"It's been a long time for them to prepare for the war. It's not for our power." Jiang Qin sighed a little.

Only Bai Jianjia didn't speak. She looked at the front anxiously, her lips clenched and her chest heaved violently.

"We can't fight like this any more. Although we have more people than them, it doesn't work at all. If we fight like this, those forces will soon disintegrate our offensive and chase us here to encircle us." Jiaolong frowned.

"Where's the red dragon?" Jiang Qin asked.

"It's always inside. If she wasn't in the front, even my people wouldn't attack so quickly. We have to find a way to lock Qin fan's whereabouts as soon as possible and take him away. That's the key."

Jiaolong said, deep eyes suddenly a coagulation, low voice: "not good! Someone's coming

Low call in, see low mountain foot, scream one after another.

All of a sudden, the shadows flashed, stepped on the body of the guard below, and rushed towards the people on the top of the mountain!

Huo Feng!

When he saw the face of one of them, Jiaolong's eyes narrowed and almost disappeared.

And he said, "you go!"

Huo Feng.

Domestic top mercenary killer!

The eight men under his command were all murderous. They didn't know how many lives they were holding.

They have been involved in a number of world-famous events.

These people are real demons. Before, the so-called domestic killer list was just a joke in front of them.

"Miss Bai, take Miss Jiang first. I'll help brother Jiaolong!"

With a low drink, Su Jian's cold light loomed in his hands, and then he rushed down to stop Huo Feng's pursuit.

At the same time, the bodyguards stationed at the side came forward one after another to take Bai Jianjia and Jiang Qin away.

Unexpectedly, white Jianjia body light to break away, instant change disappeared without a trace, I do not know where to go.

Only Jiang Qin anxiously looked at the direction of the crowd's disappearance and followed the bodyguard to leave first.

"Master, we don't have enough people. We are not their opponents. The task is going to fail."

Far away from the mountain, Jiang Qin took out the phone and made a call.

"I know that the three ancient families worked together to prepare this event. You people can't easily stop it."

On the other end of the phone, it was Jiang Yanzi's cold voice.

Jiang Qin smell speech some anxious, hurried way: "that how to do?"? In less than half an hour, their people found us. Jiaolong and they all took part in the battle, and even Bai Jianjia disappeared. We have to find a way quickly. Otherwise, the four families will be folded here, and they will be retaliated by the ancient families in the future... "

Jiang Qin's words haven't finished, he was interrupted by Jiang Yanzi.

"You don't have to repeat the seriousness of the matter to me. I can only tell you that I'm in front of the Wei family now. I want to save Qin fan and the four families. Unless the Wei family says something, no matter how many people you send, there is no chance of success."


Hang up.

"Wei family?"

Jiang Qin is holding the phone with a daze in his eyes.

The Wei family is the leader of the four ancient families.

And there are rumors that the Wei family can really represent the strength of the ancient family.

Their people are never born, never interfere with the secular, but the strength of the family, is win, cloud, dragon three together, also incomparable!

Jiang Qin also heard a word.

Win cloud Hualong three gongs, Wei family a slave top three gongs.

The Chinese family disappeared in history decades ago because of its major faults.

At that time, the influence of the Chinese family was far away from the intelligence of the dragon family, winning over the three Yunhua families. It was known as the supreme three gongs.

However, being a slave of the Wei family, he could compete with the three families.

This shows how terrible the strength of the Wei family is.

But Jiang Qin sighs, can the owner really knock on the door of Wei's house? It seems that such a mysterious family has not existed for many years.

The battle in the yingzi mining area continues.

Jiaolong and Sujian fought side by side and were surrounded by Huofeng.

Nine people, like nine demons crawling out of hell, are stained with blood, which is the blood of the enemy. They are surrounded by each other with cold eyes.

"Jiaolong, one of the four Dharma protectors of the Kong family, is just like that." Huo Feng spoke with indifference, and his tone was full of disdain.

"Oh, I thought you guys were so powerful that you couldn't kill us. It seems that it's better to be famous than to meet each other."

Jiaolong gritted his teeth and sneered.

Just after a short fight, one of his arms and one of his thighs were almost abandoned!

If Su Jian hadn't come to support him in time, he would have become a corpse lying here. But in order to save him, Su Jian had been stabbed in the chest several times. Although he didn't stab the viscera, the blood gushed out and he almost lost his strength to stand up."Hard mouth, kill them all, then go and catch the others and give them to the other side."

Huo FengSi didn't want to continue to argue with them. She coldly opened her mouth and led her to chase jiangqin away.

Three people left behind, took out the wooden warehouse from their arms, pointed the entrance of the wooden warehouse at the eyebrows of Jiaolong and Su Jian, and instantly pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang!

Two shots from the low mountain startled Bai Jianjia.

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