
After Chen Jiang's arrival, Jiang Qin and Su Jian also represented their own families.

The four members of Shangjing, the representatives of Kong family and Chen family, are all here.

"Now that all the people are here, I'll get to the point."

As the owner of the Jin family and today's landlord, Jinlan went to the central government with a serious look.

"We are all our own people. I won't say more about some polite and empty words. The purpose of calling you here is very simple, cooperation."


In two simple words, the reason for today's Fengyun meeting is explained.

"Yunmo, the ancestor of the cloud family, came out of the mountain and intervened in the affairs of the secular world. First, he destroyed the Shen family with thunder, and then he nearly destroyed the Bai family with extraordinary means. He also took a large number of hostages with special identity. At present, the life and death and whereabouts of the hostages are unknown. It is urgent to find them before we really fight back against the cloud family."

Jin Lan is very straightforward, no cover up, the matter will rise to the top of the rich life and death of such topics.

The center is also very clear, save people, revenge.

With that, she turned her eyes to the people and waited for the answer.

"I already know about Tianjin port. I sent someone to check the ships that left the port that day, including fishing boats and freighters, which have nothing to do with the cloud family. Although the cloud family can't rule out transferring people under the guise of others, the number of ships in and out of Tianjin Port every day is terrible. It's troublesome to know whether there are several people on the ship, but I'm trying my best to do it."

The first one to speak is Su Jian, the deputy head of the Su family, who is Su Rushi's brother.

"You can first make a list of suspicious ships, and then contact your people with the shipping affairs on these ships, as well as the port controller and security personnel. If there is anything unusual, they may know." Jin Lan said.

"OK, I'll make arrangements later." Su Jian nodded.

"Uncle Chen, can you find out the vehicles related to the cloud family in and out of Shangjing in the recent month, lock the track of their vehicles after they enter Shangjing, and maybe you can find the hiding place of the hostages."

Jin Lan turns her head and asks Chen Jiang with a smile.

"It's not hard. It can be done." Chen Jiang nodded slightly.

"In fact, I also found something here..."

Suddenly, I heard a voice of submissiveness in the living room.

Hearing the speech, they were stunned and looked at it. They were surprised to see that it was Jiaolong who had just spoken!


He is one of the four Dharma protectors under the command of the Third Master of the Kong family. He is ruthless and ruthless. He never shows mercy in doing things. He has always been known as a black faced hell.

And his own appearance is also extremely ferocious.

It's really related to the submissive voice of words just now.

"Oh? What do you find here? " Chen Jiang looked at him and said with a smile.

Jiaolong's tears were almost coming down. He looked at Chen Jiang nervously and resisted the impulse of shaking his legs. He trembled and said, "yes, yes, before I came here, the people under me just informed me that they found two cars in and out of Yunfu very frequently recently. Every morning, they set out from Yunfu and went to Xiangshan temple, and then came back in the evening..."

"Your people are watching Yunfu?" Chen Jiang asked.


Jiaolong couldn't help sliding from his chair to the ground and sat down.

Then the voice with a cry: "no, it's my people who just pass by. We are all good people who abide by the law. How can we do it? How can we do it to monitor people?"

Law abiding?

Jiaolong almost laughed at the scene.

Looking at Jiaolong, his legs trembling and sitting on the ground shaking, Chen Jiang waved his hand and said, "you sit up first. If you really monitor Yunfu, it's a good thing. It's not convenient for others to do this kind of thing. It's most appropriate for you Kong family to do it."

Hearing this, Jiaolong nervously stares at Chen Jiang for a few seconds. Seeing that he doesn't seem to be joking, he gets up from the ground and sits down in a chair.

"Is the Xiangshan ancient temple you mentioned the place where Yun Yan, the deputy head of the Yun family, used to go before?" Jiang Qin asked.

"Yes, that's it." Jiaolong nodded cleverly.

"What's the license plate number?" Chen Jiang asked.

Jiaolong reported two license plate numbers.

Chen Jiang took out his mobile phone and slid a few times. Then he raised his head and said, "the probability of finding out the owner's information is not great. These two cars are probably fake cars."

"But you can track them if they don't change a deck every day." Qin fan pondered.

Chen Jiang looked at him in surprise, nodded and said, "don't worry about this. I'll arrange people on the route they have to go through, leave something in the car and lock their position."

"So, one of our goals is Xiangshan temple?" White reeds open their mouths."According to the limited intelligence at present, it is true, but I suggest that before the operation, it is better to send a person to conduct a preliminary investigation and confirm that the hostage is there before the operation."

"After all, we have to guard against them hiding hostages in batches. Once one Tibetan stronghold is abnormal, another will kill people," Chen said

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