"All cloud family members listen to the order, draw 60 people to go home, the remaining 40 people stay at home!"

"All the winning families listen to the order, draw 70 people to go home, and the remaining 30 people stay at home!"

"All the dragon family members, follow orders, all retreat!"

Orders came down from the sky on the sea in the middle of the night!

All the ancient family guards in their sleep were awakened.

The dragon family retreated that night.

Almost 70% of the winners left 30 people on board.

As the leader of this lab, Yunjia also left only 40 people.

Originally, the ship with 300 strength let go and was evacuated instantly, leaving less than 70 people behind.

Qin fan and Yun Tianze are not included in the list of transferred personnel.

Because it's voluntary, almost everyone is willing to go back after hearing the news.

Of course, Qin fan can't go. As for Yun Tianze, he wants to go more than anyone else, but Qin fan keeps him alive and fails to escape with him.

All the people left behind stood on the deck, watching a transport helicopter leave.

Yun Tianze's face was full of tears and he waved to the helicopter.

Wait for the helicopter to turn into a few black spots and disappear into view.

We all recovered and stood in front of their respective captains.

Through a day's time, Qin fan also learned that the captains of these teams are also remoulders.

Just like Yunnan fengshui, he has extraordinary skills and a good position in the family.

"From today on, we will change the guard every 12 hours, 30 people at a time. We must defend ourselves to the death and guard in secret. We must never let the enemy have any chance!"

The captain ordered.


Qin fan cried out.

After the dispersal, Qin fan and Yun Tianze just took turns.

Two people are still standing in the bow, cloud sky Ze looking at the direction of the helicopter disappeared, secretly sigh: "this special is a pit ah."

Qin fan looked at him and asked, "what's the relationship between you and Yun Tiance?"

Yuntianze turned to him in surprise and said, "how do you know my elder brother?"

Sure enough

Qin fan looked at him predictably. From the beginning, he heard the name of Yun Tianze, and immediately thought of Yun Tiance.

This man, who was forced by his family and whose child died miserably, was always thinking about revenge for his beloved son.

Therefore, as Yun Tiance's younger brother and the uncle of the dead child, this man was so relaxed about his appearance that he didn't report it to him at the first time.

"You also want to destroy the cloud family?" Qin fan asked.

Yuntianze did not answer, but lit a cigarette, and then held it in his mouth and said, "I'm the cloud family. Naturally, I don't want to see the collapse of the cloud family. I just want some people to die. It has nothing to do with the cloud family."

In fact, the only one who wants to be avenged by the people from the north is not the one who turns a blind eye to him.

So when he saw Qin fanneng get on the boat and kill his accomplices, he knew that this was the man he was waiting for.

At this point, there is nothing else to say.

Qin fan also lit a cigarette in his mouth and said, "don't worry, I won't implicate you."

Yun Tianze snorted, "why did you leave me here if you didn't let me go just now?"

"If you don't say it earlier, I'll let you go. Otherwise, who knows if you will go to the family to complain and then send someone to arrest me." Qin Fan said with a smile.

Yuntianze turned his lips and stopped talking.

Qin fan asked curiously, "do you know what happened outside? They are so anxious to transfer these people away that they don't even care about the sea liner?"

When things go wrong, there must be demons. In Qin Fanzhong, even if there is no such thing, it should be the most important thing in the eyes of the ancient family. But who knows, it's strange that they should transfer so many people so decisively.

"I heard about some..." Yun Tianze smokes the flue: "it's said that there are some amazing guys in Shangjing. They killed several core industries of the ancient family overnight, and it seems that they have to take actions against several ancestors. The family members are in danger and have no choice but to transfer them back."

Qin fan smell speech a Leng, the first reaction, is to win Jun Yao their dry.

This girl

It's really bold.

Qin fan sighed.

"However, it seems that there are not many people going back to the laboratory. If the opponent is really so terrible, just relying on this person, I'm afraid it's just going to be cannon fodder..."

When Yun Tianze was talking, he glanced at Qin fan intentionally or unintentionally, which means that your accomplice is really awesome.

But before he finished speaking, the black spot disappeared in the distance and reappeared.Black transport planes reappeared in the public eye, flying directly over their heads and heading for the container area behind them.

Qin fan watched the helicopter landing in the container area. His eyes flashed and he spat out the smoke in his mouth. There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

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