In the dark.

I don't know how long it took.

Accompanied by a dull "rustle" of soil, Qin fan climbed up from the heavy waste soil.

He spits out the mud from his mouth, reaches into his pocket and touches it. He takes out his flashlight and turns it on. The beam of light illuminates the mine and the thick mound around him.

Without time to observe the surrounding environment, Qin fan bit the flashlight in his mouth and began to dig earth desperately.

Until the fingers stained with blood, MUKANG, Yu Laowu and Wu Degui, who were pressed below, finally showed their bodies.

Yu Laowu is OK.

When he jumped down the mine, he was very experienced in using his hands and knees to protect the back of his head, chest and other key parts.


In Qin fan's slap, he soon regained his consciousness and got up from the ground.

Only Wu Degui, the injury is a little serious.

It may be that when the body is on the ground, the brain is heavily knocked on the ground, the back of the brain is bleeding, and there is no sign of awakening.

"If the injury is serious, we have to send it to the hospital as soon as possible."

MUKANG touched the back of Wu Degui's head with his hand and said with a frown.

"I'm afraid it's very difficult for us to get out of this mine without him..."

At this time, Yu Laowu observed the environment of the mine cave and said with a deep sigh.

At this time, the four have entered one of the thousands of crisscross mine labyrinth.

Even if Wu Degui is sober at the moment, he may not be able to take the three out in the first time.

"What to do?" Mu Kang stares at Qin fan and asks in a voice.

"We have to get out as soon as possible. Chen Sixuan is being held in the laboratory. We have to get there as soon as possible to rescue people." Qin fan whispered.

Just now, he deliberately said the word laboratory, and then carefully observed the reaction on the other side's face after hearing the word.

Surprise, fear and surprise.

Qin fan doesn't understand the expression.

But when the three obvious expressions appeared on three people at the same time, it turned out that his guess was correct.

"Laboratory? It should be very secretive, not easy to find Although MUKANG didn't know much about the "frozen man" plan, he could understand some general ideas from the seriousness of the whole matter.

"Well, this laboratory is related to the life and death of several old men in the four ancient families. Its location is very secret, and no one knows except a few owners." Qin fan nodded.

"And how are you going to find it?"

In fact, it's a very slim chance for us to escape from this mysterious place.

However, when he saw the firm eyes in Qin fan's eyes, he was stunned. He suddenly thought of Hong Xin, who was missing with him when Qin fan left Nandu!

"Is Hong Xin..."

MUKANG was about to stop talking. A violent cough interrupted him.

Looking back, they were surprised to see that Wu Degui, who was still unconscious just now, opened his eyes, opened his mouth and coughed up blood desperately.

"He was blocked by congestion in his throat. He used some earth methods to get rid of congestion, and then he woke up." Yu Laowu stood aside, still carrying his pants.

Qin fan and MUKANG look at each other.

After a short wait, Wu Degui completely regained consciousness and then told the three of them about the situation here.

"At that time, science and technology was not very developed. It was a common occurrence that accidents occurred in mining. This mine was the wrong one. Its tail went straight to the dispatching room. In front, I remember it was like linking to No. 78 main mine. There were several forks in the middle. I remember the road. You all follow it."

Wu Degui patted his ass and stood up and walked forward with the help of Lao Wu. Behind him, he heard Mu Kang murmur in a low voice, "so familiar, you didn't dig it wrong at that time, did you?"

People are walking in the mine tunnel. The mine under the control room has been broken, and people outside can't get in.

They don't know what's going on.

He could only keep his head on the road in the dark until Wu Degui said that he was about to arrive at the No. 78 main mine. Several flashing lights and figures in front of him attracted people's attention.

"Five guards, two hostages. I didn't expect that there were people in the mining area."

After confirming that there was someone at the entrance of No. 78 mine, Qin fan and MUKANG winked, quickly stepped forward, put down five guards and rescued the hostages.

They didn't have time to see who the hostages were. Since there were people in mine 78, their people would come down the mine to look for people, so they asked Wu Degui to turn around and look for other exits.

Wu Xiongfei, Zhang Zihao.

After being far away from the main mine, Qin fan took off the headgear on the hostage's head and showed two familiar faces.

After seeing that the visitors turned out to be Qin fan and Mu Kang, they were also very excited.

"I thought I'd be planted in this place where birds don't shit all my life. I didn't expect you to find it!" Wu Xiongfei's excited eyes were red."It's OK. It's safe for the time being." Qin fan nodded, then looked at Zhang Zihao: "are you transferred from Xiangluo temple?"

Xiangluo temple, at the beginning of the white Jianjia set shadow words, got the name of Wu Xiongfei.

"I don't know." Zhang Zihao shook his head. "We haven't seen the sun since we were caught in Nandu. Our heads have been covered all the time. However, in that place before, I seemed to hear the bell. It should be the Xiangluo temple you said."

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