The nameless village is expanding.

It is mainly to expand underground works.

With the help of all members of the "Hunter" operation team, Yu Laowu spent three days expanding the number of children detained in the family by more than ten times.

It's filled with ventilation, medical equipment, beds, chemical protective clothing and tools.

When all this was ready, Wang Meng drove himself, picked up a teenager about 18 years old in the suburbs of upper Beijing, and entered the village.

Eleven people, including teenagers, were all locked in the basement on the same day. Everyone was covered with metal wires. They fell into a coma during anesthesia and entered the transformation process.

In Qin fan's house, Bai Jianjia looked at him hesitantly and said, "what's the difference between your forced transformation of their bodies and the behavior of the ancient family?"

None of the people in the basement are willing to accept the transformation themselves.

Everyone was anesthetized in advance and forced to reform their bodies.

When Bai Jianjia learned that this was Qin fan's plan, her mood was very complicated. After considering it for a long time, she finally decided to have a good talk with Qin fan.

Qin fan seems to have expected that she would come to find herself, and did not rush to explain.

Instead, he asked her to sit down first, pour a cup of hot tea and put it in the palm of Bai Jianjia's hand. Then he sat opposite her and looked at her quietly.

"What do you want me to do?"

Bai Jianjia glanced at him and felt that Qin fan really avoided the problem.

"You think it's cruel and unfair to them." Qin Fan said.

"Well, although the ancient family is very hateful, the culprits are those who are in power. Although those who execute orders are hateful, those who are now in the basement are innocent and should not be involved." Bai Jianjia said.

"They are indeed innocent." Qin fan nodded and admitted, "especially Yun Junyan. He didn't even know that he would be the rebirth of his grandfather yunmo. He lived in the second ancestral home of the cloud family since he was born. These things have nothing to do with him."

"Then why do you want to reform him by force?" Bai Jianjia is not angry.

Qin fan calmly smile, "do you want to know?"

Bai Jianjia looked at him with a water cup in his hand, and the meaning was very obvious.

"I'll put them all home in three days, and leave none." Qin Fan said.

"And then?" Bai Jianjia didn't understand. She thought Qin fan had transformed all these people and left them in her hands as a bargaining chip against the ancient family. But she didn't expect that Qin fan would let them go.

"No, then."

Qin fan lightly drank tea, it is obvious that even if the opposite is white Jianjia, he does not want to say too much.

Three days later, all the people in the basement woke up and were injected with anesthetics. After that, Qin fan and Wang Meng drove them out of the village and went to the city.

That night.

One by one, the young people tied into rice dumplings were thrown in front of the families.

Among them are Yun Junyan, who is missing in his second ancestral home, long Feiyu, who was abducted in a special hospital, and several other family children who were abducted at the same time.

They were all found at the gate by the servants of the night inspection.

When he was found, he was wearing a single garment and was exposed to the skin outside the garment, leaving dense needle holes.

All the families were appalled!

When they saw them, they asked where they had disappeared first.

However, they did not know the location. They only described the faces of several people with simple memory, and when they were covered with metal wires, all the families, including the ancient families, were in panic.

They were really robbed by Qin fan's accomplices!

Moreover, in that unknown place, everyone was transformed by Qin fan!

All families panic.

Especially the dragon family.

At the first time, he contacted other ancient families and asked to send long Feiyu to the latest research laboratory for a comprehensive physical examination to see what step he had been transformed to.

Coincidentally, after other families learned about this situation, they all followed the example of the dragon family and asked to send their children to the same place for examination.

As the elder of the Presbyterian Council of the ancient family, Ying Wangshu, after analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, resolutely rejected all the family's demands, and then secretly called long Feiyu to Yingfu. After asking about the whereabouts of Ying Junyao, he secretly sent him to a new laboratory for physical examination.

That night.

All the people in the unknown village are out.

Qin fan, Wang Meng, Yu Laowu, and Qu Zhihai, each driving a car, led their own team from different directions, left the unknown village and went straight to Tianjin.

In Qin fan's car, there are Bai Jianjia, Zhang Zihao and Ying Junyao.

Ying Junyao should have stayed in the village like Bai Tao, but when she saw that the whole village was out, she insisted on taking Qin fan's car and taking part in this opportunity, regardless of Qin fan's opposition."At least, when you can't support it, you can take me as a hostage."

This is what Ying Junyao told Qin fan.

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