According to Bruce, the leader of the scientific research team, they have long realized that Qin fan and Ying Junyao's trip to Antarctica is not a honeymoon for newlyweds, but with some ulterior motives.

But no matter what the purpose is, they hope that after they arrive in the Antarctic inland, they will not destroy the Antarctic ecological environment and the biological chain of species, otherwise they will use all their strength to take them to the International Court of justice and accept legal sanctions.

"That's it?" Qin fan was a little surprised. "I said we had to sleep in the same room for a long time. Now that someone has found us, what should we do next?"

"No nonsense!" Win Jun Yao white he one eye, continue to say his words.

In fact, Ying Junyao knows that she can't hide it from them. After all, the newlyweds don't sleep in separate rooms. However, she also tells the scientific research team that she has hidden something before, but they are here with some very important missions, and in the process of completing this mission, they will not destroy the Antarctic ecological environment and biological chain as they say, On the contrary, it will even make a great contribution here. Just for the sake of confidentiality, she can't say a word about it now.

Maybe good-looking people really have a big advantage no matter where they are.

For the time being, the scientific research team believed Ying Junyao's words, but also expressed their purpose of coming here.

I hope that if two people have the possibility to go deep into the no man's land after entering the Antarctic inland, please bring their climate detector. They want to conduct an in-depth and comprehensive detection of the extreme weather in the inland.

In return, they will provide them with all the instruments and equipment available at the U.S. Antarctic research station, including snowmobile.

This is a great joy for the two of them, who are all enemies on all sides after reaching the Antarctic inland.

Although Ying Junyao had promised them, she said in front of Qin fan when she came back: "now I doubt the real purpose of the four of them going to Antarctica. Normally, the scientific research team would not choose to enter Antarctica inland at this time to carry out field exploration on the extreme bad weather in the no man's land. Since they want to enter the no man's land, they should arrive earlier Lu, make preparations in advance, but now let's take the detector to the no man's land for them. Although there's no problem in principle, it's not their normal work flow. "

"But didn't you say they had no problem?" Qin fan didn't understand.

"Yes, before, they only said that they would go inland for investigation, but they did not say that they would go to the no man's land. Until they just told me that we would take their climate detector to the no man's land for climate detection, I doubt what their real purpose is." Ying Jun Yao whispered.

Qin fan nodded, although it was only a conjecture without evidence, but the current situation is special, more vigilance, more chance to live.

In the next few days, as captain Blanco said, his icebreaker is going deep into the Antarctic circle at the speed of more than most of the same type of ships. It will be far away from the sudden snowstorm and will soon send people to the scientific research transfer station on the inland edge of Antarctica.

In the past few days, everyone is preparing. Although Ying Junyao had doubts about the four members of the scientific research team before, it's just speculation. We can't decide anything just because of this speculation. We still coexist with each other in a friendly way. After all, Qin fan and Ying Junyao have to rely on the Antarctic inland scientific research of the United States to enter the no man's land Help from the station.

"It's coming."

Four days later.

Put on everyone, including captain Blanco and his assistants, all appeared on the deck, overlooking the inland coastline that was already looming in the distance.

At this time, the icebreaker has entered the deepest waters of the Antarctic circle.

Although there is no snow here, the glaciers all over the sky have made it difficult for the icebreaker to move forward. It takes a lot of power for the icebreaker to move forward every meter. Before the time consumed, the distance of the hull is bumpy, which makes Qin fan feel a little uncomfortable. He vomites in his stomach and nearly spits out several times.

"It's estimated that it will take about a day to get by. The ice here is too thick. If it wasn't for the snowstorm that has not arrived and covered this sea area, I'm afraid we would be trapped here and even the transit station on the opposite side can't save us."

Blanco is full of complaints. The thickness of the ice here is much thicker than he imagined. Originally, he intended to send people to the edge and let the helicopter of the transfer station meet them. However, the storm is coming. He has to park the ship closer, park the icebreaker in a relatively safe area, and then inform the transfer station to let them all go After the blizzard, he returned alone and drove the boat away.

"A blizzard is coming

With Ying Junyao's exclamation, Qin fan suddenly raised his head and saw that the sky was just clear. Now it was suddenly dark, from day to night, in this instant!

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