Ignoring the shouts of Wang Chao's roommates, Qin fan walks into the elevator and leaves Royal Wynn directly.

Several hundred thousand yuan is nothing to Qin fan.

What's more, he has a VIP card here.

It cost less than 150000.

He had planned to give these students a small gift after the water meeting.

He hasn't figured out what the gift is, but it will be very meaningful and valuable to repay them. He doesn't dislike being expelled by the school, and still treats him as a classmate and goes to the party together.

But, just a few minutes.

They become the garbage, scum, bad students of these people, and lose people in the whole class.

Qin fan thought that only Lin Xue could hear these words.

But did not expect, even these ordinary students, in the face of some specious problems, will suddenly become this face.

So Qin fan didn't want to stay any longer for a minute. He left Royal Yongli and stopped his car by the side of the road to go home.

Before waiting for two minutes, I watched a red taxi stop in front of me.

Waiting for the passenger in the car to check out and get off, Qin fancai found that the person who came was Huang Qianqian.

Huang Qianqian obviously deliberately dressed up.

Qi Banghai, with two horsetails, a young face with light makeup, wore a gray JK uniform, as well as the same gray knee stockings and small black shoes.

Standing on the side of the road, looking at Qin fan with the same look of surprise.

"I've just come home and changed my clothes?"

Huang Qianqian obviously dressed up for the party tonight, and she has no special close friends in the computer department. Naturally, everything is prepared for someone.

"Oh, they're still in there. If I have something to do, I'll go first."

Qin Fan said, pull open the door of the taxi co pilot to go up.

"Where are you going?"

Huang Qianqian looks at Qin fan with sullen eyes.

Who am I here for today? Don't you know?

If you're gone, I'll go up and play with you!

"I'm going home." Qin Fan said seriously.

"Then my makeup is not white today!" Huang Qianqian was not angry and said, "it took nearly an hour, and now you want to go home, straight man of steel! You deserve to be single

Looking at Huang Qianqian's angry turn to leave, Qin Fan said with a bitter smile: "where do you want to go, I'll take you."

"That's about it!"

Huang Qianqian gave Qin fan a white look, and then returned to the taxi. Then she said to the driver, "go to the North Ring Road, and the music will be quiet."

The North Ring Road is not far from the land Qin fan saw in the afternoon.

It cost nearly sixty yuan in total.

Qin fan began to pay attention to these details.

For example, how much more time and money will it take for users who are used to consuming in the city center to turn their target to Beihuan.

It's important.

If the cost of a cup of coffee on the other side of the North Ring Road is enough to have a dinner in the center of the city.

So no matter how perfect the vision and conception of the future, it is just a castle in the air without new attraction to consumers.

The music lattice quiet bar is hidden in a lush palm tree by the night. The third floor has a wooden peaked building, and the grill windows are all on. It has the flavor of an American country bar.

Qin fan, led by Huang Qianqian, enters the door and sits down in a corner near the window.

"Double the fruit, dachili."

As soon as Qin fan sat down, Huang Qianqian immediately called the waiter.

The name of the cocktail Qin fan has never heard of, but the price is very expensive, 110 yuan a cup.

Qin fan looks at Huang Qianqian and looks like he is in a good mood. He doesn't know what happened.

"By the way, it seems that you have found a job this morning. Where do you work?"

Qin fan remembers that Huang Qianqian went to dinner with her colleagues in the new company in the evening. No wonder she was in such a good mood.

"You don't know, but it's a real estate company. Now I'm just doing financial internship. The internship period is half a year. There are 3000 yuan in a month." Huang Qianqian said happily.

"Quite a few, won't you go back to school in the future?"

Qin Fan said with emotion.

Huang Qianqian has been doing well in school.

What four or six levels of accounting certificate have been tested, it seems that this society is still able to adapt to the people, internship salary is not very high, but compared with other fresh students is still good.

Huang Qianqian also happily said: "yes, and our company just got a new project to do land development, not far from here, and also sent me to do internship financial supervision. In the future, I have to live on the construction site every day, and I can't go back until the end of the project development."Qin fan didn't look at Huang Qianqian's dress.

It is impossible to connect such a beautiful and lovely little Lori with the construction company.

But it's hard to know how many people can really live according to their own wishes.

However, there seems to be no construction site to be developed nearby, right?

Qin fan suddenly realized something, raised his head and asked: "where is the construction site?"

"Well, next to the villa area of feicui Valley, there is a dilapidated building. It's easy to find. You can see it when you pass by."


Qin fan really wanted to show his teeth.

But with her education and work experience, she should not directly enter the real estate department of Shen's group. It is estimated that she is in a subsidiary below.

Qin fan is thinking, a white Mercedes Benz C stopped on the side of the road outside the window.

When the door opened, a tall woman in a slim skirt uniform with high hair and high heels walked into the bar and sat directly next to Qin fan.

Lu Xinyu?

Qin fan looked at the woman in surprise.

"Manager Lu!"

Seeing the woman, Huang Qianqian stood up excitedly and walked over.

"Who are you?"

LV Xinyu raised his head and frowned. Obviously, he didn't remember who he was.

"I'm Huang Qianqian, manager Lu. Did you forget the dinner we had together in the afternoon?" Huang Qianqian explained anxiously.

"Huang Qianqian? Oh, it's the new Xiao Huang in the Department. I can't recognize the clothes you're wearing. "

Lu Xinyu glanced at Huang Qianqian and said, "don't wear this dress in the future. It will affect the company's image. Do you know?"

"Well I only wear it in my spare time. I wear formal clothes in the company. " Huang Qianqian wants to explain.

But Lu Xinyu frowned impatiently and said, "you little girl, whether you go to work or get off work, you can't wear it if you don't wear it. I don't know the rules when I'm young. I've learned to talk back to my boss before I've been in class for two days. I really don't know."

Then, her eyes fell on the side, always looking at Qin fan here.

"Qin fan? Why are you a loser here? "

Lu Xinyu's eyes were first surprised, then disdained.

It's a very high-end bar. The consumption is not low. It's a disappointment to meet Qin fan.

Qin fan didn't think of it either.

Last time in Dior cafe, LV Xinyu complacently said that he was working in a big company, but he was actually working in a branch of his group. It seemed that he was still a small leader.

Because of this, I still despise the summer dream of doing senior private nursing in Shengde hospital. I think it's ridiculous.

"Well, I'm talking to my friend here." Qin fan responded lightly.

"Your friend?"

Lu Xinyu's eyes first fell on the empty seat opposite Qin fan, and then looked at Huang Qianqian, then said inconceivably: "Xiao Huang, his friend won't be you, will he?"

Huang Qianqian nodded, "well, Qin fan and I are classmates..."

"It seems that your educational background is not very good. When I was eating, I boasted that I was just like a flower. How strong can I be? How strong can I be in the same school with this kind of loser?"

Lu Xinyu looked contemptuous and said: "forget it, you won't use it to work tomorrow. You don't know what the people in the personnel department are doing. They all recruit to the company, and they are not afraid to lower the company's signboard."

Huang Qianqian is stupid.

She had seen LV Xinyu and Qin fan know each other, but she felt very happy. How could she get rid of herself?

She hasn't even been in class for a day!

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