It's in front of the teaching building.

Wang Chao stared at Qin fan, hesitated for a long time, then said: "old four, you really believe Lin Xue's words, today's class atmosphere you also saw, I always feel there must be fraud in this thing."

"Yes, look at Lin Xue's dress today. It's obvious that Chen zikun asked her to dress like this. You say you want to go. Even if Lin Xue won't do well, Chen zikun's bird goods will be good for you?" Huang haozeng said.

Qin fan sat on the next step, smoking in silence.

First love is always a thorn in a man's heart.

You can't pull it out or touch it.

Although Lin Xuegang got rid of Qin fan, he was with Chen zikun.

But just now in front of so many people's words, let Qin fan or moved his mind.

After all, two years of dedication, even if the mouth does not say, it is impossible not to think.

"I'd better go. I'll come back after a walk."

Qin fan put out the cigarette end and stood up.

"It's over."

Several people in the dormitory looked at each other. Wang Chao sighed and said, "OK, Royal Yongli. I'll drive you."

"We'll go too." Huang haozeng and Chen Yu also stood up and said.

Qin Fan said with a smile: "no, it's not a tiger's den. The boss can take me there. You can rest in your bedroom and wait for me to bring you back for supper. Let's have a few more drinks."

Their mind Qin fan understood, worried that this evening like in the song music KTV, Chen zikun will do harm to himself.

But since Lin Xue invited herself to her birthday party in front of the whole class, there should be no problem.

Royal Wynn is a famous upscale entertainment club in southern metropolis.

It's no longer comparable to these KTVs and bars near primary schools.

It is said that to be a waiter inside, you have to have a bachelor's degree, and you have to know a foreign language. Before Qin fan, you can't afford to spend here.

Wang Chao drove the car to the parking lot of the club, and then told Qin fan: "if you have something to call, I'll wait for you at the door."

Qin fan laughs and doesn't say much.

Entering the Royal Wing Lee hall, Qin fan can't help but feel the luxury here.

Light luxury decoration style, inside the waiters are also very beautiful, all wearing uniform professional dress, legs wrapped in stockings, the figure is also much better than the average person.

Take the elevator directly to the third floor, Qin fan found the box, pushed the door and went in.

The private room is full of people.

Besides Lin Xue and Chen zikun, most of Qin fan also feel familiar.

Most of them are the second generation of rich people from NTU, and there are still some strange faces. Although they don't know each other, they certainly have different family conditions in terms of dress and temperament.

A typical gathering of the rich second generation.

"Qin fan, you are here at last."

Lin Xue is sitting beside Chen zikun, two people hand in hand, Qin fan's heart is entangled.

"Xuexue, this is what you just said about your ex boyfriend. I can't see that your previous taste is quite unique."

A six point girl in a black skirt with one shoulder looks at Qin fan, covers her mouth and laughs.

"I've broken up. Now I'm just an ordinary friend. Today is my birthday, so let him sit down. Don't think much about it." Lin Xue said lightly.

"Since it's my ex boyfriend who came to your birthday party, I'm sure he has prepared rich birthday gifts for Lin Xue. What are you doing? Take them out and let's have a look."

Girls say so, everyone's eyes fall on Qin fan.

Qin fan found out that the food had not been served on the table, but there were many presents on the table.

Pagatu's bag, a big bunch of red roses, shoes and clothes, no less than 1000 yuan, are very high-grade.

"Well, I came in a hurry, and I didn't prepare any gifts, so I brought a thermos cup with me. Xuexue, don't give up."

Qin fan also put the thermos cup given by poly on the table among a lot of gifts.

"Pao, mug?"

A girl in a white sling suddenly burst into laughter.

"Handsome Qin, in the summer, do you give Xuexue a mug? You mean it on purpose, don't you

"That is, in the school supermarket more than ten yuan to buy the cup, or meaning to get here, Lin Xue, it seems that your ex boyfriend is not good."

"It's no shame to have a mug as a birthday present."

"It seems that the so-called straight male cancer, but also so."

After listening to these people's sarcasm, Qin fan was a little upset.

This thermos cup was given to Qin fan by the manager of poly auto company because he bought more than 1.8 million Mercedes Benz cars.

Originally, there was a gold-plated silk film printed with Mercedes Benz logo on the outside of the thermos cup.But Qin fan thought it was too high-profile, so he stuffed it into the cup box.

But no matter what, everyone is a student, and he is invited by Lin Xue again and again. No matter what he brings, he should not be ridiculed, right?

"Qin fan, I didn't expect that I specially invited you to my birthday party today. You brought this kind of thing to humiliate me."

Lin Xue looks at Qin fan with a disappointed face. Before, the sincere appearance in the classroom also disappears.

