead to Rome, and even many boys envy Qin fan and find a stable job before graduation.

There's a saying.

If you don't get drunk when you drink, if you don't get confused when you see the color, you can't touch it. If you convince people with virtue, you can't beat it. If you are indifferent to fame and wealth, you can't do anything.

If anyone here is taken care of by a top-notch beauty, it's too late to promise. How can he refuse.

After having enough to eat and drink, we first transferred money to the monitor by AA, and then got on the bus, thinking that we would go back to school to sleep.

However, when the bus drove away from the restaurant for a certain distance and turned towards the city center, some people noticed something was wrong.

"Qin fan, where are you going to send us? I don't want to introduce one to us by the strength of wine, so as not to find a job after graduation. Ha ha

Someone took advantage of the strength of wine to make fun of him.

All of a sudden, the whole car burst into laughter.

Qin fan could hear that there was no hostility in everyone's laughter, so he laughed more carelessly.

"It's OK. This may be the last party for all of us. Naturally, it can't be too simple."

"Besides, in this critical period, if you don't dislike me and make friends with me, it's like I thank you all. Today we have a wonderful time to make up for my guilt."

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