Hammer, from the sky.

Mixed with Wan Jun's strength, he will kill Qin fan directly!

Qin fan drew a smile from the corner of his mouth. "It's said that no one should be hurt until the point is finished. I'm afraid this hammer can directly smash a person's head to the bottom of his feet and slowly count the ants on the ground?"

Qin fan didn't dodge either. The meteor hammer falling from the sky was shining down on his head! The strong wind even blew the hair on Qin fan's head up, and the thunder was like Mount Tai!

When he saw that Qin fan didn't move, he didn't even mean to dodge, so his arm became more and more powerful, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He was very proud: "ha ha ha! Rubbish! So you are just a embroidered pillow! When I smash your head with a hammer, I'll be recorded by master Wei Feng! And our whole family will rise up because of my dignity

At the same time, Wei Feng, Wei Xiaohan and others are also staring at Qin fan.

When he saw Qin fan standing under the falling hammer, instead of dodging, his face was smiling. Wei Xiaohan could not help shouting: "are you crazy? If you don't hide, you're going to be smashed into meat mud! "

Wei Feng sat with his confidants and laughed happily.

"If Zihao can really kill Qin fan with one blow, he can be the leader of the guard who comes out of peacock and let him sit down."

Wei Feng nodded and looked at the scene in the challenge arena, not noticing the venomous light in Wei Zihu's eyes.

In the big challenge arena.

Qin fan's smile has disappeared.

Just when the huge meteor hammer was about to smash his head, Qin fan didn't lift his head, turned his head, then took a step backward, and the hammer fell down, directly on the hard floor!


The whole valley seemed to tremble under this blow!

Everyone's heart almost jumped out of their throat.

Open your eyes, Qin fan speed is too fast, they thought it was hammer smashed through his body, directly rammed on the ground!

As the gravel flew and the smoke filled the air, Qin fan reached out and hit the man on the chest, then took it back.

The whole process, no more than a second.

Da Han didn't even have time to react. He didn't even see how Qin fan shot. He just felt like a meteor hit him in the chest.

"Click, click!"

The sound of broken bones explodes all over the valley!

In the eyes of the whole audience, the man looked down at his chest and felt the pain of bone fracture. After that, he opened his hand and stood on the challenge arena and screamed.


The big man screamed.

Lasted about three seconds, a mouthful of blood from the throat, and then fell to the ground.

And Qin fan, still negative hand standing in place, as if he had never moved, indifferent detachment, no emotional fluctuations.

"He won!"

Wei Xiaohan was the first to react and couldn't help shouting.

But when he saw that all the guards around him were looking at him angrily, he suddenly shrunk his neck and said in a low voice, "this can win. How can it be done?"

"Another waste!" Wei Feng had a gloomy face. He thought victory was easy to get, but he didn't think that Qin fan didn't pay attention to these people at all. No matter how terrible the opponent's posture was, he only needed one move to end the battle.

He's confident that he can do it, but it's too fast for him to hang on his face.

Then, one after another, challengers came to power and challenged Qin fan in turn.

As a result, it is obvious that Qin fan ended the battle with only one punch.

Soon, nearly 20 people were carried down from the challenge arena.

The face of the Wei family began to look more and more ugly. After an outsider provoked the whole Wei family in public, he beat and maimed so many Wei family members one after another.

Many elders can't help themselves. They want to go down and challenge Qin fan directly!

"It's not interesting."

Qin fan's eyes looked around. If the inside information of the Wei family was like this, he would not be afraid even if he was a pure blood man.

At this time, another person jumped up.

Without the referee, he jumped into the challenge arena and stood in front of Qin fan.

As soon as this man appeared, Qin fan smelled a dangerous breath.

I can't help looking up and frowning.

The visitor was a young man about his age. He had a pretty face and was dressed in a simple Han suit. It seemed that he didn't intend to take part in the challenge at the beginning. Only when he saw that the Wei family had lost in succession and couldn't keep his face, he stepped down from the ceremony and challenged Qin fan.

"I admit you are strong, but you are not my opponent."

The youth's words are indifferent, and they don't look like those people Qin fan contacted before are eager to make contributions and can't wait."The reformer." Qin fan nodded calmly.

The young man didn't say anything. With one punch, he came to Qin fan's face!

It's faster than all the challengers on stage!

This even reminds Qin fan of Wang Meng, who is weak.

The fist is roaring, hard to hit the door!

"There is something wrong with the Wei family."

Qin fan chuckles, Waiguo's head dodges the blow, and then kicks the whip leg directly on the young man's stomach. The young man's body flies away and falls heavily on the challenge arena.

"Is he going to lose?"

The defeat of the youth made the whole audience hold their breath.

This is not an ordinary Wei family member, but a mausoleum keeper!

From the ancestral tomb side room, is the Wei family most core sharp strength!

After the young man fell to the ground, he quickly stood up. There was no sign of any injury on his face. He just looked at Qin fan coldly and said: "alien, damn it!"


Qin fan was stunned, but the next scene made him stand on his head!

See, this youth unexpectedly right foot fiercely push toward the ground, hard stone brick answer a sound be trampled out layer upon layer crack at his foot! His body is as fast as lightning. Without waiting for any reaction from Qin fan, he has already appeared in front of Qin fan and hit him in the stomach with one punch.


Qin fan's body was like a kite with a broken line. He flew backwards for several meters before falling heavily to the ground.

There is blood flowing in the corner of the mouth, which is obviously caused by a serious internal injury.


Thousands of Wei families stood up and cheered for the strike.

The young man, even more unchanged, strode towards Qin fan, bent down and reached out, grabbed Qin fan's collar, lifted him up and stood in the air.

"Those who challenge the authority of Wei family will die!"


Another blow hit Qin fan on the chest!

However, what makes him feel different is that this blow should have directly smashed Qin fan's sternum, but when he goes on with one blow, he doesn't have any sense of smashing bones. On the contrary, it's like smashing on cotton, which is soft and has no sense of exertion.

"What's in Wei's ancestral grave?"

Qin fan looked at the young man with a smile, blocking his chest and grabbing the five fingers of his fist when he was young, and suddenly made his strength!

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