, "let me see what cups are, and what are the high quality goods that people choose to work. It's so embarrassing if we don't know woodlouse anymore."

With that, the girl stood up and took the thermos cup on the table.

"Tut Tut, t-card, it seems that we have this in our front door store. It costs 20 yuan, but it seems to be a bigger model than this one. Ha ha!"

The girl opened the box and took out the thermos.

"Oh, it also has a filter. It seems that we don't have to go to the coffee shop to drink our tea. We can buy two Jin of tea directly and make a bubble in it. It's enough for one day!"

"Ha ha, my grandfather has one of these cups, which is given by 200 yuan for activities in the mall. He doesn't use it himself. He loads dog food for my dog, and the dog eats happily in it!"

"Otherwise, Xuexue, sell this cup to me. My bullfight is also anorexic. Maybe it likes this cup too. People don't use it. Dogs can use it."

These people, you a word I a language, keep sneering.

Most of them come from wealthy families. Although they haven't made any money, they never give gifts to each other or give cheap goods.

As for the rich second generation of NTU, they look at Qin fan angrily and feel that being in the same school with such a loser is the biggest shame in life.

"Give me the cup."

Lin Xue stood up coldly and reached for the thermos cup on the sling woman's hand.


In front of Qin fan's face, Lin Xue's fingers loosened and the thermos cup fell to pieces on the ground.

"Everyone sit down and get ready for dinner. Let the cleaner sweep this away with the garbage later."

Lin Xue returned to her seat and wiped her hands with a wet tissue, as if what she had just thrown away was really a piece of garbage.

Chen zikun took a look at Qin fan with a smile, and then said with the attitude of the master: "let's sit down. In addition to dinner tonight, I also ordered a big bag for the water meeting on the fifth floor. Only when we eat and drink well, can we continue to go to the water meeting!"

"Royal water society?"

The girl in black skirt blinked.

"Is it possible to swim, drink and have a lot of foreign performances?"

Chen zikun nodded triumphantly.

"Wow, really, I've heard about this place for a long time, but I haven't had a chance to go. I heard that there are many foreign handsome guys there. Maybe I can meet one tonight. I'm looking for a foreign boyfriend!"

"Yes, it's said that the per capita consumption there can't be less than one thousand. There are more than ten people in our room. It's an expenditure of ten thousand or twenty thousand. We're not rich enough."

"That's right. Fortunately, Lin Xue is looking for Kun Shao. If she wants to stay with her former loser boyfriend, we'll have to eat barbecue and drink 2 yuan beer in the back street of the school today."

With that, the man looked at Qin fan with red face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see it. Just now, you think I didn't say it, ha ha ha!"

Several people regard Qin fan, who is still standing at the door, as the air.

He laughed wildly.

Chen zikun turned his eyes and waved to Qin fan. He was embarrassed to say, "Oh, Xuexue didn't tell me you would come in advance, and this seat is full. Otherwise, I'll ask the waiter to go outside and move a bench for you. You can just sit down next to him. Don't worry, you can definitely get food!"

"There's no need to call the waiter. I just have one here."

A friend of Chen zikun moved out a red plastic chair from behind his buttocks and put it in the corner with a sneer on his face.

"Sit down. If you can't eat, remember to say, I'll bring you the plate and let you sit there slowly."

Looking at Lin Xue in the crowd with a sense of superiority on her face, Qin fan's heart is painful again.

Do girls like this kind of environment?

Is this the life she has been pursuing?

It's just a birthday party between classmates and friends. Do you want to divide the people around you into different grades?

Lin Xue, you called me to come here today, just to perform such a play, trample me hard under your feet, and let your friends around you ridicule me?

Even if you have been raising cats and dogs for a long time, you will have feelings. Do you have no place in your heart?

Qin fan eyes slightly red, teeth clench lips, difficult to squeeze out a smile.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."Just as Qin fan turned around, Lin Xue's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Wait a minute!"

Qin fan's feet stagnated. He lowered his head and said, "is there anything else?"

Lin Xue stood up, cold voice said: "Qin fan, after tonight, I don't want to see you in school, and you don't want to mention in front of anyone that you used to be my boyfriend, don't give me harassment calls, don't send text messages, we'll be as if no one has ever been, can you understand what I mean?"

"That is, this kind of loser is out of sight and out of mind. Toads still want to eat swan meat. If I were him, I would not have the face to appear here." Black skirt girl said sarcastically.

Qin fan's body trembled. He felt as if his heart had been gouged out by a knife. He was bleeding desperately.

"Well, I see. Goodbye."

Qin fan took a breath, nodded silently, pushed the door open and left.

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