An unknown Village Road in the southern suburb.

Inside a black Buick SUV.

Qin fan looked at Hong Xin in black night clothes, rubbed his nose and asked, "is it cold?"

"Cut, all the big forces in Shangjing are in a mess for you. Do you still care if I'm cold?" Hong Xin said.

However, looking at Qin fan's puzzled eyes, she tightened her night clothes tightly and said, "it's not cold. What's warm inside is warmer than your assault suit."

"Give me one when you're free." Qin fan grinned.

"OK, the village in front of you should be your laboratory. Yunzihuan has been in for a long time. What are you going to do? Although I have followed his route, it's cold. I'm afraid it's not so easy for us to get in again." Hong Xin said.

Outside the car window is the village under heavy snow.

From here, it seems that the village is not very big. At most, there are dozens of families. With the land acquisition and relocation, it has been desolate for a long time.

But after listening to Hong Xin's introduction, she has found out the situation of the village.

The area of Xitun village is small. According to the population statistics three years ago, there are only less than 100 people living in it. The dilapidated tile roofed houses have long been moved away with the land requisition. It has been abandoned for two years.

But the only difference is that when Hong Xin searched the data of Xitun village, he found that this seemingly inconspicuous existence turned out to be the largest underground air defense base in the southern suburb of Shangjing in the 1960s.

The air defense base was built just under the rice field behind the village, covering an area of more than ten mu. It has natural fortifications, open underground environment and escape routes. It was built in that era in response to the policy of digging deep holes above and accumulating grain extensively.

Hong Xin speculated that the so-called Laboratory of the ancient family was probably built in this air defense base.

After all, it has the most convenient underground terrain and remote environment.

They just need to transform the facilities in the air raid shelter immediately. After all, they have no idea that the laboratory, which is closely related to the fate of the ancient family, will be underground in such a humble village.

"That is to say, here is the home of the ancient family?"

Qin fan looked out of the window and drew an imperceptible sneer from the corner of his mouth.

"But the defense here will not be so simple. It should be a collection of all the best forces of the ancient family. If you are careless, it's easy to alarm the ancient family." Hong Xin said.

Qin fan nodded to show his approval.

In order to hide people's eyes and ears, the ancient family would not assign too many people in an abandoned village, so as not to cause unnecessary ideas from outsiders.

But it doesn't mean that they didn't arrange elite forces to stay around.

Once something happens to the village, it will immediately send out a warning signal. The left behind forces will quickly surround the village and kill the intruders!

"Why do I seem to see smoke in the village?"

Qin fan pondered, suddenly a Leng, saw the snow covered village, there is a curl of cooking smoke, rising in the village.

Not only that, his eyesight was far better than ordinary people, and he even saw a figure shaking at the entrance of the village, but the action didn't look unusual. It was more like an ordinary village. After dawn, some villagers went to the entrance of the village for activities.

"Didn't you say the village was abandoned? Why is there anyone else? " Qin fan was stunned for a moment.

Then Hong Xin said, "I know what's going on."

"Why?" Qin fan is curious.

"In the past, when we were operating in Nam m, we also encountered such a strange thing. We were ordered to go to an abandoned village of Nam m and look for an old scammer who had escaped for many years. The scammer was extremely cunning. He won billions in gambling. After escaping to Nam m, we hid in this abandoned village. We found out there was no such thing according to our intelligence Abandoned village, which has been clearly marked as abandoned for more than ten years in mission intelligence, is completely new. There are hundreds of villagers living in it, and there is no sign of the old man at all. " Hong Xin recalled.

"Is intelligence wrong? Did you find the old man later? " Lu fan asked.

"found it, but for this reason, the 25 people we went to came back only me, Zhou Yang and Guo Tian. All the others died and were killed by the seemingly simple villagers in this village!" Hong Xin suddenly whispered in a low voice.

Qin fan was a little stunned when he heard the speech, but then he opened his eyes wide. He couldn't believe it and said, "there are no people living in the village. In fact, the so-called villagers are..."

"Killer!" Hong Xin said with a long breath: "that village was built by Lao Qian after he fled. He hired hundreds of bodyguards and killers to disguise himself as a villager. When outsiders see that there are people in the village, they are bound to let down their vigilance. In this way, everything in the village, as well as the surrounding environment, is completely in Lao Qian's hands, and these people are not machines They are good at camouflage. Behind their seemingly ordinary appearance, they are actually covered with heavy weapons in their bodies and houses. Even if they are ten times as many pursuers, they can't be their opponents. "

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