"Stone, stone?" William's eyes were full of wonder.

"Yes, a piece of gravel." The middle-aged man nodded.

Two days ago.

The night before the end of the storm.

After the "Royal" icebreaker successfully passed the eye of the storm, Captain Ollie ordered that the most difficult life and death has passed. Everyone can leave their rooms and walk around the ship to enjoy the rare snowfall scenery even in Antarctica.

After hearing the speech, everyone happily came out of their closed room.

Seven days ago, when a snowstorm swept through the Antarctic Circle and caused a terrible natural disaster, they were all ordered to stay in their rooms and could not come out.

Hearing the news, many people can't wait to get out of the room and come to the control room to enjoy the snow.

These people are not ordinary people.

They are all from the world's top plutocrats and families. No matter what the purpose and mission of this trip to Antarctica is, their essence is full of romantic and entertainment temperament. In the huge control room with three French windows, it is suggested that a small cocktail party be held here to celebrate everyone's survival from this terrible snowstorm, and also for the future Congratulations in advance on your journey.

The suggestion was echoed.

There is no shortage of fine wine in the Royal.

It was brought by the top family of F country from F country winery. The value of each bottle of red wine is more than 3 million enamel!

Rich families, handsome men and beautiful women, expensive wine, and soothing music, including heavy snow outside the window

The atmosphere of the control room was soon aroused. Everyone wore formal clothes and drank and danced in the constant temperature control room. Even captain Ollie had no exception. He had a good time with the people.

There is nothing wrong with that in itself.

Ollie is an experienced old captain who is very familiar with the environment of the Antarctic circle.

He and belline said the same thing, that is, after an extreme weather, it will take a long time to brew another disaster in the depths of no man's land.

During this time, the Antarctic Circle is very safe.

So we all reveled together, until the blizzard suddenly stopped. One man yelled excitedly when he looked out of the window, because he saw a full moon, a blue full moon.

This person's cry attracted everyone's idea. Everyone gave up their actions and gathered around the bed to enjoy the rare blue moon. They all guessed what caused it.

But I didn't see a result for half a day.

Soon, everyone's attention returned to the wine glass again. The blue moon outside the window seemed to increase and stimulate their excitement cells. Everyone began to wriggle wildly, until the drunken captain Ollie suddenly thought of a word that the former captain told him when he retired, and his face suddenly changed!

Cold storm!

This is a very cold storm that may appear after a snowstorm!

It is said that every year, a terrible snowstorm is brewing in the deepest part of the Antarctic no man's land. It blows from the depth of the no man's land to the outside world. With the change of geomagnetic gravity, it expands the scope of influence until it blows to the sea, and even to the inland areas such as Argentina. The impact of the snowstorm gradually decreases and then disappears.

And the main culprit of this climate effect is the extremely cold storm brewing in the depths of the polar no man's land!

The impact of a small extremely cold storm visible to the naked eye is enough to cause a large area of disastrous Storm Snow to ravage the sea.

However, this extremely cold storm itself is also very fragile, from brewing to formation to disappearance, it will not go out of the no man's land in just a few hours, and will not cause more serious damage to the outside world.

But there are always exceptions. According to the old captain who took office in Orly, in the cold winter every year, because of the sudden drop of temperature in the polar region, the temperature in the depth of no man's land will reach a critical value, which is enough to make any deep living creature frozen into ice sculpture in an instant. This environment also creates natural conditions for the extremely cold storm, so that it can get rid of the no man's land and live in the Antarctic inland The nearby waters raged and then dissipated rapidly.

The lowest temperature in the Antarctic no man's land has reached 98 degrees below zero since human beings recorded the temperature in the no man's land.

This is the coldest area in human history.

But even so, there is no equipment that can actually detect the central temperature of the extremely cold storm.

Its temperature is so low that it can form an environment visible to the naked eye and form a light blue storm to ravage the sea.

After the blizzard just now, the blue demon moon, which everyone saw, was the extreme cold storm approaching the "Royal". It was filled with ice crystals and gravel from no man's land. The extreme temperature made the hard glass in the control room as fragile as paper. It was easily broken by the gravel. All the people in the control room just passed by the extreme cold storm and instantly became ice sculptures No more breath of life.

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